[HPFGU-Movie] Casting choices for PoA
ABandt at aol.com
ABandt at aol.com
Tue Feb 4 14:44:01 UTC 2003
In a message dated 1/24/2003 5:43:56 AM Central Standard Time,
dianasdolls at yahoo.com writes:
> I'm
> still a bit disappointed that Ian McKellan won't be Dumbledore
> because I would have LOVED to have seen McKellan's interpretation of
> the character! :)
Well, I can see McKellan's reasoning if turned it down. He's just gotten off
a rather expansive project, where he played a wizard, and he's already in the
middle of another project that may or may not have other parts attatched to
it. I can see how he wouldn't want to get involved in another series at this
point would not be in his best interest or a desire of his. Having to do a
movie every year or so is a time consuming business that takes away from
availablity to do other projects, especially if that other project were to be
theater which McKellan likes to do and does not have the type of schedule
that's easy to work around. He may also have felt that playing another
wizard so close to the heels Lord of the Rings was not a good thing because
it's very easy to get type-cast in the movie business no matter how
wonderfully talented the actor is.
There probably was, more than likely, some sort of money issue. While
McKellan is probably not in the pay range of say a Tom Cruise or Harrison
Ford he's probably up in a higher range than any of the actors currently
signed to contracts. Given the depth of the project I can see him having
taken some sort of pay cut to do LotR, though I haven't heard anything to
that affect or to do theater but as much as I love Harry Potter I doubt that
it made the same sort of impact on McKellan that LotR did. This money issue
could even have come into play on the HP Powers that Be's side, if they
really wanted Gary Oldman for Black I could see how it may have become a one
or the other prospect. Paying big salaries isn't as big a problem on a
single flim but over the course of a series, especially one with as many
important cast members and special effects and other production things as HP,
paying a lot of money for the talent isn't going to work out.
So while I too would have l loved to see McKellan in the role, and he was the
first person to come to mind after I heard that Harris had passed, I can
understand why it didn't happen.
Wow -- this is my first post and a very long winded way of saying hi.
Hi :-)
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