The updated Fanfiction page

Porphyria Ashenden <> porphyria at
Mon Dec 9 03:12:30 UTC 2002

Regarding the suggestion to spruce up the Fanfiction FP, Heidi said:

I did this a long time ago, and it's been up for a bloody long time 
and it has NEVER been linked to from the things that are now up on 
Steve's site and it's just SITTING there on the site 
waiting for the rest of the faqs to get migrated over per our 
discussion last month.

Evidently in my marathon effort to hand code all 31 pages for the new 
site over the course of a weekend, the updated version of the fanfic 
doc made it to the HA server but not the Lexicon. I think that 
happened because I didn't know until late in the process that there 
was an updated version different from what had been on the Lexicon in 
the first place. I did make a point of incorporating Heidi's changes 
into the newest version once I found out. Heidi, you would have been 
welcome to point this oversight out to me earlier. I will ask Steve 
to FTP the new version to his site. 

You are also welcome to check out the right version and let me know 
if it's OK:

Thanks, Porphyria

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