[HPFGU-OTChatter] Fwd: Florida - sad but true humour
moonmyyst13 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 29 00:52:50 UTC 2005
Dina Lerret <bunniqula at gmail.com> wrote:
As a Floridiot, I'm agreeing with Kim on her assessment. I'm only in
a pair of undies and a wifebeater because it's *hot*.
I can soooo identify - this summer especially!!! I am not that far north of you!!!
We are holding our breath right now. Katrina is supposed to come up between Birmingham and Atlanta and is supposed to still be a cat 2 when it does.... I live between Birmingham and Atlanta - near the state line - just above I-20. Everyone keep your fingers crossed for us!!!
Summerland Hills Shelties
home of their royal highnesses:
Southcrest Faerie Song "Belle"
Southcrest Sugar Quill "Honey"
Chocolate Sundae Hugs "Hugs"
Little Valentine Kisses "Kisses"
Summerland's Blueberry Muffin "Blue"
Cerridwyn Summerland Reveille "Revie"
and in memory of:
Southcrest Phantom Spirit "Ghostie"
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