
Lyda Clunas lydaclunas at ...
Wed Aug 29 16:29:03 UTC 2001

> I hope so, Teri!  I'm still planning on coming down on the 16th.

Dork, I am. I forgot to reply to this. *sheepish grin*

Yeah, even if no one else comes down, *we* can plan on seeing the 
premiere! I get out of class at 4:00 on Fridays, I think... :)

I tell you, though, I have no intentions of seeing an evening show 
(around 5 or 7 or even 9 o'clock). You know the place is going to be 
*packed* with squealing little kids. How can I appreciate the subtle 
nuances of Rickman's Snape if I have to listen to the sounds of a 
thousand little 'uns? I'm planning on going to a late-night, or 
midnight showing, if I can. :)


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