JKR the anti-shipper

Jim Ferer jferer at jferer.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jul 28 21:59:55 UTC 2007

David: "To kick off, I think DH does in a kind of back-handed way cast
all that fuss about the Leaky-  Mugglenet interview in a new light. 
No comfort for upset H/H fans, but it's clear that the   bonds of
adventure trump romantic love for JKR.  Look how, at the end, Harry
deliberately   ignores Ginny and seeks out Ron and Hermione, who in
turn function as his companions   rather than lovers at this point. "

A good point, although JKR, I believe, took a swipe at R/Hers for
their condescension by having Harry and Hermione seem so much closer
than Ron and Hermione. 

JKR settled a lot of scores in DH, such as against conspiracy
theories; but I digress.

Dave: "One Big Weasley Family, yes, with a hint of the Malfoys, but if
it's Happy, it's for extraneous reasons, not because of the

I disagree to the extent that happiness always has many sources, just
as JKR recognizes love of many kinds, and wants to be sure her readers
understand that romantic love isn't the only kind. There are all sorts
of relationships here, not just romantic ones, and while Harry loves
Ginny very much he loves Ron, Hermione, the Weasleys, Neville and Luna
too, and they all contribute to his peace and happiness. We're just so
used to reading eros as the only kind of love we're missing a lot of it.

OBHWF is too saccharine for words for a lot of people, but I sure
wouldn't mind it in my life.

Jim Ferer

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