House theories/Neville

Jim Ferer <> jferer at
Mon Dec 30 21:01:14 UTC 2002

No: HPFGUIDX 48994

Jodel:"People who wonder why Neville isn't in Hufflepuff have
overlooked the above considerations. Neville is about as far removed
from being a "team player" as you can get. He is that rare animal, a
Gryffandor loner. The Hat had a hardtime placing him, since the loners
tend to gravitate into Ravenclaw, and Ravenclaw would have been a
really bad fit. He isn't up to the eternal politics of Slytherin.
Gryffandor was the best pick of a poor assortment. For Neville. (Who
rather reminds me of Button-Bright.)"


Your characterizations of the Houses are reasonable.  At one time
there was a long thread discussing how House choices correlated to
Meyers-Briggs personality types. You'd probably enjoy looking it up.

Neville is going to show us why he's a Gryffindor.  After what he has
been through with his parents, he shows courage just going to see them
at St. Mungo's with his gran.

I'm not sure I agree with you Neville is a "loner." He's probably
despearate to be accepted, to belong, but he may feel his clumsiness
and absent-mindedness get in the way, which is partly right.  I
suspect his loner status is involuntary.

Neville has shown Gryffindor courage in standing up to his friends for
what he thought was right, and stuck with them; he tried to warn the
Trio before they were caught with Norbert.  

I believe he will show that courage again, and pay for it. I can't
prove it, but when they put up a Wall to the Second Voldemort War, his
name will be on it.

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