Collateral Damage, Gryffindor Horcrux, sunken ships and logical ravens
kirst_inn at
Mon Jul 23 20:34:54 UTC 2007
I spoil you spoil he/she/it spoils they have spoiled we will all be spoiled I spoil you spoil
he/she/it spoils they have spoiled we will all be spoiled I spoil you spoil he/she/it spoils
they have spoiled we will all be spoiled I spoil you spoil he/she/it spoils they have spoiled
we will all be spoiled I spoil you spoil he/she/it spoils they have spoiled we will all be
spoiled I spoil you spoil he/she/it spoils they have spoiled we will all be spoiled I spoil
you spoil he/she/it spoils they have spoiled we will all be spoiled, and I must not tell lies,
Hello. I've been dragged out of the woodwork.
> Phyllis: I fully expected to be vindicated in my conviction that Snape
> has always been evil, particularly given how he did nothing to spare
> the Muggle studies teacher from death
> CV: Good point on Muggle Studies teacher. Spilling the beans on
> Harry's departure date was on orders from Dumbledore - but what was
> that bit about "Source?" "The same as we discussed previously."
Actually, Prof Burbage's murder, along with Emmeline Vance's in HBP (which I believe
Snape claimed responsibility for leaking) were two big bits of collateral damage which
made me feel uneasy with the DDM revelation. Oh, the greater good, the greater good.
> Phyllis: I thought the unknown Gryffindor or Ravenclaw Horcrux would
> be from Gryffindor, and that they would find it in Godric's Hollow.
> CV: I've always thought that the house itself was supposed to be the
> Gryffindor horcrux object. Voldy did his boogatyboogawhatever that
> sets up the container object that only needed the murder to start it
> up, but when the murder backfired, the incomplete horcrux (house)
> collapsed. As it turned out, there was no Gryffindor horcrux, so I
> sort of think I was right about that.
I need to do some maths here. The diary, the ring, the locket, the cup, that bloody diadem,
the snake, Voldemort. Right, so Harry was an unknown *seventh* Horcrux and V had an
eight-part soul. RIGHT. I suppose, technically, he did get something of Gryffindor's,
On the topic of the old list; I had a theory there, once, in that Bay. The rather dodgy suffix
was HUMBLE (How Umbridge Modernises Badness/Light Enquiries, could be appended to
any range of products, particularly Percy Is Evil). The ship was called Shades of Grey. The
arsenal featured Sirius' statement re. Umbridge: "The world isn't divided into good people
and Death Eaters" prominently. The premise was something to do with increasing moral
shades of grey in the Pottersverse. I'm going to try and dig it out and mourn its passing.
Really, was there that much need to drag ol' Toadface back into it again?
Do you know the main problem I had with the book? It was that link Kneasy sent us last
week to the Logical Raven fanfic (yes, I've been lurking creepily about for a while). I
thought it was pretty poorly written, to be honest. Lost patience after a few chapters of
constant location jumping, with nothing much being done.
I realised last night I've actually been confusing events in the fanfic with the actual book.
Kirstini, a bit dejected.
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