[HPFGU-Catalogue] spoilers was Re: Gone Fishin'

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 11 02:32:57 UTC 2005

Jen asked: 
> > ///Do we have a spoiler policy here btw, or can we start 
> > right away? Not that I'll be near a computer from Saturday 
> > until Monday night. I'll survive. Maybe. :( ///

Kathy W:
Well back in post 2401 (I think) Carolyn asked for input...I don't 
think any of us replied. She pointed out that Kelly wouldn't be able 
to get HBP until August sometime and she wasn't sure about Dot. 

So unless we're going to agree not to come to this board at all until 
we've read the book, I think we need spoiler warnings. It could get 
tricky, I mean an accidental "How do we code ESE!Lupin now that we 
know the truth?"... could drive someone mad. 

So I vote for Spoiler space until we hear differently from Kelly and 

Ginger chimes in:  Me too.  Or even restrict ourselves to catalogue conversation, just to be safe, and add spoiler space until we have the all clear on anything that effects the project.

> > Anyway, what are everyone's plans for HBP???? 

Ginger:  My family was supposed to get together to celebrate the 4th of July and my sister's b-day (the 5th) but Sis was sick and couldn't make it, so we put it off for this weekend.  I got there and Sis had called (after I left Fargo) to say that she couldn't make it as she was meeting with a Congressman about funding for her grant project.  

They suggested we meet next weekend, and I informed them that I was busy.  My dad is Vernon Dursleyish about any form of fiction that involves imagination, himself preferring a good western to "things that can't possibly happen", but we all agreed to meet the weekend of the 23rd instead as I informed them that I had my copy reserved for 12:01 am.

So next weekend, I will spend Friday mowing and doing house hold chores, attend the festivities, listen to the grownups whine about being up that late to get a stupid book for their kids, get my book and go home to a clean house and start reading.  

Hoping everyone is well, Ginger

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