Who's planning to come to Portus?

Heidi Tandy heidi8 at heiditandy.yahoo.invalid
Mon May 12 02:14:45 UTC 2008

I'm definitely going to be there on Friday and Saturday (and a bit of
Sunday morning) - and in addition to the usual thrill that comes from
hanging out with friends from fandom and meeting new people, I
especially can't wait for the Jim Dale events on Saturday at Portus.

In case anyone hadn't seen the posts about it, it's set to take place
in Dallas - July 10 through the 13th. The website's having Issues (but
Paul Kippes is fixing them) but lots of info is available on the LJ at
http://community.livejournal.com/portus_2008/ - and there was a post
today about expanded breakfasts in the mornings, and the
newly-configured one-day passes (
http://community.livejournal.com/portus_2008/6570.html#cutid4 )

Is anyone else thinking of going, or already registered? I'm
presenting along with Rachael from Snapecast on fanvids, I think
Friday morning, too...

 - heidi

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