[the_old_crowd] Re: What do you believe?

Tim Regan dumbledad at dumbledad.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 1 16:49:50 UTC 2007

Hi All,

Phyllis wrote:
>>> I am quite annoyed by the fact that Rowling is now giving contradictory
answers to the question of what the characters' career paths are when they
grow up. On Sunday's NBC Dateline interview, she said Ron and Harry both
become Aurors while on Monday's online Bloomsbury chat, she said that Ron
joins George in running the joke shop. <<<

Dave replied:
>>> Those are not necessarily contradictory. If you remember, Ron was cross
with his brothers for allowing Draco to get hold of Peruvian Darkness Powder
at the end of HPB. As an auror, he goes undercover to work in George's shop,
eventually whipping off his disguise ("I'm not really your brother Ron
Weasley, I'm Ron Weasley, Auror!") and arresting him when he has enough
evidence. <<<

More prosaically, I took from the two discussions that Ron started working
in the shop (his family's poverty was an issue for him after all) but that
when he had earned enough money he left to become an auror. But looking at
the chats again that is not what she says. Ho hum.



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