When all's read and done - spoilerish

Annemehr annemehr at annemehr.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 22 13:51:15 UTC 2007

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "mooseming" <josturgess at ...> 
> S
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> Oh Carolyn how I laughed, thank you for that!
Yes, me too!

> In spite of my pessimistic stance JK still managed to disappoint me 
> with the epilogue, I wanted to know more about everyone and 
> everything in the WW.

Definitely.  And I certainly hope Albus Severus is a Slytherin.

> Hated the deathstick, simply a WTF moment for me. The whole 
> wand/owner/defeater thing became somewhat farcical, I couldn't help 
> but recall Danny Kaye and *the pellet with the poison is in the 
> flagon with the dragon.*

Heh. Really.  And after all those books where it's so rare for a wand 
to be lost by any means, here they are playing hot potato with them!  
And I'm sorry, but if DD could BEAT a talented guy who'd duelling 
with and UNBEATABLE WAND, I need to know how that came about.

Maybe it's just those Hallows aren't supposed to be perfect - the 
wand's not unbeatable, the cloak can slip, the dead that return 
aren't 100% there...but the concept was introduced so late, there was 
no time to nail it down properly.

> Ye gods what were all those hints about, the late flowering magic, 
> Lily and James' jobs, the married teacher
and the US cover art just 
> what was that supposed to be showing us?

I expect all those questions will be submitted for the online chat 
coming up on the 30th. As for the cover, I'm sure that's meant to be 
the confrontation in the Great Hall at the end, though I'm not sure 
what Harry's doing with his hand (can't look it up, as both daughters 
have both copies of the book).

> It had to be Lollipops (we all knew it really) though not many 
> guessed as early as Amanda (well done that woman). Also well done 
> the Puppetmaster!DDers (Talisman's Dark Mirror holds up well). 
> unsure about the blood brother thingy, if the charm wore off when 
> Harry turned 17 and he had to leave Privet Drive how come it worked 
> later?

Did it have to be Lollipops, exactly?  I was hoping for more of a 
friendship thing.  And, my estimation of Lily has gone down a bit -- 
why did she end up with James?  Is she just another one of the 
Beautiful People?  And why was JKR so cagey about their careers?

> Most of my predictions were completely wrong, no mimbulus action, 
> Neville as the other, no 12 uses of Dragon's Blood involved in HRX, 
> no Phoenix song (although Harry did call out sounding like a 
> trumpet). But then JK wove a tale that was much bigger than it 
> needed to be, I don't care that Lupin isn't evil or Snape a 
> she made a world for us to play in and play we did!
> Regards
> Jo

My only one was that what Harry ended up doing would echo Lily's 
sacrifice.  I didn't think it would be so nearly a literal copy!  The 
only thing different is that he didn't *actually* die (I guess that 
was a Near Death Experience, huh?).

Definitely, I think Snape echoed Quirrell as he would in Dark Mirror 
II: Snape *was* the DADA -- in literal defense of the students 
against the Carrows, and he *was* left to die by his master (DD).  
Both kept their masters' bodies alive temporarily (Quirrell, LV's 
body-du-jour - his own - with the unicorn blood, Snape by confining 
the ring curse to DD's hand). I suppose the mirror image involved 
would be in whom they were working for: Quirrell pretending to work 
for DD but really for LV, and Snape just the opposite.

Beyond hating that Snape died, and *why*, I was not pleased he got 
bit in the neck.  Is this supposed to be a vampire joke?

On the other hand, Harry generally felt like "my" idea of Harry of 
old -- through GoF.  And Ron was cool.

I liked Kreacher and Percy.  I know, they're sappy; I still 
like 'em.  I don't mind that Kreacher made Sirius look even worse, 
either.  I liked Regulus - and I don't take credit for knowing he was 
RAB; it was just too obvious.  I really like the names Pius 
Thicknesse and Xenophilius Lovegood.  I liked the dragon flying away.

I hope Neville kept the sword.

In my world, Snape lived (Hermione knew a spell to save his life long 
enough for him to be properly healed later.  Come on, you know it's 
true.)  Nowdays, he's Potionsmaster or DADA teacher, whatever he 
likes, and shoots the breeze with Professor Longbottom in the 


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