[the_old_crowd] Re: Holiday Greetings!
ewetoo at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Sat Dec 27 01:04:54 UTC 2008
Kneasy said:
> Sorry about the delay, there were lots of bottles that had to be opened... and emptied.
In my hot upside-down homeland this too is a necessary chore.
Christmas dinner for me is usually something along the lines of cold
chicken and salad, but beer is always essential for the long bloated
> However, the main event is over now, just the fag end of the year to get through.
> Hope it went well for everyone and you have the strength and fortitude required to
> gird up your loins for the New Year thing. Not that I'll be celebrating, that's one bash
> I always give a miss to, in bed by 10.30 - and with the phone switched off.
> It's part of being a miserable old fart.
Unfortunately for me I won't be working so I expect to be added to
some happy throng or other to yell inanities into the summer air, but
that's what New Year's is about. At least there's fireworks, that's
always fun. In practice, I also find that congestion takes care of any
unintended phone communications.
> No matter, I'll still wish everyone a Happy New Year.
As do I!
> Kneasy
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