Cheeta Chat Instructions

Simon Branford simon at ...
Sun Mar 4 20:45:02 UTC 2001

To use CheetaChat in the HPforGrownUps chat follow the following
instructions (which are hopefully correct and sufficient):

1) Download it from (please check the system 
before download)
2) Install it.
3) Run it.
4) Click Add/Change
5) Click Add and put in your YahooID and password where required 
(note: if
using a shared access computer then it is advisable, for reasons of
security, to select the 'Do not remember my login option').
6) Click Login/Add Alias
7) Click Favorites.
8) Click Add
9) Enter *g.2176166:1 in the box and click ok (you need all of the 
string from the star to the final one to get into the correct chat 
10) Click Ok
11) Click Logon
12) Ignore this first room you enter - it is almost certainly not the 
you want.
13) Select Rooms
14) -----> Favourite Room
15) ------> grp*g.2176166:1
16) Welcome to the HPforGrownUps Chat Room.

To save the chat, under settings, preferences there is a screen where 
can save up to a # of lines.  Change that to unlimited (Advisable 
with our
bunch--we've gone to 8 or 9 hours before!).
There is a little diskette on the screen that allows you to save.  
Rich Text
format (Rtf) is with all the blends, etc intact.
DO NOT CLICK THE GREEN icky looking thing if you are saving--it 
clears both
the "buffer" and the screen.  (The buffer is where the words are being
stored, sorta like a clipboard on windows).

To leave, click log-out and disconnect.

Exploration will reveal other interesting features, like text-to-
reading (very kewl, but not for me!) of the lines of certain 
(like it'll speak out loud Neil's postings as the Flying Ford Anglia!

More information about the HPforGrownupsChatScripts archive