Holiday Greetings!

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at
Fri Dec 26 20:35:41 UTC 2008

> SSSusan adds:

> So, Kneasy, will you be preparing a Christmas goose again this year?  I still think about 
the instructions you once sent me for doing so, although I've not actually plucked up the 
courage to attempt it.
> Wishing a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, belated Festive Winter Solstice (or 
whatever your holiday of choice), and a Happy New Year to all!
> Siriusly Snapey Susan
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Sorry about the delay, there were lots of bottles that had to be opened... and emptied.

Yes, goose time again. A magnificent bird made the supreme sacrifice of ending 
up on Kneasy's plate. A noble and heroic end.  Enough fat harvested for months  of 
delicious roast spuds, too. Small  drawback - the Hound lay gazing through the glass 
door of the oven, drooling the while, and after 3 hours the kitchen floor was awash. 
She has absolutely no shame.

You really should try it one year, launch yourself into the adventure of lovely crispy 
skin and a rich meat that would perk up the moribund. 
If you need more encouragement drop me a line.

However, the main event is over now, just the fag end of the year to get through. 
Hope it went well for everyone and you have the strength and fortitude required to 
gird up your loins for the New Year thing. Not that I'll be celebrating, that's one bash
I always give a miss to, in bed by 10.30 -  and with the phone switched off.
It's part of being a miserable old fart.

No matter, I'll still wish everyone a Happy New Year.


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