Was Dumbledore the Puppetmaster I Never Suspected He Was?

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jul 26 14:57:46 UTC 2007

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "entropymail" <entropymail at ...> wrote:
> No, not trusting at all; simply overestimated JKR's ability to pull
> the wool over our eyes. Thought DD's saintly persona was simply a
> twist on the twist. The twist being, we've been taught to expect the
> unexpected in nearly every adult wizarding character: Moody, Lupin,
> Lockhart, etc. So, naturally, Dumbledore, who is simply too good to be
> true, must be suspected of a puppetmaster underbelly. Ah, but the
> twist on the twist: if we are taught to expect that everyone has a
> hidden yin to the seen yang, and expect one from DD as well -- then,
> naturally, he is what he seems to be (no matter that he seems too good
> to be true.)
> Have I made that clear as mud?

But though I can't speak for anyone else, I never considered Puppetmaster
status as something reprehensible, merely an unfortunate necessity.

> But as to Harry's sacrificial pig status? He seems resigned to that.
> Even comfortable. Perhaps it's because he's had sixteen years to get
> used to the idea of fattening Harry up for the inevitable double
> homicide. But I don't think so. Severus' surprise at what would be
> Dumbledore's final solution is taken too matter-of-factly by DD; as if
> he's shocked that clever old Sevvie hadn't figured it all out long
> ago. And amused that Sevvie is the least bit bothered by it.
> Poor Harry. Used as a doormat by his wizard-envying auntie. Used as a
> pawn by his beloved Dumbledore. Used as penance by his greasy Severus.
>   *sigh*

Yeah, some people are born to be victims.
Still, if he'd snuffed it they would have put up a statue to him, had a 
half-day holiday at Hogwarts named in his honour and Weasley Wizarding
Wheezes would market a 'Harry Potter Action Wizard' doll (He walks, he 
talks, he doesn't think), so it wouldn't have been a total loss, would it? 


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