[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Chris Columbus on -- <gasp>Oh, No! -- Harry's eyes

Jennifer Boggess Ramon boggles at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 27 02:13:17 UTC 2002

At 5:40 AM +0000 10/26/02, Steve wrote:
>You've never heard of 'the evil eye'?

Well, of course I've heard of it, silly.  ;P  I was accused of having 
it more than once as a child.  However, our dear Harry already has an 
ability traditionally regarded as Evil, the Parseltongue.  Surely he 
doesn't need *another* one?  I'd hoped the eye-magic wouldn't be Yet 
Another Reason for the Respectable Wizards to look askance at Harry. 
Something, in other words, more like the phoenix tears than the 
basilisk's gaze.

Then again, that could be part of the hard look Harry's supposed to 
have to take at his parents - all those questions that he hasn't 
asked yet (but we sure have!).

  - Boggles, aka J. C. B. Ramon			boggles at earthlink.net
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