Anyone Going For The Leaked Book?
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at
Fri Jul 20 08:54:42 UTC 2007
--- In the_old_crowd at, "entropymail" <entropymail at ...> wrote:
> Just curious if anyone is reading the BitTorrented book that's been
> going around.
When news of this first started to circulate I did wonder if it was a bit
of pre-publication fakery intended to wind up the readship. We've
seen similar things in the past and the last volume would be an
obvious target for jokers.
Not so, it seems.
Word has it that it's the true quill.
IMO it's not really important but it is intensely irritating. And the
chances of inadvertently stumbling across massive spoilers has
increased exponentially as the leak propagates across the web.
So, this calls for a change to the usual release-day rituals at
Schloss Kneasy.
"Igor! Prepare the Solitarium! Your Master is entering his retreat
24 hours early. Replenish the stocks of chocolate digestives,
grind more coffee beans and refurbish the inflatable commode.
"Pass the word to Mesdames Slack Alice and Knickerless Nickleby
that I won't be coming out to play this evening, screen all in-coming
calls and disable that internet thingy - though not permanently, so
you can just put that flame-thrower down.
"Tomorrow you shall take my place in negotiating the purchase of
said tome; take the shopping trolley with scythe blades on the
wheel-hubs. If, during your progression through the scrum at the
book emporium, any ignorant loud-mouth starts wittering on about
Potter leaks, you have my permission to slice them off at the ankles.
Mark my words, there'll be at least one shitferbrains knowitall eager
to spoil it for everyone else. Show no mercy.
"Upon your return you will pass the book to me through the security
hatch *without saying one word*.
That is all."
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