[the_old_crowd] Re: Holiday Greetings!

Kat Macfarlane katmac at lagattalucianese.yahoo.invalid
Mon Dec 29 05:09:48 UTC 2008

Dear one,

If I cooked a goose (or a turkey either), my goose would be /cooked/! I 
am a small woman (4'10" at last reckoning), and weigh approximately 130 
pounds, so the goose would probably win the battle paddles down (and 
shit all over the kitchen floor into the bargain). Even if it didn't, I 
live in a tiny little apartment with a tiny little refrigerator. What on 
earth would a person like me do with the Brontosaurus after the Feast, 
assuming that there is room in here for a Feast, and assuming I liked 
turkey, which I don't? I don't know about goose, never sampled one and 
probably never will, though got a rather bad impression of them from the 
Canada geese that hung out on Lake Washington in my doctoral years and 
energetically pursued  anyone they perceived as having a picnic on them.

(I often wonder if cave women ever had this problem. ("Oh my /Gawd/, 
he's bringing home another damned /mastodon/!")

I'm glad you got so much enjoyment (and so much fat) out of your goose, 
but I think I will stick to skinless, boneless chicken breasts as 
something my size can deal with without a great deal of angst and bother.

Slightly overet purrs,


Barry Arrowsmith wrote:
> >
> >
> > SSSusan adds:
> >
> >
> Snip
> > So, Kneasy, will you be preparing a Christmas goose again this 
> year?  I still think about
> the instructions you once sent me for doing so, although I've not 
> actually plucked up the
> courage to attempt it.
> >
> > Wishing a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, belated Festive Winter 
> Solstice (or
> whatever your holiday of choice), and a Happy New Year to all!
> >
> > Siriusly Snapey Susan
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> Sorry about the delay, there were lots of bottles that had to be 
> opened... and emptied.
> Yes, goose time again. A magnificent bird made the supreme sacrifice 
> of ending
> up on Kneasy's plate. A noble and heroic end. Enough fat harvested for 
> months of
> delicious roast spuds, too. Small drawback - the Hound lay gazing 
> through the glass
> door of the oven, drooling the while, and after 3 hours the kitchen 
> floor was awash.
> She has absolutely no shame.
> You really should try it one year, launch yourself into the adventure 
> of lovely crispy
> skin and a rich meat that would perk up the moribund.
> If you need more encouragement drop me a line.
> However, the main event is over now, just the fag end of the year to 
> get through.
> Hope it went well for everyone and you have the strength and fortitude 
> required to
> gird up your loins for the New Year thing. Not that I'll be 
> celebrating, that's one bash
> I always give a miss to, in bed by 10.30 - and with the phone switched 
> off.
> It's part of being a miserable old fart.
> No matter, I'll still wish everyone a Happy New Year.
> Kneasy

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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