When all's read and done - spoilerish
josturgess at mooseming.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 22 11:28:43 UTC 2007
Oh Carolyn how I laughed, thank you for that!
I have to admit I seriously lowered my expectations after HBP, that
book really pissed me off. So I was actually quite pleased with DH.
Not at all surprised by the sudden appearance of the unflagged
Hallows plot line, I'd been expecting something totally out of the
blue a la Christie.
It was a fast paced big bang ending which I found emotionally
engaging (far more so than OOP or HBP).
I was frustrated by all that camping , I kept thinking *get on with
it there's so much more and you're wasting time here*, upshot being
I thought the last quarter was rushed.
In spite of my pessimistic stance JK still managed to disappoint me
with the epilogue, I wanted to know more about everyone and
everything in the WW.
Felt she left plenty of space for a revisit if the mood takes her,
all those juniors plus them damned hallows still knocking about. The
founders' story still wide open.
Hated the deathstick, simply a WTF moment for me. The whole
wand/owner/defeater thing became somewhat farcical, I couldn't help
but recall Danny Kaye and *the pellet with the poison is in the
flagon with the dragon.*
My sister-in-law (aged 34 and a graduate, not a HP fanatic) rang me
up so I could explain the whose wand thing which she found confusing!
Ye gods what were all those hints about, the late flowering magic,
Lily and James' jobs, the married teacher
and the US cover art just
what was that supposed to be showing us?
It had to be Lollipops (we all knew it really) though not many
guessed as early as Amanda (well done that woman). Also well done
the Puppetmaster!DDers (Talisman's Dark Mirror holds up well). Still
unsure about the blood brother thingy, if the charm wore off when
Harry turned 17 and he had to leave Privet Drive how come it worked
Most of my predictions were completely wrong, no mimbulus action, no
Neville as the other, no 12 uses of Dragon's Blood involved in HRX,
no Phoenix song (although Harry did call out sounding like a
trumpet). But then JK wove a tale that was much bigger than it
needed to be, I don't care that Lupin isn't evil or Snape a vampire,
she made a world for us to play in and play we did!
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