help for Magda

carolynwhite2 carolynwhite2 at
Sun Jun 12 19:01:33 UTC 2005

--- In HPFGU-Catalogue at, Magda Grantwich 
<mgrantwich at y...> wrote:
> Thanks, Carolyn.  Okay the page is now up.  And I got in.  And I did
> everything according to the document I got when I signed up:
> "Exploring the site 
> 10.  Once you are in either the club or the group, enter a number in
> the box top left and hit `GO'. You will find the text of the post
> comes up, and also a cataloguing menu to the left of the screen. 
> 11.  When a post has been rejected, its title appears grey in the
> list top left. When it has been accepted and coded up, it appears in
> green. When it has not been done yet, it just appears black. As you
> roll your cursor over them, they highlight in red, so you know which
> one to click if you want to call it up on the main screen. You can
> pull up any post by entering its number in the box and hitting Go. "
> Okay obviously I'm doing something wrong because I can do everything
> up to #10 but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do next.  Because
> there's nothing "live" or "activated" that I can see - just lists
> that I can't do anything to.
> I don't have the computer terminology to even phrase the question
> properly but how am I to remove codes when I can't click on them?   
> went to Files on the main page but from what I can see most of the
> info there relates to definitions and not to make-it-work info.
> I'm almost in tears here because I feel stupid and frustrated and
> don't know what to do.
> Magda

Ack, Magda..not a problem. If you have entered a post number (any 
number) in that box top left and hit 'GO', the multi-colour list of 
categories has come up?

Now, I think what you are saying is that you have gone one stage 
further, and clicked on 'p' next to Filch, and in a separate window, 
all the posts coded to Filch have come up? (As you were able to print 
this list off to work on, think this must be the case).

Ok, now, first of all, the next stage should be for you to post 
something here about your conclusions about the Filch category - what 
you think doesn't belong in the section, how you think it should be 
edited and why. (See other examples recently, eg Kelly's summaries of 
some of the Hogwart's sections).

Then, to do the actual editing, you don't try to do that by 
hitting 'p' (or 'd' or 's') - those lists are static, as you found. 
Instead, when you want to change the coding on a post, you enter its 
number in the box top left and hit 'Go'. The text of the post will 
come up, and to the left you will see the category list with ticks on 
it relating to just that post. The categories chosen are summarised 
at the top, together with the name of the person who did the 

To change the coding, you scroll down (in this case to the Filch 
name) and click on the tick to de-check it so its box is empty. You 
then move to the save button at either the top or bottom of the 
category list, click it, and wait for the database to re-load the 
category list. And that's it, you have successfully taken the Filch 
code off that particular post. And this is how you code up as well - 
you just click on any box you want on the category list, hit save and 
there you go.

Are you on Yah Messenger? Just buzz me (my ID is my silly old one - 
a_reader2003), and I'll talk you through it live if you like.


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