Fogging the Future

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at
Wed Feb 14 22:14:03 UTC 2007

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Eustace_Scrubb" <dk59us at ...> wrote:
> We hear a lot in HBP about Tom Riddle's timely planting of false
> memories when he framed Morfin and Hepzibah Smith's house elf for
> murders they didn't commit.  If one advocates the Puppetmaster!DD
> scenario, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to imagine that Trelawney's
> memory of Snape bursting in (when, as you say, she should have been in
> a trance) could have been a plant.  Surely DD would have been able to
> do this--and given the overall thrust of Puppetmaster!DD I won't argue
> that DD was "too noble" to do so, if it forwarded his plan.  If the
> memory was a plant, the interesting question would be "When?"  At the
> beginning, back at the Hog's Head, or much closer to the moment Harry
> got the story from Sybill?  And to exactly what purpose?

DD, being the most powerful wizard in the known universe, or at least
in the Potterverse, should find a little mind-bending no problem at all.

As for when the idea of Snapes dramatic entrance was planted in Syb...
um. Not immediately, 'cos we've got the Penseive and Prophecy Orb
showing the old girl doing her party piece uninterrupted - though I  
suppose they could be fixed too. Though that seems overly complicated,
even for DD. 

Best bet is after young Potter joined Hogwarts IMO.
Voldy might have come a permanent cropper at Godric's Hollow, or he
might not have managed his come-back tour, or done it some other
way, so keeping things flexible makes sense. But when he does return,
foster a nice antipathy between Harry and Sevvy, let it fester to the stage
where Harry will believe anything of Snapey, prime old Syb (kept close to
hand all these years), stand back and let events (or the plan) take their 

Besides, there was always an outside chance that Potter might end up  
in Slytherin after all.
Perhaps it's all the mental pressure that's made Syb hit the bottle.

> On a possibly related note, I wonder if Harry might find vial or two 
> of memories that lead him back into the Pensieve in DH...if he's
> anywhere near it.

Bound to.
Either that or he'll mend his magic mirror and start chatting to stiffs.
Maybe both.


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