[SPAM] Re: [SPAM] [the_old_crowd] More random jottings - on a theme
exslytherin at exslytherin.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jul 29 14:49:10 UTC 2007
> I, for one, would enjoy seeing some discussion that
> included positives as well as negatives, and I believe your volume
> and tone are damping down others who would otherwise be posting.
> wants to post adiffering interpretation than yours, when it simply
> guarantees that their words will be sliced and diced, thrown back
at > them with sarcasm and sly comments, and their depth of thought
> ability to analyze could be called into question? You don't let a
> post pass, and you don't allow the validity
> of alternate interpretation without passive-aggressive overtones.
YOU > are the reason I'm not engaging in much discussion on this
list, and > I don't doubt it's true of a few others.
> ~Amandageist
I think you are being unfair here.
I have never know Kneasy to slice and die someone else's opinion
unless he opposes it, and then he counters with his own opinions and
theories (often quite brilliant) and backed up with examples and book
citations. He is never rude, insulting or disrespectful and if you
spend anytime on almost any other forum on the web, you'll know that
is a rare thing indeed.
Kneasey is not always right (and he might disagree with that) but he
does has a sharp wit that can cut the thin skinned and he also has a
superbly dry sense of humor that I think you do not understand (and
possibly can cause minor transatlantic misunderstanding at times),
but the point is, I, or anyone else, can decide for ourselves whether
to entertain his argument or not.
You're right; Kneasy's tone is currently leaning negative but it's
his opinion and if another poster cannot hold up their end of an
argument with him that is their problem.
It's called debate and heaven forbid we on this site should encourage
the dumbing down of argument for the sake of not hurting someone
else's feelings.
If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.
Amanda (ExSlytherin)
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