Back now/Misc queries (Re: Away for a couple of days)

a_reader2003 carolynwhite2 at
Thu Jun 24 21:12:51 UTC 2004

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, Barry Arrowsmith 
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> >

> >  Carolyn:
> >  Agree we should definitely have 'Shrieking Shack' category (and 
later MoM incident), but where should they go? There's an argument 
for  having major plot incidents somewhere under 'plot development' or
some such, but also possibly for having them located as sub- 
categories within relevant book chapters. Thoughts please.
> >
> Barry:
> A sub-set of plot developments would be fine, IMO.
> Why  not have 'DD's gleam' there as well?

Having checked the list, I think it would be most appropriate to put 
Shrieking Shack under Back History, so it reads like this:

1.3.5 Back History Death of Lily & James Shrieking Shack incident

On reflection, I don't think the MoM fight belongs here, because not 
only is it not back history, but it also has a handily discrete 
chapter to itself in OoP where most arguments about what happened can 
be parked. The two items currently under Back History are repeatedly 
referred to across the books, and have not been witnessed by us in 
real time, so they need a home of their own. Make sense?

DD's gleam I would prefer to see as a sub-set under 1.2.2 
Dumbledore's Agenda, since whatever it's about it clearly gave him 
something extra to think about and take into account.

> >
> Yeah, well - posters were wondering why there seemed to be no kids 
> native to Hogsmeade about the place;  and since there are no WW 
primary schools some of 'em got suspicious.

Surprised they didn't realise Fudge had them boiled down for glue...

> >  I've been plaintively asking what to do with Peg Kerr-type stuff 
for weeks. Answer came there none. Quite happy to have more meta-
themes if you want them ...make a suggestion.
> Meta-themes  seems best IMO. Rashness could go in with 
> Immaturity/Maturity, I think, and maybe fear with Bravery?
> Speaking of Peg - her latest didn't work very well - not easy to 
make 'Sloth in the WW' really gripping.

(Looks around nervously)..glad I am not alone in thinking they are a 
bit long-winded sometimes. My proposal for the extra categories are:

1.1.7 Bravery/courage Cowardice & fear Rashness

on the grounds that the immaturity/maturity codes more more aimed at 
the parenting and child development stuff.

Just what phrases/words will they favour  when setting up a search? 
This is what I was getting at with Godric's Hollow. If they're 
looking for a thread to see who accompanied Voldy or if there was 
anybody else in the house, then GH would be their first choice. Can't 
be helped, I suppose; they'll just have to learn to use the index 

As I understand it from Paul, it should be possible to search on 
multiple codes to narrow down what you are looking for. One thing I 
am working on at the moment is a proposal for what the end product 
might look like, which I will post here for discussion. Most 
technical things are possible, I am more worried about the legal 
issues preventing us doing what we want.

I'll make the above proposed changes tomorrow if no-one objects 
overnight from the US.


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