Chat 02-22-01

Simon simon.branford at ...
Wed Feb 28 00:37:42 UTC 2001

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  hermitchick says, hello!
  bludger_witch says, And I'm a bit drunk now...
sineadsiobhan says, hey Cat
  bludger_witch says, Hi cat!
sineadsiobhan says, Drunk is good
  keithfras says, When I go home for easter I may dig up my kilt photo and
try to get it posted....
  hermitchick says, that's what my da says
  bludger_witch says, And the headache's gone already!
  bludger_witch says, Oh yes, keith, please do!
sineadsiobhan says, talked to friends online while drunk
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, You guys are STILL early
  keithfras says, Mae govannon, to all the people who just entered!
sineadsiobhan says, made so many tyo erros
  bludger_witch says, *is too nosy for her own good*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, btw good morning
nangisius is back.
nangisius says, bbl
sineadsiobhan says, errors typo*
nangisius leaves
sineadsiobhan says, good afternoon Cat
  bludger_witch says, Talks *now* to friends online while drunk
  hermitchick says, no it isn't
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm in Pacific Time. It's morning for 23
more minutes
  bludger_witch says, So excuse me if I giggle but this cute little bugger
here had a good time today!
  keithfras ticks off things to do - tease Sue about cabana boys, ask about
upcoming chapters of DS and STNE, bring up elderly Dutch perverts in Cass's
presence, bemoan own patheticness and dismal love life....
  hermitchick says, no not that, it's never a good morning
dr_simon_branford This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo Group:
dr_simon_branford The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
sineadsiobhan says, Sues online should I push her in here
  keithfras says, Oh, and I need to mention Cass and Sue's prospective
visit to Merry England
  bludger_witch says, Keith honey, today you have to "bemoan" alone.
  keithfras says, If you want....
  bludger_witch says, I'm still dressed up, have a new hairdo and feel
  keithfras says, And of course weird pairings will come up!
sineadsiobhan says, I need a haircut
sineadsiobhan says, HHven't gottne one since last may
  hermitchick says, ah, almost weird pairings time!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, On one of my e-mail-lists, a man wrote a
long incoherent post about whether his wife is conspiring against his
career, and he said Tim, tell me what to do, I trust your judgment (which
Tim and I thought was proff of his bad judgment)
sineadsiobhan says, haven't*
  keithfras 's hair is getting rather long but he likes it that way
discords_child14456 says, My youngest sister has recently returned from
England and will be attending college there next year
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and Tim replied: "Try to not to post while
  bludger_witch says, I had them cut from over shoulder-lenght to short -
made me feel lots better
  bludger_witch says, lol! Sounds like the thing to do
discords_child14456 says, she brought me back the british version of 3 of
the books
  bludger_witch says, I'm still pondering wether to buy the American
versions or not
  hermitchick says, contimplating dying mine red, Monnica said it would be
sineadsiobhan says, TTe brit versions are great~
sineadsiobhan says, the
  keithfras says, The British book 4 cover is definitely better - I really
don't like the US artist
sineadsiobhan says, geesh! I'm making so many typoes and I'm not drunk!
  hermitchick says, are the book that different?
discords_child14456 says, now I got to wait until her boyfriend can pick up
the last one, he's says he'll send it to me
sineadsiobhan says, yes
  bludger_witch says, Mine are red - copper. Had all relatives over for
Dad's birthday the day after the enw hairdo
sineadsiobhan says, I think the UK harry is quite cute
  keithfras is going to maybe get a long Spike-style coat and wear black
  bludger_witch says, And of course my aunt - who never says anything
positive - complauned over the color
discords_child14456 says, they're not that different just a few words and
the cover art
sineadsiobhan says, No kilt, Keith?
  keithfras says, It's a *look*
  hermitchick says, black is the best colour
sineadsiobhan sniffles
  keithfras says, Kilts are a bit chilly....special occasions only
  hermitchick says, lol
sineadsiobhan winks
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I like the American cover of GoF -- tt has
so many references tucked into it -- Padfoot is looking out from a hiding
  keithfras says, It might be a *leather* coat, Sinead
sineadsiobhan says, Special occasions
  hermitchick says, I like too
sineadsiobhan wriggles eyebrows
hermitchick snickers.
  bludger_witch says, But Keith, don't you like a healthy breeze around you
sineadsiobhan wink wink nod nod
hermitchick snickers.
  keithfras says, The UK bk 4 cover is nice and visual - the dragon is cool
minzzer is away (Auto-Away)
  hermitchick says, dragon?!
discords_child14456 says, Yeah, I don't really care for the harry on the
cover of the brit. version of the 1st book
  bludger_witch says, Yes, I love it
sineadsiobhan says, I like the PoA cover.. shows real terror
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My GoF is the UK version from amazon uk
  bludger_witch says, He looks too old to be 11
  hermitchick says, true
  keithfras says, Not really, no. I have a healthy respect for girls after
wearing a kilt and also my Kendo gear
  hermitchick says,
  keithfras says, Yes, the UK bk 1 & 2 covers aren't as good. 3 and 4 are
sineadsiobhan says, I like kskirts.. less confining
  bludger_witch says, Kendo gear - how's it going, can you kick our butt?
  hermitchick says, Hate skirts
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, UK book 1 -- cute little Hogwarts express
  hermitchick says, nifty
sineadsiobhan says, I think Ron looks cute on the UK book 1
sineadsiobhan says, errr! 2~!!!!
  keithfras says, I didn't go last week (work) but I got to actually whack
a guy who was in armour the week before - great fun
  bludger_witch says, Don't like skirts - I look like Whoopi Goldberg in
Sister Act then <g>
  hermitchick says, huh?
discords_child14456 says, lol
  bludger_witch says, huh! Better that guy than me <g>
  catlady_de_los_angeles loves skirts, very full cotton voile or gauze
skirts, ankle length
  bludger_witch says, The horse-hips...
  bludger_witch says,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, sometimes I wer them longe rthan ankle
lenght, but then I trip over them.....
  keithfras says, with my sword that is
  hermitchick says, nice pants for me, black perfreably
sineadsiobhan says, I like black skirts.. wore one on friday
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, very very full skirts, better for concealing
the body than trousers
  keithfras is currently wearing black/very dark blue
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, not constricting
minzzer is back.
minzzer says, I tend to wear a mix...but I'm wearing jeans now
sineadsiobhan wearing tee and U0fMinnesota boxers
  bludger_witch says, Black velvet trousers and a shirt that shows to much
cleavage <g>
  keithfras says, Oops...this is getting into a 'What're you wearing?'
agassizde enters
  hermitchick says, I'm not wearing balck at the moment!  First time in a
while, green today
  bludger_witch says, Hi!
  keithfras says, Mae govannon!
agassizde says, Hi everyone
sineadsiobhan says, hey there!
  hermitchick says, hello
minzzer says, hi
discords_child14456 says, in green here...sweat pants and shirt
minzzer says, does any one own any clothes that are orange
sineadsiobhan says, cleavage isn't too bad...
discords_child14456 says, a t-shirt that's orange
  keithfras says, I have a t-shirt that's very bright red, but not orange
  bludger_witch says, I don't - yet. Orange is somehow an "in" color this
sineadsiobhan says, I like cleavage... esecially for special occaisions
  bludger_witch says, But it'll clash horribly with my hair
sineadsiobhan says, especially
sineadsiobhan says, Red isn't bad
sineadsiobhan says, orange....
  hermitchick says, I like black
  bludger_witch says, Yeah - i love this shirt, but don't really wear it
often. Black with copper glitter in it
agassizde says, Orange? No, that's one color I can't wear...
sineadsiobhan says, Black is classic!
  keithfras says, Oh, has anyone seen the HP move screenshots that just
minzzer says, I wish I did have something orange though...I might
sineadsiobhan says, oh yes!
  hermitchick says, nope
minzzer says, no
  keithfras goes to dig up link
sineadsiobhan says, I saw the Harry.. oh he's darling!
  bludger_witch says, Yeah, loved them. Getting really exited about the
discords_child14456 says, yeah i've seen them too
  bludger_witch says, *begins to chant* "MOVIE; MOVIE; MOVIE"
discords_child14456 says, I like the letter one
minzzer says, probably won't be able to see the movie
  bludger_witch says, *baps herself on the head* Shut up, old hag
  hermitchick says, why?
sineadsiobhan says, The letter one is now part of my desktop
  bludger_witch says, Why not?
  keithfras says, Here we go:
minzzer says, one word....parents
  keithfras says, My favourite is the one of Hermione getting angry
  bludger_witch says, Huh? They'll forbid you to go see the HP movie?
  keithfras says, Why, are your parents anti-HP?
discords_child14456 says, I used the desktop theme of harry from themeworld
  bludger_witch says, Yeah, the actress looks better than i would have
  hermitchick says, sounds like my parents
sineadsiobhan says, themeworld?
  keithfras says, They got the hair right
  bludger_witch says, And really pissed off - that#s the attitude for
discords_child14456 says, yeah it has everything you could every want in a
desktop themes
sineadsiobhan says, I think the actors are exaclty who I picture them!
  keithfras says, Petunia and Dudley are dark, but I guess that's just
because of the people they got and it's not important
sineadsiobhan says, exactly*
  bludger_witch says, Oooh, I get to prepare a Harry Potter theme-partyn
for my brother and his friends!!! FUN!
sineadsiobhan says, Dudley is blond haired
discords_child14456 says, do a search for harry's mostly the different books
sineadsiobhan says, Petunia is black
minzzer says, no...but they will probably ask why I would even want to go
see the movie...and on and on...besides my parents are more of you do your
work first kind of thing
  keithfras says, The Dursleys' house looks like total suburban hell!
minzzer says, and my friends are anti-HP so forget going with them
  keithfras says, Surely they'd let you out to go and see one movie!
discords_child14456 says, I tried to draw a floor plan of the Dursley's but
I kept getting lost,
  bludger_witch says, I always experience total horror when reading how
quiet has to be
minzzer says, I'll have to see...I'm trying to get something at the moment
so it'll have to wait
  keithfras says, Actually, I just had a mad idea for a fanfic....'American
Beauty' in Privet Drive
  bludger_witch says, Just imagine hearing Vernon snore in the next room -
nightmares guaranteed
minzzer says, sounds interesting
  keithfras ponders how that might work
sineadsiobhan says, I'm trying to get my friends to read HP!
  bludger_witch says, Oh, but no girl would put up with uncle vernon
sineadsiobhan says, no luck
  keithfras says, Uncle Vernon could be the psycho army guy
minzzer says, if you do sinead...tell me how you do that...I can't get my
minzzer says, either
sineadsiobhan says, what about Petunia... she married Vernon
minzzer says, she must have been on something
  keithfras says, Maybe she was desperate, or he didn't used to be so bad
discords_child14456 says, she probably married him just to get away from
her family
  bludger_witch says, I haven't seen the movie - I only know the Grateful
Dead Album with the title and the drink "American beauty"
  keithfras says, LOL! Or maybe she was on summat, yes
sineadsiobhan says, Maybe he was a cutie
sineadsiobhan says,
  keithfras says, The movie is very cool
minzzer says, Cutie?????????
  bludger_witch says, Ungh.
sineadsiobhan says, LOL
agassizde says, The movie is great
  hermitchick says, back
  keithfras saw it with parents while 17.....:blushes:
sineadsiobhan says, ditto keith
  bludger_witch says, Is it coincidence that the decoration for the drink
is a rose blossom?
sineadsiobhan says, I think I was 18
  hermitchick says, What are we talking bout now?
minzzer says, what movie?
  keithfras says, American Beauty
sineadsiobhan says, American Beauty
selah_1977 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, "American Beauty" is a popular breed of red
  bludger_witch says, Hi!
sineadsiobhan says, Hey Eb!
  keithfras says, Last year's Best Picture Oscar
  bludger_witch says, Yes, I know
  keithfras says, Mae Govannon, Ebony
selah_1977 says, Hi
siriusgeologist enters
agassizde says, Hi
sineadsiobhan says, hey Carole!
minzzer says, hi
  keithfras says, Mae govannon...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Ebony, Hi Carole
minzzer says, hi
  hermitchick says, hello
siriusgeologist says, hi guys...monica I'm in the middle of an email to you
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, They want to remake the movie American
Beauty with the Dursleys
  bludger_witch says, Hi Carole!
agassizde says, Carole: great!
  hermitchick says, why?
sineadsiobhan says, Dudley as that girl?
  keithfras says, Because I can
minzzer says, o that movie...uh....its sitting in the same room as me...bad
Minzzer...sitting closed
siriusgeologist says, hi sinead...I met her on firday!
sineadsiobhan says, ;-)
  bludger_witch says, We'll use violet pudding instead of rose petals
sineadsiobhan says, Yup! It was a blast!
sineadsiobhan says, I had so much fun talking to you guys!
  keithfras says, The Dursleys could be the neighbours and the focus on
another family....Harry replaces the guy Thora Birch falls for
  hermitchick says, I'm scared again
siriusgeologist says, me too...
minzzer says, o k
sineadsiobhan says, You could understand me okay?
siriusgeologist says, yes I could...
  keithfras says, Uncle Vernon seems more like the military guy than like
  keithfras says, 'I rule!' Yeah!
minzzer says, no...I'm staring at Keith in a perculiar way because of what
he is saying
sineadsiobhan says, that was the one thing I was so nervous about.. my
selah_1977 is away (be right back)
  bludger_witch says, You rule? Keith is the new king of England!!!
  keithfras says, That was a line from the movie
siriusgeologist says, I hoped that you could understand me...particularly
in the dark car...
sineadsiobhan says, HRH Keith Fraser :-D
  keithfras says, 'I rule!' that is
  hermitchick says, Happy now!  The pic page finally opned!
  bludger_witch says,
siriusgeologist says, your speech was very clear
  keithfras says, There aren't any pics of PoUCon 2001, are there?
sineadsiobhan says, I understood you.. aww thanks :-D
siriusgeologist says, pics from friday...yes but we have to wait on sheryll
  keithfras hopes to set up PoUCon UK 2001 with Cass and Sue (and Simon,
and any Brits who care to trek to Oxford)
minzzer says, Does anyone know of some more fics that I could read this
sineadsiobhan says, there are.. Sheryll used her camera
sineadsiobhan says, I didn't have any film
selah_1977 is back.
sineadsiobhan hangs head
  hermitchick says, what kinds of fics do you like?
  keithfras says, Have you been to the HP_FanFiction group, Minzzer?
minzzer says, nods head
  bludger_witch says, *wants to make holidays in GB but has no money*
siriusgeologist says, i forgot my camera...that's my hubby's responsibility
selah_1977 says, Keith--I'll be at Oxford this summer... attending Corpus
sineadsiobhan says, I 'd like to go back to ireland sometime
minzzer says, does anyone want to come by Minzzer and have fun sometime
  keithfras says, When will you be there, Ebony?
  bludger_witch says, Min, where are you?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dinah -- maybe you could hitch hike, it's
closer for you than for me....
  keithfras says, Where d'you live, Minzzer
sineadsiobhan loves the island
  hermitchick says, I'm almost not depressed this week
  keithfras says, ?
selah_1977 says, July 1 to August 11 (my birthday!)
  keithfras says, Well, that's a start, Hermitchick
agassizde says, Minzzer: Have you read Blaise's stories?
yael_pou enters
discords_child14456 says, my sister hasn't decided where she'll be
attending next year, she wants something near her boyfriend's house
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Congratulations Persephone!!!
  keithfras says, and Simon will be on holiday
yael_pou says, hi
  bludger_witch says, Hitch hike? My parents would have a hissy fit!
siriusgeologist says, hi yael!
sineadsiobhan says, hey yael!
  bludger_witch says, Hi yael!
selah_1977 says, I know...
agassizde says, Hi
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Yael
minzzer says, Down in Carnival city waiting to go to parades
  keithfras says, I'll hopefully be in Australia and New Zealand for much
of that time
selah_1977 says, Michelle and I will meet, though... I'm excited about
dai_evans enters
sineadsiobhan says, hey Dai!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Dai
  keithfras says, Mae govannon, Yael and Dai
minzzer says, hi
  bludger_witch says, New Zealand!!! *drools*
yael_pou says, hi Dai!
  bludger_witch says, Hi dai!
selah_1977 says, Hi...
siriusgeologist says, hi dai
agassizde says, Hi
  dai_evans says, Hey there everyone
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dinah: you like sheep?
sineadsiobhan says, We should plan another get together since this one went
so well!
  hermitchick says, New glasses I can see, teaches me a new lesson, when
they geet too weak, get ht in the face reshelving books and break them!
  bludger_witch says, Well, not in *that* sense <g>
  hermitchick says, hi dai
  keithfras says, Yeah, the plan is that my parents and I go to Oz, then we
stopover in Auckland on the way back, I stay behind and explore NZ myself
for ~4 weeks
selah_1977 says, Sounds cool!
minzzer says, why does everyone get to go somewhere...while Minzzer is
stuck in New Orleans so she has to buy more fans
  bludger_witch says, But New Zealand is great - the countryside is
siriusgeologist says, yes I agree...there have got to be more people in the
boston area
  keithfras says, It'll be winter there, unfortunately
selah_1977 says, Minzzer---New Orleans is fab...
yael_pou says, New Zealand has the largest snake population on earth
minzzer says, New Orleans is hot
discords_child14456 says, stuck in new orleans, oh that's try Geneva NY
nangisius enters
  hermitchick says, I like snakes
  keithfras says, I can look for the locations where the Lord of the Rings
movies were filmed!
agassizde says, Snakes are interesting and beautiful
sineadsiobhan says, there's Sue...,she said she was hiding behind the ficus
trees in Copley Square
  keithfras says, As long as you don't get them mad
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Minzzer: I don't get to go anywhere -- even
if I had the money, we're supposed to be rush-implementing a new system
this summer (at work)
  bludger_witch says, New Zealand -  shall I start with Xena again? Or the
piano? or other wonderful movies filmes there?
  keithfras says, ?Hiding behind the....?
siriusgeologist says, maybe if we plan ahead we can get her parents to
sineadsiobhan snickers
  hermitchick says, My friend has a 7 foot python that she goes around a
  keithfras says, Xena is filmed in NZ?
  hermitchick says, yup
sineadsiobhan says, Prolly...
  keithfras didn't know that
  bludger_witch says, Yes. That was the reason I staretd watching it - then
i got interested in the characters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, ficus trees -- a very popular streetside
tree because it grows fast even thwn it is pruned to avoid hitting cars
minzzer says, o...I need to unlurk and get out more
  hermitchick says, their's characterazatiom?
  keithfras says, It's probably because filming there is quite cheap, and
of course the gorgeous scenery
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, A Burmese Python can be as long as 20 feet
when full grown
  bludger_witch says, Yes. It's not just kick butt.
selah_1977 says, <===not outdoorsy enough to want to travel to NZ at the
present time
  keithfras says, Wait a sec, is someone here *from* NZ?
sineadsiobhan says, Snakes... my friend 's drom floor had a snake loose
sineadsiobhan says, dorm*
  hermitchick says, It's a baby... sometime back anyways
discords_child14456 says, I use to own, a ball python, and a boa
  bludger_witch says, Xander aka Remus Lupin is from New Zealand - but he's
not here now.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I wonder how many people wo buy cute little
baby two foot long burmese pythons don't know that?
  keithfras says, A snake was reportedly killed in Brazil or somewhere that
was 120-odd feet evidence though
sineadsiobhan says, when a girl screamed they knew that the snake had been
  hermitchick says, Dunno, she likes snakes though and probably knew
minzzer says,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I used to have two corn snakes (four foot
long when full grown, eat mice).
siriusgeologist says, LOL! sinead...didn't sheryll say she had a snake
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My cat Cinnamon broke the top of their
terrarium and fell in
sineadsiobhan sticking with cats and dogs
  hermitchick says, we fed it rats, hate rats!
  keithfras thinks he's walked into SnakeLoverCon 2001
  keithfras says,
selah_1977 says, Our undergrad mascot was a snake... so a lot of kids had
them as pets and handled them
  bludger_witch says, So the cat eat  the cat?
sineadsiobhan says, I had a chick but my dog toffie was eyeing it curiously
siriusgeologist says, remaining petless until the kids can dress themselves
and follow directions
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm not surprised that Gibraltar got
loose -- I would run away if giant cats fall through my roof too!
selah_1977 checks her watch
  bludger_witch says, I'd rather have a pet rat then a pet snake
minzzer says, ooh..what time is it
sineadsiobhan says, LOL a pet owl?
  bludger_witch says, 21:04
  hermitchick says, dady won't let me have one!
  keithfras would love a fire-lizard out of Anne McCaffrey's Pern books
selah_1977 says, Minzzer--just have to be somewhere in a little while.
  keithfras says, Or better still, a dragon
  hermitchick says,
  bludger_witch says, Oooh, dragon-thingies! love them!#
selah_1977 says, I only came because I wanted to see who'd be in the UK
this summer.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Fortunately, I found gibraltar curled up
hiding in a drawer of my bedroom desk. Cinnamon didn't want to eat the
snakes but I was always afraid that
minzzer says, having a owl is better than being called an owl
yael_pou says, what kind of snake is Nagini?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, he would mistake them for string and play
with them
minzzer says, my friends are covinced that I'm an owl
  bludger_witch says, But not the Terry pratchett kind that explodes
sineadsiobhan says, my parents got sick of me volunteering to take care of
the class gerbi
  dai_evans says, A python I rhtink
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I thknk Nagini is a cobra
sineadsiobhan says, gerbil*
  keithfras says, Is she a cobra?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, traditaionally, nagas are cobras
  hermitchick says, My friends call me a vampire
  keithfras says, I don't have the books with me this term
  hermitchick says, cabras a cute
selah_1977 says, She isn't described as a cobra.
  dai_evans says, Who was the snake Rikitikitavi killed?
minzzer says, at least you're not an insane owl
  keithfras says, A cobra, I believe
  bludger_witch says, HELP: What's a New Age Stepford Wive? Because I've
just been called one by Neil!
  dai_evans says, Yeah, I know it was a cobra, but what was it's name?
  keithfras says, Cool! Vampires rock (especially ones who don't actually
bite you)
  bludger_witch says, At the mailing list
  hermitchick says, why would they call you an owl?
sineadsiobhan says, I read rikkitiki tavi in 8th grade.. had to create an
alternate ending
selah_1977 rolls eyes to the top of hear
selah_1977 says, head
  keithfras says, The Stepford Wives were submissive robots created to
replace real wives
  hermitchick says, why do teachers make you do things like that?
siriusgeologist says, well a stepford wife is a robot
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, A Stepford Wife (there was a movie) is a
woman who has been replaced by a android who is exactly like the housewives
in advertisments -- vaccuuming inhight heel,
minzzer says, they enjoy it they think I'm some kind of wise owl
  bludger_witch says, Oh great, just great
sineadsiobhan says, I dunno
discords_child14456 says, I thought the wives were just hypnotized into
behaving that way
  keithfras says, They were only interested in housework and pleasing their
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, obsessing whether her cofee is good enough
for her husband
agassizde is away (be right back)
  dai_evans says, It's been so long sinve I read it I cant' remember what
selah_1977 says, Hmm... the Ideal Woman in many men's POVs.
  bludger_witch says, Submissive, me? I'm much too stubborn
  keithfras hasn't read it
  bludger_witch says, Well, there's nothing to say against pleasing - but
it depends on the subject <g>
  hermitchick says, My "bf" likes dominating chicks
yael_pou says, *schnoogles Dinah* feel better?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think it's better to be called an owl than
a vampire: my brother CHOSE to be called Wol
  keithfras raises eyebrows
  bludger_witch says, Ooh,
  hermitchick says, I think so to
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, But Anne Rice fans might disagree
agassizde is back.
  bludger_witch says, Get that eyebrows down
minzzer says, o
  hermitchick says, I like old anne rice stuff, got stupid after memnock
sineadsiobhan says, ooh Schnnogles.. :: peers at a particular someone in
the room:::
discords_child14456 says, me too
  keithfras hasn't read any Anne Rice books
  bludger_witch says, I like Anne Rice - buit i also like Forever Night
(which was a cheap plagiate) and Buffy and other things vampire
minzzer says, haven't read them either
  keithfras says, Who ya peering at?
  dai_evans says, down girl. I'm drinking here.
  hermitchick says, Interview with the vampire is the best
discords_child14456 says, she gets a little too religous for me sometimes
sineadsiobhan says,
  hermitchick says, true, too catholic
sineadsiobhan says, guess, keith
  bludger_witch says, But I didn't read mnemnoch - too much Christian
selah_1977 says, Anne Rice is the only vampire lore I deal with.  I've
tried Buffy, but... I think I need someone to explain it.
  keithfras sits back and waits for the manic schnoogling to begin
sineadsiobhan says, ;-)
discords_child14456 says, my fav was Queen of the damned
Doreen_Iowa enters
minzzer says, why we're at it...what's a good book to read
  bludger_witch says, That was th first one I read
  keithfras says, You've read GtVS right, Ebony?
  hermitchick says, love QoTD too
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith: you could start the schnoogling by
schnoogling someone
Your buddy skaprincess27 is in chat
skaprincess27 enters
nangisius is away (Auto-Away)
  bludger_witch says, But i love "Armand", because Armand and Marius are my
minzzer says, Minzzer needs something to do
selah_1977 says, Yes I have, Keith.  Liked your fic better than the show.
  bludger_witch says, Hi!
minzzer says, hi
sineadsiobhan says, Dai was mean to my comuter yesterday... ::grumbles:::
  hermitchick says, Memnock is too mar sue
sineadsiobhan says, hey Sue!
  keithfras says, The first couple of chapters of that explain the premise
quite well
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Sue
nangisius is back.
nangisius says, heyas doreen
  dai_evans says, Hi Sue
  bludger_witch says, *schnoogles Sue*
  keithfras says, The show was more 'pure' in the early days
selah_1977 says, Hi, Sue, Doreen...
skaprincess27 tries to form coherent sentence but can't as brain is
  Doreen_Iowa says, bludger witch ... nij is that you?
  Doreen_Iowa says, hi selah
  keithfras says, Sue! Got rid of the cabana boys at last have ya?
sineadsiobhan says, Aw...
sineadsiobhan pats sue on head
  bludger_witch says,  = Dinah
yael_pou says, Hey Keith, did you try that H/G fic?
  keithfras says, The schnoogling - I meant Dai and Sinead
skaprincess27 says, I had to ship them off, I just finished writing a term
  keithfras says, Which H/G fic?
  dai_evans says, Minzzer, try Capt. Correlli's Mandolin. It's the first
book I read after HP, the only one that could draw me away from HP.
selah_1977 says, How is the Take Sue to England Campaign going?
  hermitchick says, I have friend that reminds my of Louis, who's a girl
  Doreen_Iowa says, ok will the witch from NL please step forward?
  bludger_witch says, *schnoogles everyone in the room* The schnoogling is
skaprincess27 says, It's going right down the toilet, pretty much.
nangisius says, doreen .... nij = not bludger ....
  Doreen_Iowa says, oh there you are
skaprincess27 says, Even if by some huge coup over my parents, I think I'm
stuck doing college vistits over April vacation.
sineadsiobhan says, eek.. what's hapoening?
skaprincess27 says, *visits
  dai_evans says, What's the matter Sinead?
selah_1977 says, Rice painted her milieu perfectly--had its own lore,
eschatology, mythos, eveything.
  hermitchick says, true
triner2001 enters
selah_1977 says, Poor Sue.... hi Trina...
  dai_evans says, Hi Triner
triner2001 says, Hello all
  keithfras says, ? I thought you were nearly 16 - don't you have 2 more
years of high school?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, nangisius (Nan Gisius?) are you on the
chatters lists?
  hermitchick says, hello
  Doreen_Iowa says, LOL I misread Siriusgeologist as Siriusgonocologist
  bludger_witch says, Hi!
selah_1977 says, I thought Sue was 17...
skaprincess27 says, Yes, but I have about thirty schools in my state alone.
skaprincess27 says, I'm 15.  ^_^
minzzer says, hi
selah_1977 says, Oh, no.
nangisius says, uh?????
  hermitchick says, 17 here
selah_1977 says, Oh, God no.
sineadsiobhan says, nothing, Dai.. just wondering why "take Sue to england"
was  going down the toilet
skaprincess27 says, Er.
discords_child14456 says, I love the way she explains the birth of vampires
  hermitchick says, someone younger than me!
  keithfras says, Mae govannon to all the people who arrived
  bludger_witch says, Better than sirius's Urologist
skaprincess27 says, Eb... what happened?
minzzer says, who knows how many here...I refuse to count at my age
  hermitchick says, mee too, is very intresting
triner2001 says, how is everyone this afternoon/evening?
sineadsiobhan says, dandy
discords_child14456 says, bored
selah_1977 says, Sue--I've corrupted you... I thought you were 17... :::
buries face in hands:::
selah_1977 says, busy
skaprincess27 says, *lol*
  bludger_witch says, Tipsy
  hermitchick says, can anyone understand my killing of the english
pippin_999 enters
skaprincess27 says, Well, you thought I was, doesn't that count?  ^_^
selah_1977 says, Hi, Pippin!
  bludger_witch says, hey!!!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Piipin
minzzer says,'d have a better time corrupting me than sue
skaprincess27 says, HI Pippin!
pippin_999 says, Hi
sineadsiobhan says, Sue needs corrupting
minzzer says, hi
  hermitchick says, hello
selah_1977 says, Not in a court of law, Sue.
  Doreen_Iowa says, are Neil or Steve hiding behind a pseudonym?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone, no problem
triner2001 says, Hi Pippin
  hermitchick says, true, you're a bando yes?
sineadsiobhan says, and this is the room!
  bludger_witch says, She's the male chauvi-slayer - wasn't that corruption
skaprincess27 says, Meh, I don't think I count anymore.  I corrupted people
older than I.  ^_^
  keithfras says, Be right back, everyone. Have to go read Yael's fic!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, There are now billboards all over town
advertising statutory rape -- some show a handcuffed guy in jual and teh
capition is "I thought she was 18 is no excuse"
  bludger_witch says, Yay, do and do so, it's great!
selah_1977 says, Yes--and she DID write Salsa, Storage Closets, and
Something Else.
yael_pou says, no keith. it's too long!
  hermitchick says, bandos a re perticually perverted
  bludger_witch says, *go
yael_pou says, do it some other time.
skaprincess27 says, Yes, I'm the one that wrote that Godawful thang.  ^_^
sineadsiobhan says, and SSW
skaprincess27 says, Yes, the bando-ness contributes to that.
pippin_999 says, We talking perverted fan fic again?
selah_1977 says, and DE
sineadsiobhan says, what's u with SSW by the way?
  dai_evans says, Rita, I had a nasty experience last week, the girl
announced that she was only 16 the next morning.
yael_pou says, Dinah - he means the other fic. You haven't even hit that
sineadsiobhan says, up*
selah_1977 says, No, Pippin.  Don't EVEN go there.
skaprincess27 says, Nothing, really.  ^_^
  hermitchick says, Hey, I got kicked out of band, first person ever in the
selah_1977 goggles at Dai's revelation
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dai: for real??? I've heard that 16 is legal
in UK, tho'
  bludger_witch says, Oh, have to go and do that, too. Don't have school
skaprincess27 says, I'm busy trying to do these stupid English papers and
balance DE06 at the same time.
  dai_evans says, She didn't look 16.
sineadsiobhan says, Aw... I like SSW..
triner2001 says, I have a very limited fanfaic repetoire
  dai_evans says, It is. It's close though, and a lot younger than I
usually go for.
  Doreen_Iowa says, yeah what IS SSW?
selah_1977 says, 19's legal in Canada, which is why my sister and I have to
party and gamble over there... she's only 20.
sineadsiobhan says, Se She Wrote
skaprincess27 says, Well, in about... *checks watch*  three months, I'm
legally uncorruptable.  No worries.
sineadsiobhan says, Sex*
siriusgeologist is away (Auto-Away)
  hermitchick says, I have seen 13 year olds that look older than I
  bludger_witch says, Like "Murder she wrote"?
skaprincess27 says, Sort of.  ^_^
yael_pou says, Dinah - do what? is that what's everyone's saying is
  Doreen_Iowa says, Is SSW fanfic?
siriusgeologist is back.
siriusgeologist says, I walk away and 10 peolpe walk in...eeek
sineadsiobhan says, yep.. Sue wrote it
sineadsiobhan says,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Agree on 13 year olds -- I was one, but at
16, I was shocked observing another
selah_1977 says, I've sworn off lists and fanfic for a while.  Need to
regain my canonical purity.
selah_1977 says,
  bludger_witch says, Har, har. yael, really funny
  Doreen_Iowa says, Is there anyone in here over the age of 30?
skaprincess27 says, My one age-thing is that I can sneak into R-rated
movies.  I sort of look 17 if I try really hard.  ^_^
triner2001 says, i just finished a re-read of canon
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm 43
  bludger_witch says, I'm legal, no worries - anyone care to come over?
siriusgeologist says, me...39
agassizde says, 41
triner2001 says, me, I'm 31
pippin_999 says, Yes >30, 48
discords_child14456 says, 32
minzzer says, me=underaged
yael_pou says, Doreen - in a year and a half i'll be.
  hermitchick says, I get careded in Movie theartes, and I have no licence,
so I use my school ID
minzzer says, o and Eb...lurking is fun
  Doreen_Iowa says, ok just curious .. thought for a minute I had wandered
into HP for teens
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Yael: will be legal???
triner2001 says, lol Doreen
siriusgeologist says, sometimes we act that way
  bludger_witch says, yael starts counting week and minutes...
selah_1977 says, Doreen--that wasn't nice.  LOL!
dai_evans is away (be right back)
pippin_999 says, HP for old fogies
sineadsiobhan says, LOL
  bludger_witch says, lol!
  catlady_de_los_angeles wonders what Yael was saying to Al about it being
illegal for her to dven knew him.
skaprincess27 is an old fogie!
skaprincess27 says, ^_^
agassizde -9
triner2001 says, Well, we all seem to be very much in touch with our inner
  hermitchick says, My school ID makes me look like a guy
  bludger_witch says, Yeah, I'm the chief fogy
yael_pou says, catlady - will be > 30
sineadsiobhan says, no you're not Sue! I'm an old fogy
  bludger_witch says, *gets out her glasses and gray wig*
  Doreen_Iowa says, I am probably the oldest and the youngest in this room
skaprincess27 says, Can I be an assistant fogy?
  hermitchick says, mentally I'm a lot older
sineadsiobhan says, Go ahead
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, SueL you can only be a Young fogie.
pippin_999 says, mentally I'm underage
skaprincess27 says, *looks forward to fogydom*
selah_1977 wishes sometimes she were over 30 so people would take her
seriously and she could join the SS Sirius and I
  hermitchick says,
sineadsiobhan says, HRH of Fogydom
minzzer says, physically...I'm the youngest...
  keithfras is 18 (popping back in for a sec)
  hermitchick says, ehat's that?
  bludger_witch says, Why not join now?
pippin_999 says, Eb, being taken seriously is not worth it
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Doreen: "this room": someplace you're alone:
not this chatroom
skaprincess27 likes being a teenager sometimes because it means she can
still be on the SS Draco and I
siriusgeologist says, you can come aboard eb...I'll make a special
exception with you
selah_1977 grins at Carole
discords_child14456 says, don't worry about it once you hit 21 the years
fly by
yael_pou says, catlady - in some *sticks tongue at Ebony*
  bludger_witch says, I'm only interested in the guys who are way over 35
(in the HP books, I mean)
yael_pou says, mixup sorry.
sineadsiobhan says, They can have Sirius.. I'll have Harry ;-)
  hermitchick says, I'm now mad at all men
agassizde says, Dinah: Like Dumbledore?
selah_1977 says, 21?  Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.  The years
are NOT flying by.  Sorry.
minzzer says, why?
skaprincess27 says, I seriously want to babysit the kid playing Draco or
something.  They're all so cute.  ^_^
  Doreen_Iowa says, how does the pm thingy work?
  bludger_witch says, Oh
sineadsiobhan says, I just want to pinch their cheeks
  hermitchick says, why what?
agassizde says, He's only 150...
  bludger_witch says, Didn't particularly mean Dumbledore - but I'm sure he
was a hottie in his younger years!
  hermitchick says, that's still yung
minzzer says, why are you mad
  bludger_witch says, *gets out her time-turner*
sineadsiobhan says "you're so cute"
sineadsiobhan says, Ugh!
selah_1977 says, The pics reminds me of the Worst Witch for some strange
reason.  I love that movie.
sineadsiobhan says, Dumbledore?
triner2001 says, I do too, Ebony
yael_pou says, catlady - there are some things that even knowing someone
who's tried hash is illegal and punishable.
sineadsiobhan says, with Faruzia Balk?
skaprincess27 says, I'm still worried about the movie, but the pics have
assured me that at least it'll be cute.
siriusgeologist says, I will have to try to see that one
triner2001 says, that's the one I've seen, but have seen the HBO series too
  hermitchick says, G, dragged me with him to watch Josh play video games
for 4 hours last night and got pissed when I wanted to leave the dump,
Said I was a snob!
pippin_999 says, I am worried they will over do the cuteness, but it looks
good so far
discords_child14456 says, i've got to go, trying to redecorate a room, and
it's getting away from me
selah_1977 says, I almost wish I hadn't read the books before seeing the
movie.  Whenever I see the movie first, I can forgive it.
  Doreen_Iowa says, nangisius type something
pippin_999 says, Couldn't be worse than Dune
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, by by Discord's Child
  bludger_witch says, bye
discords_child14456 says, lordie spent a fortune on curtains.....that
Martha stewart should be shot
pippin_999 says, Bye
  dai_evans says, Bye
dai_evans is back.
minzzer says, bye
  keithfras says, Yael, I think I read the beginning of this a while back
  Doreen_Iowa says, is there a way to do a shortcut on nicks in here like
you can in mirc?
  hermitchick says, bye
selah_1977 says, Bye...
  dai_evans says, I liked Dune
discords_child14456 says, bye all.
triner2001 says, bye
nangisius says, and what would you like me to type doreen????
discords_child14456 leaves
  Doreen_Iowa says, bye discords
siriusgeologist says, the movie or the book...dune that is
yael_pou says, Keith - that doesn't sound good.
skaprincess27 says, My friend Ally and I have already made plans to see it
the day it's released and either a) see it again if it ws good or b) reread
the books to reassure us if it's bad.
  hermitchick says, didn't like dune
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nangisius, are you in Chatter;s List?
sineadsiobhan says, D'you thin Hermione would be a good Marrha Stewart?
"This is how you arrange...."
selah_1977 says, I'm doing a sci-fi binge during lunchtimes at work--just
finished Card's Ender's Game quartet.  Bought Dune--haven't started it.
sineadsiobhan says, think*
triner2001 says, I have come to an understanding regarding to film
  dai_evans says, Both. I liked the books more, but the movie was not at
all bad.
selah_1977 says, Sinead... NO.
pippin_999 says, I liked Dune the book, and Dume made for tv wasn't too bad
  bludger_witch says, She isn't patient enough.
triner2001 says, if they don't change too much I can deal with it
sineadsiobhan LOLs literally
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hermione could be Martha Stewart if someone
pursuadedher to belive that that stuff is important
siriusgeologist says, I saw the movie without having read the biooks and
was completely lost
skaprincess27 says, Hermione would be a better Gloria Steinem.
  bludger_witch says,  "No, I said lavender, not mauve. And it's bordeaux,
not wine-red!
pippin_999 says, LOL Hermione as MS
siriusgeologist says, I agree with sue...Hermione as GS not MS
sineadsiobhan says, IMHO: She'd be a better anti Martha Stewart
triner2001 says, like , say the entire ending, as in Little Princess or
Fried Gree Tomatoes
  dai_evans says, It is tricky to understand initially. You have to either
have read the books first or watch the film a few times.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, she can learn to do everything from books,
but does't want to take the time if it's not imoporant, like she said about
straithenging her hair
selah_1977 says, I think we project our own view of what it means to be
female onto Hermione.  We don't know what she'll end up like.
  Doreen_Iowa says, nangisius I have to go ... I think Walker is knocking
on my door
  Doreen_Iowa says, bye all
skaprincess27 just had to watch the Lord of the Flies movie in English
class and spent half the time vomiting
Doreen_Iowa leaves
minzzer says, bye
  hermitchick says, Darnit the evil bastard, aka dad is being a real pain
again!  I hate my life and family
siriusgeologist says, plus I saw the movie in a drafthouse...where they
serve beer and pizza...not good for close listening
nangisius says, poor you ... see ya   i gotta go too ... promised to write
something ......
nangisius leaves
  bludger_witch says, Aww, c'mon. can't be that bad. try being positive
minzzer says, uh Minzzer is now officially lost
skaprincess27 says, I told my teacher that if I ever had to do that again,
I would personally sneak into the school library and destroy the tapes to
save future generations.
selah_1977 lost along with Minzzer
  hermitchick says, doesn't belive in being positive
yael_pou says, have you seen what they did to "clan of the cave bear"? It
was actual murder.
minzzer says, LOL
selah_1977 says, NO!  Let's not talk about that.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, two separate conversionat" one about movied
Lord of the FIlies
sineadsiobhan says, I posed this question on friday...
minzzer says, positive--ity has gotten me no where
skaprincess27 says, They had an *accordion* in the movie!  Gah!
  hermitchick says, hate that book and movie
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, one about Persephone's (Hermia's) family
  dai_evans says, Yael, that's the whole point isn't it. That they regress
socially to murder so quickly.
  bludger_witch says, I hadn't read the book, but i saw part of the movire
and thought it was so stupid that i didn't bother to read the book
selah_1977 says, What's going on over at the HP4GU list?
skaprincess27 says, They screwed up the one book I ever liked to read in
sineadsiobhan says, What type of shoes would be good for the characters?
pippin_999 says, Discussion of Candy
triner2001 says, gotten onto a candy thread,
  bludger_witch says, Discussing fudge and how to make it
minzzer says, uh...lurking...wouldn't know
skaprincess27 says, Harry-- Adidas Classics!
  hermitchick says, too many messges, I stopped reading them all
selah_1977 says, Oh.
minzzer says, which book...sue?
  hermitchick says, candy is evil
skaprincess27 says, Lord of the Flies.
sineadsiobhan says, What do you call the boots wesaw in the store?
triner2001 says, Never read it
siriusgeologist says, I'm due to do the character summary this
week...anyone care to guess who?
minzzer says, what about M&M's
pippin_999 says, And, which character would you like to be/ go out with/
have for a friend
skaprincess27 says, Well, Catcher in the Rye wasn't that bad.
hermitchick Drops M&M's all in the room... (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
  dai_evans says, Ummmm..... Sirius?
selah_1977 says, Hmm... Sirius?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, PersephoneL not eveil for us who only have
to weatit, not make it
skaprincess27 says, Hmmm.... Draco!
triner2001 says, uhh,let's see, Carole...LOL"
skaprincess27 says, *schnoogles Draco*
siriusgeologist says, obvious...?
yael_pou says, Oh, there are four books in the series. (earth's children)
it's wonderful!
agassizde says, No,not at all...
selah_1977 says, I am Draco-weary... LOL!
  bludger_witch says, Never was interested in him
  hermitchick says, try wearing it
pippin_999 says, If you're tired of Draco, you're tired of life!
selah_1977 says, Let's talk about Flitwick or someone else...
skaprincess27 says, Draco has officially grown on me.  I printed out
Starling art and put it on my walls the other day.
sineadsiobhan says, is Keith still here?
  bludger_witch says, Off reading yael's fic
selah_1977 says, Pip... maybe...
minzzer says, what about flitwick?
pippin_999 says, Did Yael post a new chapter?
sineadsiobhan says, my printer isn't working! :::grumbles:::
triner2001 says, Still don't like Draco, can't imagine ever doing so
skaprincess27 says, I'm considering putting "Piece of Toast" in my locker
to confuse people.  ^_^
  hermitchick says, anyone remember the personalit test on the list a long
while back...I think?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Flitwick: he's Head of House of Ravenclaw
yael_pou says, as I said on the list - I would like to go out with Draco so
that my husband would beat him to dust.
selah_1977 says, LOL!
  dai_evans says, Sinead, did you e-mail tech support?
skaprincess27 says, Flitwick is short.  Go Flitwick.
triner2001 says, How do we know that Rita?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, JKR said it in a chat
minzzer says, yeah...uh short...yeah..
skaprincess27 says, I'd like to date Draco, because... *goes into long list
of reasons*
  bludger_witch says, Flitwick collects Celebrity Dolls - he has the whole
Weird Sisters and Spelly Spears Colletion
triner2001 says, okay, thanks!
sineadsiobhan says, not yet
skaprincess27 says, Done.
selah_1977 says, My attention span is as short as my students.  I'll be
into Draco again in about a month.  Now I'm re-reading canon and want to
know about the teachers.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I just posted on HPfGU a link to a new post
on HPA that includes that chat excerpt
sineadsiobhan says, 1 reason to date Draco) LEATHER
  bludger_witch says, Flitwick's short, so what? I thoguh size doesn't
skaprincess27 says, Sinead, did you go to that sale I told you about?  ^_^
selah_1977 says, JKR didn't put him in leather!
selah_1977 says, Yet.
  bludger_witch says, *thought
  hermitchick says, that's what they want you to think
  dai_evans says, 1 reason not to date Draco: - He's a asshole.
sineadsiobhan says, No... the chat room won
yael_pou says, Dinah - you should say!
  bludger_witch says, Hey dai!
sineadsiobhan sniffles
skaprincess27 says, *swoons over Asshole!Draco*
selah_1977 says, LOL, Dai!  He is, though...
  bludger_witch says, *Yay!
  hermitchick says, Most people are
selah_1977 says, But he's interesting.
minzzer says, must go write to JKR and ask her to put Draco in
leather...anyone want to help
skaprincess27 says, Sinead, you should know better.  ^_^
  catlady_de_los_angeles elbows Dai, says: "Look who's talking"
sineadsiobhan says, I know sue!
  bludger_witch says, Yes, if you're an under-challenged social-worker
  dai_evans says, Sinead, consider yourself told.
sineadsiobhan says, :-(
  catlady_de_los_angeles hopes Dai know that was n't nasty
skaprincess27 says, Come on, it was a once-in-a-lifetime!
yael_pou says, you're confused by the fanon. Draco is *horrible!*
triner2001 says, gotta go, y'all
sineadsiobhan says, I know!!!
pippin_999 says, Bye
  bludger_witch says, Bye!
sineadsiobhan wails
  dai_evans says, It sounded pretty nasty.
selah_1977 thinks that we have now entered into the obligatory Draco
worship portion of chat.
triner2001 leaves
minzzer says, bye
selah_1977 says, Bye, Trina
skaprincess27 says, *puts on big scary blinking lights *
  hermitchick says, I got out of Homours Chem!  I'm in normal chem now, and
I"m the smartest person in class!  I love mediocraty
  hermitchick says, honoura
  bludger_witch says, I REFUSE to worship Draco! i refuse to even consider
saying a nice thing about him!
minzzer says, bows down to Draco
sineadsiobhan says, Wh.. what are those blinking lights?
minzzer says, LOL
  hermitchick says, still didn't get it right
  bludger_witch says, *kicks Draco's ass*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hooray for Persephone's normal chemistry!
  dai_evans says, Sinead, you're seeing things
  bludger_witch says, yes, I feel better now
skaprincess27 says, they signal a) we are in Draco-Worship Mode and b) that
you should have gone to the sale.
  hermitchick says, although the guy has hypotimizing voice
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dai, I've dated a lot of assholes. One of
the biggest assholes was the second best lay I've ever.....
sineadsiobhan :niffles
selah_1977 says, What sale?  :::eyes get big:::
yael_pou says, every time i write about Draco doing something nice - i go
and iron my ears afterwards
  dai_evans says, LOL Rita
  bludger_witch says, Oooh, Cat, tell us more!!!
pippin_999 says, Pippin kicks sand in Draco's face <g>
sineadsiobhan says, Abercrombie and Fitch sale
minzzer says, Minzzer wants to know if anyone has any advil or
something...if so please send it to Minzzer's place
  hermitchick says, the whole class was asleep on friday and he kept
keithfras is away (Auto-Away)
skaprincess27 says, We were being awful little fashion snobs last night on
IMs.  ^_^
  dai_evans says, Are you saying that it's an inversly proportinal scale,
ie, better the shag the worse the bloke?
  bludger_witch says, lol yael - your poor ears#
sineadsiobhan says, where the clothes are so outrageously expensive
selah_1977 says, Yes, Dai.
sineadsiobhan says, LOL..
siriusgeologist says, Not necessarily true
sineadsiobhan says, Mall of America is the best place to shop IMHO!
  bludger_witch says, That's puts a whole new meaning to the word
  hermitchick says, never been there
skaprincess27 likes Wal-Mart!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone has Professor Binns for Chemistry
  hermitchick says, walmart is evil
siriusgeologist says, likes target
sineadsiobhan says, Target?
  hermitchick says, lol
minzzer says, Attention Wal-mart shoppers
  bludger_witch says, likes H&M
sineadsiobhan says, there's a target here?
pippin_999 says, likes Target, too
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, that French store, Tar-jay
skaprincess27 says, I love Wal-Mart.  It is my Mothership.
sineadsiobhan says, IIlove target!
selah_1977 says, Target is wonderful.
minzzer says, the mall
  hermitchick says, likes hot topic
siriusgeologist says, yepper...scattered randomly around the metro area
sineadsiobhan says, been shopping at target for the last 15 years :-D
  dai_evans says, Rita, was Mr. #1 a nice bloke?
minzzer says, Target??? Haven't seen one since I was three
siriusgeologist says, me too...
sineadsiobhan says, I remember buying Care Bears
  hermitchick says, never seen a target
minzzer says, target does not exist in New Orleans...I think
skaprincess27 says, The people in Hot Topic tell me to leave as soon as I
put one foot in the store.  I am scared of them and subsequently avoid
Turtle Bob's because it is next door to ot.
selah_1977 says, There are no Wal-marts here.  Targets and K-marts.
sineadsiobhan says, ;-D
skaprincess27 knows the entire staff of her local K-Mart
siriusgeologist says, you are lucky, eb
  hermitchick says, why would they kick you out, they love me
pippin_999 says, (hates Walmart)
sineadsiobhan says, Hot Topic! I bought a plaid schoolgirl skrit there!
  bludger_witch says, We didn't have Wal-Marts here a year ago. npow they
are popping out of the ground like Mushrooms
sineadsiobhan says, skirt*
selah_1977 says, What's wrong with Walmart?  My Southern friends love them.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I've been wondering how to phrase that ... I
guess he was just a big idiot, rather than an  asshole... but he shouldn't
have written one letter suggesting we live together, folloed by one the
next weekt elling aboutthe pretty nurse he's just mvoed in with
  bludger_witch says, Sinead and her plaided
minzzer says, oh...Well Wal-marts and K-marts are are specially
stores and gas stations
skaprincess27 says, They seriously throw things at me.  All I wanted was a
Millencolin bumper sticker!
siriusgeologist says, yech...very low quality clothes
  bludger_witch says, - skirts. So you like wearing kilts, too?
pippin_999 says, They never have what I want, I can't find it, or it's
sineadsiobhan says, with zippers in  certain placcs which is not aplicable
to the chatroom
siriusgeologist says, right pippin
sineadsiobhan says, places*
yael_pou says, catlady - did you get your answer?
selah_1977 says, Ooh, Sinead!
minzzer says, they always run out of stuff
skaprincess27 says, I'm very cheap about these things.
  dai_evans says, V. cheap food at Asda (british version of Wal-Mart) it's
a life saver.
sineadsiobhan grumbles at typing ability today
skaprincess27 says, I love Wal-Mart.
  bludger_witch says, Oh, Rita, that sounds like someone should have kicked
him really hard where it hurts most
  hermitchick says, my friend got fired from Kmartthe day after christmas
selah_1977 says, K-mart runs out of stuff too.  Target is so chic.  Have to
love it.
minzzer says, your typing ability is better than mine...
sineadsiobhan says, I love wearing skirts
  keithfras grins at continuing talk about kilts then goes away again
keithfras is back.
sineadsiobhan says, any kind of skirtI see in the store
  hermitchick says, my typing ability is nill
minzzer says, Minzzer is nursing a wrapped up hand so typing is difficult
pippin_999 says, Let's here it for blast ended skrits!
siriusgeologist says, LOL
pippin_999 says, *hear!
sineadsiobhan says, LOL
  bludger_witch says, lmao
skaprincess27 recently discovered that the staffs of Hot Topic and
Spencer's Gifts want her to stay away from their stores
minzzer says,
  dai_evans says, Sue, why?
  hermitchick says, why?  those bastards
  bludger_witch says, Sue, just what did you *do* in those shops? Do we
wawnt to know?
sineadsiobhan says, SSe.. wear a fedora and dark glasses...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Spencer's Gifts -- the chain famouse for
being tacky and no-class?????
sineadsiobhan says, Sue*
  keithfras says, She slew too many chauvinists and mucked up the carpets
  bludger_witch says, lol
  hermitchick says,
selah_1977 says, Dai--I'll be in the UK studying this summer.  S.O.S.... I
don't want to look completely clueless...
skaprincess27 says, Nothing!  I went into Hot Topic wearing my A&F sweater
and they asked me to leave.
  keithfras says, ?!?
  hermitchick says, A&F?
  bludger_witch says, Sounds stupid
  dai_evans says, Go on Eb?
sineadsiobhan says, Reallyy?
yael_pou says, keith - what you said earlier about the fic doesn't sound
too good. What didn't you like? (feel free to stomp me)
selah_1977 says, Sue--my friends and I have had those experiences before...
skaprincess27 says, I hate being hopelessly preppy...
sineadsiobhan angrily ounds desk at typing abilities
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ebony:  I thought they only did that to
black people?
  hermitchick says, preppy? eww
skaprincess27 says, even if my wardrobe is predominately black.
cassandraclaire73 enters
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, not Sue
  bludger_witch says, *gets out her scraper in case keith stomps yael*
selah_1977 says, LOL!
sineadsiobhan says, Preppy is good
siriusgeologist says, hey cass
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Cassie
  dai_evans says, Sinead, stop ounding the desk.
selah_1977 says, Rita--nah.  It's a teen thing, I think.
yael_pou says, hi Cassie!
minzzer says, hi
  dai_evans says, Hi Cass
  bludger_witch says, hey Cass!
  keithfras says, I didn't say anything derogatory! The first few chapters
are a little slow but I'm enjoying it now (got on to the bits I didn't read
selah_1977 says, hi...
cassandraclaire73 says, heya
pippin_999 says, Hi Cassie
skaprincess27 says, Preppy is good, just not when I'm trying to buy bumper
cassandraclaire73 says, what are we talking about?
skaprincess27 says, Hi Cass.  *schnoogle*
  keithfras says, What exactly does 'preppy' mean?
sineadsiobhan says, Dai...I can so ound the desk whenever I want to
  hermitchick says, likes goth clothing personally
siriusgeologist says, shopping
cassandraclaire73 says, hey alish...schnoogles
  keithfras says, Cass! When is DS13 coming?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue being banned from Hot Topic and
SPecner's Gifts
sineadsiobhan says,
sineadsiobhan says, hey Cass!
  bludger_witch says, pupil of prepatory school
  keithfras says, Or whatever the next chapter is
cassandraclaire73 says, not for another week at least
skaprincess27 says, I was!  They hate me.
cassandraclaire73 says, 13 is right
  bludger_witch says, Says my dictionary
  dai_evans says, Sorry Sinead. Just don't hurt yourself. I don;t like the
sound of this ounding.
hermitchick leaves
Your buddy hermitchick leaves chat
pippin_999 says, Sloane ranger = preppy I think
  keithfras says, The Goth look rules
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, preppy is a stule of dress which is not torn
or ragged or dirty or very oversized
sineadsiobhan says, AAw... dai... you still want your schnoogle?
  bludger_witch says, Conservative - that's another thing my dic says
sineadsiobhan winks
minzzer says, you mean not baggy
skaprincess27 says, What can I say, I was one of those dratted BabyGap kids
of the 80s.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think Khakis are preppy
selah_1977 says, Then again, Rita--I don't shop where I know I'm not really
  keithfras says, Ah, right. My dress sense would probably be described as
preppy then
  dai_evans says, Am I indanger of not getting any, Sinead?
cassandraclaire73 says, didn't you call Preppy Draco over on the Evil List?
skaprincess27 says, I called:
siriusgeologist says, think sport shirt and khakis
sineadsiobhan says, Maybe.. maybe not...Dai
  keithfras says, So when is DS13 coming?
  dai_evans says, Hmmmmm
sineadsiobhan says, I wore gapKids in the 1980's
cassandraclaire73 says, well STNE 7 will be out this week! (tries to shift
attention from self)
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
hermitchick enters
  hermitchick says, I want to work there when I go to college
  keithfras says, Yay!
  dai_evans says, Did you have to dance?
sineadsiobhan says, I liked the shirts
skaprincess27 says, FallIntotheGap!Draco, SnobbyAbercrombie!Draco,
RalphLaurenPolo!Draco, and all that.
  bludger_witch says, keith you wear kilts - that should be the definition
of conservative since they are really historical
siriusgeologist says, yay!
selah_1977 says, Can we dress the other characters as well?
cassandraclaire73 says, good. keep all the dracos. nobody else there
deserves him.
  keithfras doesn't care where what he wears comes from all that much
sineadsiobhan says, Oh  Sue! I have an ad of a male up on my dorm room that
looks like Draco
skaprincess27 says, I also called KateSpade!Draco and BetseyJohnson!Draco.
sineadsiobhan says, RalphLauren!Draco
  hermitchick says, huh?
cassandraclaire73 says, all my clothes are Betsey! I cannot see Draco in
frilly velvet hot pants
skaprincess27 says, For those "Snitch!" moments.
  keithfras says, EverybodyInLeatherGap! Draco
  dai_evans has a habit of looking cool no matter what he wears.
  bludger_witch says, RagsDirt'nScrapes!Draco (after I'm finished with him)
selah_1977 says, Hmm.
cassandraclaire73 says, yes, we all know you are an unstoppable sex god,
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Ebony: start dressing the girls and see if
you can stand how the boys help
siriusgeologist says, and you're so modest too dai
  bludger_witch says, dai, don't speak so low of yourself <g>
  hermitchick says, Draco is anoying
  keithfras says, Like that pic on PoU with Leather ShortsAndSpikes!Ginny
minzzer says, Minzzer has re-entered the lost zone
  dai_evans says, Thank you Cass. I don't need remining
  dai_evans says, *reminding
cassandraclaire73 says, draco is not annoying...grrr...
sineadsiobhan pats Dai on heed... he ware a dress and still looked cool
  hermitchick says, I'm always lost
  keithfras says, Dai is speaking low of himself? Thought that was my job?
skaprincess27 says, My wardrobe is split: 1/3 Hopeless Mall Preppy, 1/3
Dolce & Gabbana, and 1/3 Wal-Mart.
  bludger_witch says, Keith, I'm sorry to say that this remark was inronic
cassandraclaire73 says, ..all betsey johnson all the time...
  bludger_witch says, *ironic
skaprincess27 says, I thought I slew Dai....
cassandraclaire73 says, he seems to have been reanimated.
skaprincess27 says, ^^__^^
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Keith: I think it ha to be ironed to be
preppy look
minzzer says, My wardrobe can not be put in fractions
  dai_evans is not being chauvenistic.
pippin_999 says, Dress in part Target/part Neiman Marcus
  bludger_witch says, Uh-oh, Sue in actiion again
  hermitchick says, I'm goth and grunge myself
minzzer says, its just not possible
sineadsiobhan says, You slewed day very ungraciously, Sue
dr_simon_branford is back.
  dr_simon_branford says, hello - I am still working
yael_pou says, Draco is nor annoying. He's way beyond that... Can't
describe without using very foul words.
skaprincess27 says, you crazy betsey johnson wearer ,you
pippin_999 says, Hi Simon
selah_1977 says, I like Lord&Taylor, Saks, etc. at work--hip-hop gear on
the weekends.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Sue, you weren't hear last week when Dai
REEALLY needed to be slain
cassandraclaire73 says, *schnoogles simon*
sineadsiobhan says, Daa! dammit.. what is wrong with my typing
cassandraclaire73 says, i do NOT want to hear ill of Draco.
  hermitchick says, why?
  bludger_witch says, yael, you're right *shakes yaels hand in a solemn
sineadsiobhan thinking ill of Draco
siriusgeologist says, all jeans and sweatshirts all the time
minzzer is away (be right back)
skaprincess27 says, Cass, I'll loan y

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