[HPforGrownups] Re: Why Hermione Doesn't Like Ron

Christina Gross Changeling at darcy.inka.de
Fri Sep 29 19:09:09 UTC 2000


On 29.09.2000 at 07:19:33 Penny & Bryce Linsenmayer wrote:
>  I think she was pissed off
>that he
>thought he could try to find a prettier date & then when he couldn't
>that he could just ask good old Hermione, waiting in the wings.
>have had the same reaction if Harry treated her that way.  Ron just
>exhibited more boorish behavior than Harry.

True, as long as it was somebody she cared about who snubbed her like
this. I am not eager to fix Hermione up with Ron at all cost. At this
point in the story everything is still possible, nobody heads
single-mindedly into a certain relationship, and I like it that way
because it is more realistic. But there is a budding awareness of a
different level of relationships.

>The Farmer in the Dell Theory (mine -- dubbed so by Ebony & her
>students) is that Ron likes Hermione, Hermione likes Harry, and Harry
>likes either noone or someone outside the Trio.

That much I figured out by myself, but I'd like to know why it was
dubbed that and thus add another tidbit to my huge store of useless
details that clogg up my brain and don't leave room for more useful
knowledge. ;-)
Is this some kind of poem or song?

>Agreed that he needs to find an area to excel in.  Is he really
>going to
>do that if his romantic interest is constantly outshining him &
>triggering his jealous insecurities at every turn?  No - I don't
>Ron needs an "adoring little woman."  But, I think his romantic
>shouldn't be a clear superstar.  I think he should have a romance
>he & his partner are on more or less even footing.  To be second
>in yet another area of his life is clearly not what Ron needs. 

Certainly not. But I don't think Ron is able to pick a partner with
that in mind, steer his feelings in this way, any more than he can
give up his dream of being head boy and Quidditch star as seen in the
Mirror of Erised and instead go for a brilliant career in wizard
chess, which just isn't as prestigious as Quidditch and can't give
him the same kind of satisfaction. I can't think of a better way to
put it. 


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