Fogging the Future
dk59us at
Wed Feb 14 04:06:25 UTC 2007
Kneasy wrote:
<snipped except for one part that jogged a stray thought from
Eustace_Scrubb's addled pate>
> It's no secret that I'm a firm advocate of the Puppetmaster!DD
> heresy, and by extension have a strong suspicion that Sybill was
> DD's mouthpiece at the Inn, that he quite literally put words into
> her mouth. But what about the other prophecy, the one in PoA? Was it
> real, or was it too a bit of sleight-of-tongue? Hm. Difficult. Mind
> you, there are minor differences between the two. With the Inn
> episode, the stories from Sybill and DD don't quite match; DD
> reckons that the eavesdropper wasn't able to hear the prophecy in
> its entirety, yet old Syb, who should have been in a trance,
> recollects Snape bursting into the room. Somebody is leading us up
> the garden path. Might even be Jo - if the eavesdropper is not Sevvy
> after all. Again, in HBP she reports that she'd felt "a little
> odd", whereas on PoA she thinks she may just have "drifted off".
> Not quite the same thing. Is it a significant difference? Are both
> real prophecies, is one real (if so, which?), or are both fake?
Now Eustace_Scrubb, pondering the Potterverse while waiting for a
blizzard to begin:
We hear a lot in HBP about Tom Riddle's timely planting of false
memories when he framed Morfin and Hepzibah Smith's house elf for
murders they didn't commit. If one advocates the Puppetmaster!DD
scenario, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to imagine that Trelawney's
memory of Snape bursting in (when, as you say, she should have been in
a trance) could have been a plant. Surely DD would have been able to
do this--and given the overall thrust of Puppetmaster!DD I won't argue
that DD was "too noble" to do so, if it forwarded his plan. If the
memory was a plant, the interesting question would be "When?" At the
beginning, back at the Hog's Head, or much closer to the moment Harry
got the story from Sybill? And to exactly what purpose?
On a possibly related note, I wonder if Harry might find vial or two
of memories that lead him back into the Pensieve in DH...if he's
anywhere near it.
Perhaps I'll ponder further tomorrow while shovelling...
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