Chat for 03/04/01

Simon Branford simon at ...
Mon Mar 5 07:58:29 UTC 2001

Connected!  Sending login information...
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
Your buddy hert0661isme is in chat
You see here:
  hermitchick says, Oh, they are a bit anoying, I've had to deal with 
worse in school
  Doreen_Iowa says, I am getting the Hagrid figurine .. it is precious
  hermitchick says, hello!
  Doreen_Iowa says, hi catlady
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, 
  hermitchick says, they have those?
  hermitchick says, we're early
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, what time did you guys arrive?
  Doreen_Iowa says, Hallmark has them
  Doreen_Iowa says, few minutes ago
  hermitchick says, 1 something, I was board
  hermitchick says, has to go to hallmark now
  Doreen_Iowa says, so far I just have little things like keychains 
and book plates and book marks ... except for my Sorting Hat bookends
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, it's 40 minutes 'til start time and 
already three people
  Doreen_Iowa says, and I want the Fat Lady bookends too 
  hermitchick says, yup, we're special
  Doreen_Iowa says, we like the upfront seats
Minzzer enters
  Doreen_Iowa says, hi Minzzer
  hermitchick says, nothing like getting neckcramps in the front seet
  hermitchick says, hello!
€  Minzzer says, hi
  Doreen_Iowa says, I miss the mirc nick finisher thingy
  hermitchick says,   <==Lockhart
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Minzer, we're early
  Doreen_Iowa says, in mirc, you type the first initial and hit tab 
and it finishes the nick for you ... 
€  Minzzer says, nods head 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Doreen, your avatar is King Kong?
  Doreen_Iowa says, yes
  hermitchick says, anti-procrastinators R-us
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, naw. I'm procrastinating working on my 
  Doreen_Iowa says, I posted that I just LOVE big hairy guys like 
Hagrid and someone said I am the Fay WrayRay of the US
  hermitchick says, I'm sailor Moon!
  hermitchick says, ditto on the fic thing avec me
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, blond curls and big heart-shaped mouth?
  Doreen_Iowa says, If I could find a Fay icon ... I would change it
  hermitchick says,, but it amuses me
  Doreen_Iowa says, is it Ray or Wray? Anyone know?
  hermitchick says, this looks more like me
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I think it's Wray, but I wouldn't 
recognize her from a picture (unless the beast's hand was wrapped 
around her)
  Doreen_Iowa says, too small Hermitchick .. what IS it?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Pesephone, it's a little purple and 
black thing that I can't read
  hermitchick says, sailor saturn
  hermitchick says, I'll chan it then
Minzzer is away (be right back)
  Doreen_Iowa says, Is everyone using cheetahchat?
  hermitchick says, Nope, I'm Sailor Moon at heart.  Too damn clumsey 
for my own good.
  Doreen_Iowa says, does the stupid Yahoo chat thingy even work?
  hermitchick says, it hates me! Keeps getting me kicked off
  Doreen_Iowa says, Steve is on it and thinks he is the only one 
there ... or here .. I told him to go dl Cheetah Chat
  Doreen_Iowa says, well that is better than I do .. I cant even get 
  hermitchick says, brb
hermitchick leaves
  Doreen_Iowa says, the first Sunday I tried .. I sat there for an 
hour waiting for you all to show up
hermitchick enters
  hermitchick says, back
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, the Yahoo chat chatroom. We used 
to use that room, but with Cheetah chat
  hermitchick says, So what house did the offical page put you in?
  Doreen_Iowa says, who?
  hermitchick says, everyone
  Doreen_Iowa says, Gryffindor, of couse, Doreen roars lionly
  hermitchick says, you is plural as well as singular in english-I 
  Doreen_Iowa says, eww that was bad
  Doreen_Iowa says, ouch
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I didn' get Sorted at the official 
page -- I barely looked at the official page
  hermitchick says, ouch what?
the_voicelady enters
  hermitchick says, It was creapy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, You is plural in English but we use it 
as singular
  Doreen_Iowa says, your you is plural comment LOL
  hermitchick says, the sorting hat
€  the_voicelady says, Hey, all!
  Doreen_Iowa says, hi voice lady
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, which is why so many dialects invented 
a plural for you, such as you-all or you-uns
  hermitchick says, hello
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, Jeralyn
  hermitchick says, Oh, so that's why they say that!
  Doreen_Iowa says, I moved from New Jersey to Kentucky and ended up 
saying something like y'all guys
  Doreen_Iowa says, Yo! Y'all!
  hermitchick says, Anyone else thin the sorting hat pic on the main 
page was creapy?
  hermitchick says, offical
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and then so-called purists complain 
about saying 'they' for a singular third person. If they wree 
consistent, they'd say Thou for a singular second person.
€  the_voicelady says, Where I went to college, everyone said, "Yuns."
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Maine?
€  the_voicelady says, Pittsburgh area.
  hermitchick says, I don't talk to more tahn one person at once, so 
I do not know
  Doreen_Iowa says, Has Steve Vander Ark ever been to this chat 
  hermitchick says, Pittsburgh is evil
€  the_voicelady says, I don't think so.
€  the_voicelady says, Pittsburgh was wonderful then.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Why is Pittsburgh evil?
  Doreen_Iowa says, but he has been on the mailing list for a 
while... right?
  hermitchick says, I hate Pennsylvania, this snow covered hell
€  the_voicelady says, Where in PA are you?
  Doreen_Iowa says, who started the HP4GU anyway?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I changed planes there once (US Air in 
the 1980s) and was amazed at how green it was. From the air it looked 
like a forest
  hermitchick says, 2 hors south of Pittsburgh
€  the_voicelady says, I actually went to school in Johnstown.
  hermitchick says, I want to go there
  hermitchick says, Do you still live in this polar wastland?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, A lady with the initials B D (I'm not 
being coy, I'm trying to remember her name) who resigned for lack of 
time and arranged for Penny to replace her as listmom
€  the_voicelady says, It's gorgeous there.  The new theatre was 
built after a very rich man saw a production I was in there.
€  the_voicelady says, Barbara Drey.
€  the_voicelady says, I'm in NYC now.
  hermitchick says, The ritch section is nice, where my extended 
family lives, but th eslums are not a place to be
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, very few slums are a good place to be
  Doreen_Iowa says, I miss NYC
€  the_voicelady says, agreed.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, that's why they're called slums
  hermitchick says, ignore my typing, I must work on it some
  hermitchick says, true
€  the_voicelady says, How do you guys get your little icon 
€  the_voicelady says, (I'm new to cheetachat.)
  Doreen_Iowa says, settings preference
  Doreen_Iowa says, ummm
  Doreen_Iowa says, settings preference yahoo cheetah chat .. on the 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, cheetah chat. Menu bar. Settings. 
PPreferences. Tab taht says Yahoo./Cheetah
  Doreen_Iowa says, oh .. good .. the up arrow thingy works in here
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, a menu comes up with Avatar near the 
bottom, and a button to scroll through the choice of avatars
  the_voicelady says, Okay - is it working now?
  the_voicelady says, Yay!
  Doreen_Iowa says, LOL yup
  hermitchick says, I like, it's amusing.  I was a hermit 
crab in a previous life  
  Doreen_Iowa says, you gonna share?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I haven't learned how to create one's 
own avatars but Dai created a Welsh flag for his.
  hermitchick says, like yours
  the_voicelady says, Of course - help yourselves!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Oh, yes, two glasses and a bottle of 
  Doreen_Iowa says, Doreen elects voicelady bartender for the evening
  the_voicelady says,  
  Doreen_Iowa says, do I dare order my favorite drink in here?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, is your favorite drink Sex on the 
  the_voicelady says, What'll you have?
  Doreen_Iowa says, nope but close
  hermitchick says, I shall now call myself Persephone, the 
  Doreen_Iowa says, slippery nipple
  the_voicelady says, LOL
  Doreen_Iowa says, we had to change the name to butterball where I 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, not butterbeer?
Minzzer is back.
  Minzzer says, can Minzzer order something even though she's 
  Doreen_Iowa says, some of the little old ladies just could not 
bring themselves to order it under a whisper
  the_voicelady says, Well, if you promise that you're not driving...
  Minzzer says, can't drive either
  hermitchick says, 3rd person?  You sound like my french teacher.
  Doreen_Iowa says, Nera the ape looking bouncer checks ID's
  Minzzer says, Minzzer enjoys talking in third person 
  the_voicelady says, On one of my yahoo! message boards, for some 
strange reason, we all refer to ourselves in the 3rd person.
  Doreen_Iowa says, I think it is a chat room action thingy
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Nera! (Blackie?) there is no virtual 
drinking age limit in cyberspace  
  hermitchick says, so does Persephone, She's hapy to meet you.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, action is start your typng with a 
colon :
  catlady_de_los_angeles  demonstrates how the : suppresses the 'says'
  Doreen_Iowa checks ID's cuz she is terrible with names
  Doreen_Iowa says, cool
  Minzzer says, third person thing is a chat room thing? Well than 
Minzzer does it to often in real life then. 
  the_voicelady thins that's pretty cool.
  hermitchick is amused
  Minzzer  oh 
  hermitchick happy dance
  Minzzer  Oompa Loompa dance 
  hermitchick is on a caffeene high
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Presidential election campaign BEFORE 
LAST, pundits were all making fun of BobDole speaking of himself in 
thrid person
  the_voicelady says, This cheetachat is sooo much better than 
yahoo!  Yahoo! was always kicking me out, but today - so far, so good!
Doreen_Iowa laughs at hermitchick.
  hermitchick says, he's amusing
  hermitchick says, What I do?
Minzzer is back.
  Doreen_Iowa says, oops
  the_voicelady says, He always has that "lost puppy who's heard an 
interesting noise look" on his face.
Doreen_Iowa laughs at Minzzer.
  Minzzer says, looks around lost 
  Doreen_Iowa  laughs at minzzers loopa dance
  hermitchick falls unceremonially on her butt
  the_voicelady says, Ouch!
  Doreen_Iowa says, poor Steve .. he could not figure Cheetah out and 
now he has to rush off to do his play practice
  the_voicelady says, Do you know what he's doing?
  hermitchick says, damn computer yahoo thing
  Doreen_Iowa says, Winnie the Pooh
  hermitchick says, really?
  the_voicelady says, I LOVE Winnie the Pooh!
  Minzzer  has anyone taken one of those hp obsession quizzes?
  Doreen_Iowa says, he is producer and his wife is in it
  hermitchick is scared by pooh
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, My friend and I were having a drink 
after work and she ordered Sex on the beach
  Minzzer  GO WInnie
  Doreen_Iowa  raises her hand 
  the_voicelady says, Yeah - I recently retook it, and I went from 73 
to 76%.
  Doreen_Iowa says, wah mine was only 53
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, she is a prude and was embarrassed by 
the name and said to the waiter: "I'd like Sex on teh Beach.. 
  Minzzer :Minzzer's rate scared her
hermitchick bonks Minzzer on the head.
  Minzzer  oww
  the_voicelady says, I'm a "big" collector - that makes mine go a 
lot higher.
  Doreen_Iowa says, I would be if I didnt have heat bills thru the 
  hermitchick says, 73% on what?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, After al while she wanted seconds. The 
first bartender was on break so the other bartender made her drink. 
It ws very different from the first one.
  Doreen_Iowa says, I window shop and drool
  Minzzer nods head ...I don't collect but for some reason I got 85%
  the_voicelady says, the obsession quiz.
  Doreen_Iowa says, If I had a credit card I would be HP dangerous
  hermitchick says, Hp one
  the_voicelady says, Trust me - it is!
  hermitchick says, ?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, so when I went home I searched the Web 
and found a bartending site
  the_voicelady says, Anything good?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and found that it had thirteen quite 
different recipes for Sex on the Beach. Rum, vodka, whiskb
the_voicelady snickers.
  hermitchick says, I got 86% on the HP obsesson test
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, whisy -- even the liquor was different
owlfriend_of_hedwig enters
  hermitchick says, hello
  Doreen_Iowa says, I have the Sorting Hat bookends, which I adore .. 
and I WILL get the Hagrid doll/figurine
  Minzzer Minzzer says hi 
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, hello
  Doreen_Iowa says, hi owlfriend
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hello, Owl, do we know you?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, yes
  the_voicelady says, My favorite item - so far - is my denim 
Hogwarts jacket.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, owlfriend of hedwigthecat?
hermitchick bonks Minzzer on the head.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, no
  the_voicelady says, I bet that's simon.
  Doreen_Iowa says, where do you find HP clothing?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, yep
  Minzzer What I do this time?
  Doreen_Iowa says, I have seen NONE yet
  hermitchick Persephone is very violent
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, got bored with the other profile
  the_voicelady says, Warner Brother's store.  They're not about to 
close down any of their Manhattan stores.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I'm n ot a collector. I bought myself  
the blue mug with the Hogwarts shield. I use it at work.
  hermitchick says, attention span of a gnat?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was given HP wall calendar for 
birthday prezzie.l
  Minzzer I got some HP clothes
  Doreen_Iowa says, by the time Iowa gets HP clothes, Harry will  
look like Dumbledore
  the_voicelady says, I like my mug, too, Rita.
  hermitchick says, I have 2 posters, 2 calendaes, bookmarks, shirt, 
and mug
  Minzzer and now my parents are keeping me away from the WB store
  the_voicelady EEEeeeks!
  hermitchick says, got mine through scifi store
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I was given Golden Snitch Dept 56 box 
for birthday prezzie and harrry on broom figurine for Xmas prezzie 
and don't want eitehr of them (altho' I like the little pewter 
brrommstick charm dangle
  Doreen_Iowa says, Dept 56 box? 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, from the box ) I was given Harry 
Potter Xmas stocking for Xmas. I actually do like it, except  
  the_voicelady says, I'm not too fond of the Dept. 56 items.
  Doreen_Iowa  is cornfused
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the personalization should say Rita 
Winston or such instead of Harry Potter.
  Minzzer huh
  hermitchick persephone is always confused
  Minzzer nods head
  the_voicelady says, Don't be cnfused.
  hermitchick says, Whay not?
  Doreen_Iowa says, ok can you explain what a dept 56 is?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Doreen, you can see pictures of 
merchandize at
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, (which takes forever to load)
  Doreen_Iowa says, I have been there
  Doreen_Iowa says, but dont remember a dept 56
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho' it doesn't include HUGE items 
like the Hogwarts castle bunkbed
  the_voicelady says, They look like figurines, but they all open up 
and have a charm inside.
  hermitchick says, coolk
  Doreen_Iowa says, oh I liked the looks of some of those
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Department 56 is a company that makes 
little ceramic houses for Christmas Villages
  Doreen_Iowa says, I want the invisibility cape one 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, they expanded into HP figurines
  Doreen_Iowa says, and the Fat Lady book ends 
  the_voicelady says, I just want an invisibility cape!
  Doreen_Iowa says, LOL
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, most of their HP figurines open up as 
Minzzer |¯|||||||||||||||||||||||¯|   
Minzzer |LIFESAVERS |    
Minzzer |_|||||||||||||||||||||||_| 
Minzzer offers you some Candy
  Doreen_Iowa says, have you seen the Hagrid figurine in real life?
  hermitchick says,   <== Lockhart, I'm easily amused
  Doreen_Iowa says, it is too precious 
Minzzer Drops M&M's all in the room... (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
  the_voicelady says,  
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, when I read the label about a secret 
charm inside, I thought of Charms and thought it would be a paper 
with a amgic word adn a diagram of the wand motion
owlfriend_of_hedwig                               =^^\\
owlfriend_of_hedwig                     _____ ( --o\ 
owlfriend_of_hedwig                   /      ___ \_-'
owlfriend_of_hedwig  >>>--------/___ /--\ \-----( )-----
owlfriend_of_hedwig            _//            \ \                 ¤
owlfriend_of_hedwig           \ /               ( )
owlfriend_of_hedwig                               =^^\\
owlfriend_of_hedwig                     _____ ( --o\ 
owlfriend_of_hedwig                   /      ___ \_-'               
I've got it!
owlfriend_of_hedwig  >>>--------/___ /--\ \-----( )-----
owlfriend_of_hedwig            _//            \ \
owlfriend_of_hedwig           \ /               (¤)
  the_voicelady says, That's so cool, Simon.  did you make that one?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, ages ago, myself rita and dee where 
messing around and I created a few of them!
owlfriend_of_hedwig      |                |__
owlfriend_of_hedwig      |                |_  \
owlfriend_of_hedwig      |    TEA      | |   |
owlfriend_of_hedwig      |                |_|  |
owlfriend_of_hedwig      |                |__/
owlfriend_of_hedwig       \________/
  the_voicelady says, I think Carole's having problems today.
  the_voicelady says, How do you make them?
hermitchick Drops M&M's all in the room... (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
  the_voicelady says, You're making me hungryy!
  Minzzer yum
  hermitchick says, Yummie M7M
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, on your cheetachat window, on right 
side of chat window is two sliders
  hermitchick says, m&m
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, the bottom slider is namned macros
  Minzzer says, nods head
hermitchick bonks Minzzer on the head.
  the_voicelady says, 'Kay.
Minzzer bonks herself on the head.
Doreen_Iowa waves at everyone.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, single click on a macro and get a menu 
of  Display mqacro or Edit Macro
the_voicelady snorts derisively.
Doreen_Iowa squirms.
catlady_de_los_angeles    L is for life and living...
catlady_de_los_angeles    O is the oath of giving...              
catlady_de_los_angeles    V and                                  »»—\-
-  /—>
catlady_de_los_angeles    E ... vow of eternity...                    
\  /
catlady_de_los_angeles           that is  ~L~O~V~E~               v
  hermitchick says, it's 3, whre is everybody?
  the_voicelady says, Oops - I hit the wrong emoticon!
  Minzzer in lala land ?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, a couple have said they will be late
catlady_de_los_angeles :  /¯/¯¯\X    A Rose For The   
catlady_de_los_angeles : / /¯\ \ \X__\___\___
catlady_de_los_angeles : \ \ \_/ /X¯/¯¯¯/¯¯¯¯ 
catlady_de_los_angeles :  \_\__/X   Gryffimdor Team
Doreen_Iowa  ¯¯¯"""¯¯:·:·:·:·:¯¯¯¯¯·"""·¯·"""·¯¯¯¯¯\______
Doreen_Iowa    ..··;;     
[...·...]       """ """""    :::·:::  ] ] ]   ¯,¯,,  ======
Doreen_Iowa : ¯¯|      /¯\(¯¯¯"""¯¯¯¯¯¯""""UUUU""""""""¯¯¯
Doreen_Iowa :Starts a  WATER Fight.....WATCH OUT  
owlfriend_of_hedwig                                ~~
owlfriend_of_hedwig                     _____ (   o\ 
owlfriend_of_hedwig                   /  F  ___ \_-'
owlfriend_of_hedwig  >>>--------/___ /--\ \-----( )-----
owlfriend_of_hedwig            _//            \ \
owlfriend_of_hedwig           \ /             =(=)=====
owlfriend_of_hedwig                                ~~
owlfriend_of_hedwig                     _____ (   o\ 
owlfriend_of_hedwig                   /  F  ___ \_-'
owlfriend_of_hedwig  >>>--------/___ /--\ \-----( )-----
owlfriend_of_hedwig            _//            \ \
owlfriend_of_hedwig           \ /             =(=)=====O
owlfriend_of_hedwig           ~~
owlfriend_of_hedwig          /o   ) _____
owlfriend_of_hedwig           '-_/ ___  G  \
owlfriend_of_hedwig      -----( )-----/ /--\___ \--------<<<
owlfriend_of_hedwig                  / /           \\_
owlfriend_of_hedwig      =====(=)=           \ /
owlfriend_of_hedwig           ~~
owlfriend_of_hedwig          /o   ) _____
owlfriend_of_hedwig           '-_/ ___  G  \
owlfriend_of_hedwig      -----( )-----/ /--\___ \--------<<<
owlfriend_of_hedwig                  / /           \\_
owlfriend_of_hedwig    O=====(=)=           \ /
Doreen_Iowa :  )\ \|/ /(  Oh what wicked webs 
Doreen_Iowa :  ))\ | /((    we  weave
Doreen_Iowa :  ))/ | \(( When first we practice
Doreen_Iowa :  )/ /|\ \(     to deceive!
owlfriend_of_hedwig :     /\ /\  
owlfriend_of_hedwig :   ((oVo)) 
owlfriend_of_hedwig :    ():::() 
owlfriend_of_hedwig :     VVV     WHOOOO.....WHOOOOO
  the_voicelady says, Cool!
hermitchick bonks owlfriend_of_hedwig on the head.
Doreen_Iowa : )  )  )  )  )
Doreen_Iowa :Smile Everyone!
Doreen_Iowa : )  )  )  )  )
Doreen_Iowa :       »---}}}}}---›      ™
Doreen_Iowa :           ‹(o  o)›
Doreen_Iowa : _oOOo-(_)-oOOo_
Doreen_Iowa :  |___|____|___|___|     starts stalking you
Doreen_Iowa :.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._
Doreen_Iowa :     Hello Everyone!
Doreen_Iowa :.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._
owlfriend_of_hedwig bonks hermitchick on the head.
Doreen_Iowa :           ___
Doreen_Iowa :    __(      )====::
Doreen_Iowa :    /~~~~~~~~~\
Doreen_Iowa :    \O.O.O.O .O/  Bring in the Tanks
  the_voicelady ))
Doreen_Iowa :   /\        /\
Doreen_Iowa :     \ _____\
Doreen_Iowa :       (_)--(_)
Doreen_Iowa :   Puts on her sunglasses for high colors
hermitchick bonks owlfriend_of_hedwig on the head.
Minzzer :bbb______/¯/____/¯/ 
Minzzer :b ( KaBooM BoMB 1=--
Minzzer :bbb¯¯¯¯¯¯\_\¯¯¯¯\_\
Minzzer : You've Just been nuked.
Doreen_Iowa :°°°°°°o  <|
Doreen_Iowa :   _ |[ ]| _|__
Doreen_Iowa :   \\\\\\\///////
Doreen_Iowa :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  
hermitchick Drops M&M's all in the room... (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
Doreen_Iowa :     @ @ @
Doreen_Iowa :  @ @\@/@ @
Doreen_Iowa :   \@|@|@|@/
Doreen_Iowa :        \\\|/// 
Doreen_Iowa :  /¯/¯¯\X    A Rose     
Doreen_Iowa : / /¯\ \ \X__\___\___
Doreen_Iowa : \ \ \_/ /X¯/¯¯¯/¯¯¯¯ 
Doreen_Iowa :  \_\__/X  For My Love
Minzzer ())crayons))>_())crayons))>-())crayons))>_())crayons))>_())
  the_voicelady says, Stop the madness!!!
Doreen_Iowa :   :^ ^:       :^ ^:   We're just playing in the 
Doreen_Iowa : (° Ö °)    (° Ö °)    MUD
Doreen_Iowa : ()()()()()()()()()()()  
Doreen_Iowa :()()()()()()()()()()()()
the_voicelady : / (_________,--------------.
the_voicelady : [ ]_________|   Bopper ss     |
the_voicelady : ) (ssssss         ` --------------'
the_voicelady : '-' Its Head bopping time
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, If you select Edit Macro, one of the 
optins is Preview, so you can see what it looks like without sending 
it to the whole room
Minzzer :  (¯¯\ Y /¯¯)
Minzzer :   \ Õ/ | \Õ/
Minzzer :   / õ\  | /õ \ 
Minzzer :  (__/   \__) 
hermitchick bonks Minzzer on the head.
  the_voicelady says, "Kay, again.
  Doreen_Iowa  thinks we have been reprimanded ... and lose 50 pts
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, and studying the macros, you can find 
out how to make your own, like Simoms's Quiddich players
Minzzer bonks herself on the head.
  hermitchick says, damn
hermitchick bonks Minzzer on the head.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, all those pink bonks are Emotions, the 
top slider
  the_voicelady says, Cool!  I'll have to play with them.
hermitchick bites Minzzer's.
Minzzer beams.
  Minzzer says,   
  catlady_de_los_angeles bows to voiclady gracefully.
catlady_de_los_angeles bows gracefully.
  the_voicelady says, Okay - I definitely like cheetachat - it's not 
continually kicking me out!
hermitchick falls over, dead on Minzzer.
catlady_de_los_angeles bows gracefully.
  the_voicelady says, This is just mass pendemonium here today!
Minzzer bounces around.
Minzzer bops herself on the head.
  the_voicelady applauds!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Look who brought the booze!
hermitchick grinds his teeth nervously.
  the_voicelady says, But of course!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, her teeth
  Minzzer bops %N on the head.
Minzzer bounces around.
hermitchick mocks Minzzer ruthlessly.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, anyway, grinding is bad for teeth -- I 
have to wear a stupid plastic thing in my muoth when I sleep, so that 
the plastic thing will berak insted of my teeth breeaking
  Minzzer says,   
  the_voicelady says, So what does everyone think about that gleam in 
Dumbledore's eye?
  the_voicelady grins wickedly.
  hermitchick says, hmm
hermitchick pokes Minzzer in the chest.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, how do you guys get the Emote @ Other 
option to work
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, ?
  Minzzer I say he's gone insane
  hermitchick says, woops
  Doreen_Iowa says, go to settings and check them
  Doreen_Iowa says, then scroll to them on the list and click on them
  hermitchick says, click on emote, and left click on personm
owlfriend_of_hedwig bonks the_voicelady on the head.
Doreen_Iowa squirms.
  the_voicelady says, Hey!  what was that for?
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
  Doreen_Iowa says, you can click on a particular person and an emote 
  the_voicelady knows why but couldn't stop from asking.
Doreen_Iowa winks at everyone.
Minzzer bonks hermitchick on the head.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, gleam in Dumbledore's eyes question
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
  the_voicelady says, hehehe - I know...
Doreen_Iowa winks at the_voicelady.
Minzzer bounces around.
  Doreen_Iowa says, click on an emote... click on a person .. then 
right clic  k and choose
  owlfriend_of_hedwig eating 
the_voicelady gives owlfriend_of_hedwig a crisp military salute.
Minzzer I'm having fun with Cheeta chat
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, click on a person WHERE?
  the_voicelady says,   
  hermitchick says, in the people list
  Doreen_Iowa says, in the list on the right
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
  Doreen_Iowa says, if you dont see a list .. check it in settings
catlady_de_los_angeles blushes in embarassment.
  hermitchick says, this is fun
  the_voicelady says, Simon, is that a picture of you?  It's so tiny, 
I can't quite make it out.
Minzzer smacks hermitchick.
  Doreen_Iowa says, user list
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
catlady_de_los_angeles blushes at the_voicelady in embarassment.
Minzzer snorts at hermitchick derisively.
the_voicelady squeezes catlady_de_los_angeles fondly.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, it is Hedwig, my girlfriend!
hermitchick sneers at Minzzer disdainfully.
Doreen_Iowa pinches Minzzer.
catlady_de_los_angeles applauds fervently.
  Minzzer Hey!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, not a very good picture
catlady_de_los_angeles applauds Doreen_Iowa fervently hmmm.
Minzzer :   :^ ^:       :^ ^:   We're just playing in the 
Minzzer : (° Ö °)    (° Ö °)    MUD
Minzzer : ()()()()()()()()()()()  
Minzzer :()()()()()()()()()()()()
the_voicelady :.
the_voicelady :|~~~~| a toast
the_voicelady : \ ___/ to all
the_voicelady : __|__ cheers
  hermitchick says, it's pick on Minzzer day!
  the_voicelady says, Ha!  How appropriate.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon, it looks like a head shot of a 
young man
the_voicelady stares at Minzzer dreamily.
Minzzer waves at hermitchick.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, appropiate who?
hermitchick sneers at Minzzer disdainfully.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, figure out what you have to fiddle 
with for us to see what you are sending isntee of soething different
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I have a pic of an owl
  Doreen_Iowa says, I feel sorry for the Brits ... all that hoof & 
mouth disease problem... makes me worry about eating beef
  the_voicelady says, The macro I just put up.
Minzzer winks at hermitchick.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, <----- me and some mates 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, mad cow shouldm ake you worry about 
eating beef
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, why?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, hoof & mouth apparently doesn't hurt 
  Doreen_Iowa says, yes I get the two confused
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, i still eat beef and pork
  Minzzer mad cow makes me not want to go to Brit
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, an owl with blonde hair?
  hermitchick says, in current events it was a question, and someone 
answered "Gay .. I mean Mad shhep desese"
  Doreen_Iowa says, ok the h&m is keeping them from all their 
celebrations and sports
Minzzer stomps on her foot.
  catlady_de_los_angeles LOL at hermitchick's quote
Minzzer stomps on hermitchick's foot.
hermitchick sneers at Minzzer disdainfully.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, England still played rugby
  the_voicelady schnoogles Simon
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, doesn't affect us owls
Minzzer sneers at hermitchick disdainfully.
  Doreen_Iowa says, well people do not get hoof & mouth disease ... 
no hooves
owlfriend_of_hedwig  Schnoogles the_voicelady.
  the_voicelady blushes.
  Doreen_Iowa says, cloven foot animals get it... which leaves out 
pork too 
  catlady_de_los_angeles LOL at Doreen's logic
  Minzzer at least your not called an owl by your friends...
  hermitchick says, It was an amusing game, another one was what 
monatar note came out in 1796 and the same guy said the euro
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, it is foot and mouth in uk
hermitchick sneers at Minzzer disdainfully.
  Doreen_Iowa says, hmmm and lamb for Greek Easter
  Doreen_Iowa says, geesh down to chicken and fish 
  the_voicelady says, MMMMMmmm. I love lamb.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, but the hook and mouth disease in uk 
was first found in pigs
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, and your point is cat?
  Doreen_Iowa says, hook and mouth? no not fish too:
  Doreen_Iowa says, LOL
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, there have been less than 50 cases and it 
does not effect teh meat from the animals
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, my point is that pigs can get it even 
tho' they are not cloven hooved
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, altho' Flying FOrd Anglia once told us 
that HE has cloven hoofs
  the_voicelady says, Hey, it's snowing here!  It's supposed to be 
the worst storm for 50 years!  Snow day tomorrow.  Woo hoo!!!
  Doreen_Iowa says, arent they?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, wehad some snow last week
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I *think* pigs are solid hoofed
  hermitchick says, Snowey here too, always snowing, you'd think it 
was antartica
  Doreen_Iowa says, what animals are cloven hooved?
  Minzzer not fair...snow does not exist here
  the_voicelady says, It's snowed quite a lot here this year.
  hermitchick says, where?
hermitchick sneers at Minzzer disdainfully.
  Doreen_Iowa says, I thought that is why Jewish people do not eat 
  the_voicelady says, NYC - more than usual anyway.
  Minzzer New Orleans 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, cows and sheep are cloven hoofed
  hermitchick says, oh, cool you live some where warm!
  the_voicelady says, I LOVE New Orleans!  Hubby and I were there 
back in December!
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
  Minzzer Minzzer has enter the lost zone on the mad cow disease 
the_voicelady smooches Doreen_Iowa.
the_voicelady smooches catlady_de_los_angeles.
the_voicelady smooches hermitchick.
the_voicelady smooches Minzzer.
the_voicelady smooches owlfriend_of_hedwig.
hermitchick sneers at the_voicelady disdainfully.
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
Minzzer winks at hermitchick.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, all this smooching
  the_voicelady says, I love everyone today!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, what happend to schnoogling?
Doreen_Iowa leaves
  the_voicelady schnoogles Rita.
  catlady_de_los_angeles  purrs
  Minzzer schnoogles everyone 
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
  the_voicelady says,   
  hermitchick says,   <==Lockhary smiley
  hermitchick says, lockhart
the_voicelady :     /\ /\  
the_voicelady :   ((oVo)) 
the_voicelady :    ():::() 
the_voicelady :     VVV     WHOOOO.....WHOOOOO
Minzzer smacks hermitchick.
the_voicelady :    KISSES
the_voicelady :   / \   A Kiss For
the_voicelady :  /   \   Everyone!
the_voicelady : (___)
hermitchick sneers at Minzzer disdainfully.
Minzzer :           (  ")>
Minzzer :\______ ) (   DUCKY
Minzzer : \__<{{{{{__)
Minzzer :^^^^^^
the_voicelady :.
the_voicelady :|~~~~| a toast
the_voicelady : \ ___/ to all
the_voicelady : __|__ cheers
Doreen_Iowa enters
Minzzer :         ~,       .-.            ^^
Minzzer :           /| -=  (   )  =-         ^^
Minzzer :  ~^~ /_|\ ^~~-^~~-sunrise on a new day
Minzzer :   ~^~ ~^~^~^~^ sunset on the old 
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
  Doreen_Iowa says, I got dumped
Minzzer :       \@|@/       If You Got It!!!!!!
Minzzer :    @\@|@/@   Strut It!!!!!!!
Minzzer :  @\@\ð/@/@
Minzzer :  @\@\O/@/@
  hermitchick says, evil technology
sjbranford enters
  the_voicelady asks, Dumped?
Minzzer :    ÎÎÎ      ^  ^    The DEVIL
Minzzer :     |    °(ò  ó)°     Made Me
Minzzer : _oOOo-(_)-oOOo_     Do It!!!!!!!!
Minzzer :  |___|____|___|___|========> 
  Minzzer huh
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
  Doreen_Iowa says, hi sj
sjbranford leaves
  hermitchick says, what was that?
  Doreen_Iowa says, I opened IE and my computer closed Cheetah
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dumped = kicked out by cheetH chat, 
which is not perfect.
  the_voicelady says, Oh.  
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, me - carole and some others are in a chat 
  the_voicelady knocka wood.
  hermitchick says, the person who got in them back out?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, that was simon
  the_voicelady says, Yeah.  She's been entering and leaving all 
  hermitchick says, oh, 
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, i think he has 1000 yahoo handles
  Doreen_Iowa says, simon is a woman?
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, she has said her and yael are in s chat 
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, no male
the_voicelady chuckles in amusement.
  Doreen_Iowa says, well I didnt think Simon was female .. but I have 
been wrong in chatrooms before
  the_voicelady says, I was refering to Carole.
  Minzzer says, hermitchick is mean
  Doreen_Iowa says, gave some woman a big kiss and hug before she 
informed me of her correct sex
  hermitchick says, I'm female, pretty sure
Minzzer is away (be right back)
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I haven't seen Carole poppin in and 
out of chat???
  hermitchick says, Persephone, godess of stupitity and clumseyness
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, she has e-mailed the group asking where 
we all are, so I am trying to find out where she is.
  hermitchick says, and bad spelling
  the_voicelady says, It's been real  quick - usually on the same 
line.  "siriusgeoligist is in chat.  siriusgeoligist has left chat."
  hermitchick says, lost in space?
the_voicelady :.
the_voicelady :|~~~~| a toast
the_voicelady : \ ___/ to all
the_voicelady : __|__ cheers
the_voicelady squeezes Minzzer fondly.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, folks we need to change room
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, change room to where? Why?
  the_voicelady says, Why?  I thought this *was* the right room.
  Doreen_Iowa says, change it to what?
Doreen_Iowa leaves
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, they have renamed the room
Doreen_Iowa enters
  the_voicelady says, Do you know the new name/number?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, what did they rename the room? who 
renamed it?
  hermitchick says, why?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, grp*g.2176166:1
  Doreen_Iowa says, do we use the grp too
hermitchick leaves
Your buddy hermitchick leaves chat
  Doreen_Iowa says, or just the *g etc
  the_voicelady says, "kay.  see y'all soon.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, yes - yahoo has added it in the last 
couple of days. See you there soon
owlfriend_of_hedwig leaves
Minzzer leaves
catlady_de_los_angeles leaves
You see here:
Doreen_Iowa enters
slytherin_daughter says, we seem to be filling up
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, no I am not lost
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, How did you folks find out about the 
new name of the room????
the_voicelady enters
  Doreen_Iowa says, am I here? can I delete the other room now?
siriusgeologist says, jeralyn!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, they are on through the website
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Did someone save the chat from before 
Simon entered?
  the_voicelady says, Hi gang!
yael_pou says, hi Jeralyn!
cassandraclaire73 says, came in through website.
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
yael_pou says, catlady - no. Nothing interesting, though
siriusgeologist says, those who don't use cheetachat...ended up here
slytherin_daughter says, bully for us
  the_voicelady says, I hope this room is a little calmer.  It was 
getting silly over there!
siriusgeologist says, what did we miss in the other?
yael_pou says, what happened there? what did we miss?
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, what?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, therre are more people here, so there 
should be more silliness, And voicelady broughtth wine with her
  the_voicelady says, Just pure craziness.  We were all just playing 
with the emotions, macros and stuff.
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, ooooo
  Doreen_Iowa says, nothing .. everyone was trying out their newfound 
yael_pou says, Carole - will you stop saing everything *before* i 
press 'enter'
siriusgeologist says, mind reading!
sjbranford leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, largely, they were discovering 
Emotions and smooching and bopping and bombing all over the place
siriusgeologist says, as they say...great minds
  the_voicelady asks, do I know you kiss_me_gorgeous?
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, interesting..........
*** Your request has an incorrect format.  Please try again.
slytherin_daughter says, should we go find them or let them find us?
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, i dunno, do you?
  the_voicelady says, We all just came here...
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, my name's Kim B.
siriusgeologist says, well all teh cool people are here now...
  the_voicelady says, Hi - nice to meet you.
yael_pou says, thank you, Carole. And that before you read one line 
in my fic...
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, hello
slytherin_daughter says, all the cool people?
  Doreen_Iowa says, is there no way to be in both rooms at once?
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, same here
slytherin_daughter says, *snerk*
siriusgeologist says, LOL! Yael...its on my list...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Dee said there was a way to be in two 
rooms at once, but it didnt' work for me
  the_voicelady says, Well, if your computer allows you to have two 
windows open at once, you could probably do 2 chats at once.
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, same here
Doreen_Iowa leaves
siriusgeologist says, but its way too confusing!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am in via the website (beta version) on 
the old site and here through cheeta
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, true........
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I am about to send an e-mail informing 
people about what is going on
minzzer enters
the_voicelady :.
the_voicelady :|~~~~| a toast
the_voicelady : \ ___/ to all
the_voicelady : __|__ cheers
yael_pou says, good idea owlfriend
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, yeah
yael_pou says, Jeralyn?
  the_voicelady says, Yes?
Doreen_Iowa enters
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, I'm about to murder my little sis, she'
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, s playing britney spears over and over
yael_pou says, what were al these odd signes?
yael_pou says, signs
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, damn her and the 'rents for making my abysit 
hermitchick has been invited to join this room.
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Note: Macros do not appear properly ot 
those using the website
al_ffn enters
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, so it is best not to use them
owlfriend_of_hedwig This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
owlfriend_of_hedwig The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
minzzer leaves
  the_voicelady says, That's a macro through cheetachat.  This is my 
first time in chat through it and I'm just playing around.
Minzzer enters
hermitchick enters
yael_pou says, okay, owlfriend, who are you?  
slytherin_daughter says, who are any of us?
bludger_witch enters
  hermitchick says, brb
  the_voicelady says, Oh, Yael, you know who it is. Who is the 
proponent for Harry/Hedwig?
yael_pou says, hi hermi! Hello Dinah!
bludger_witch says, Hi!
siriusgeologist says, does simon have another alias
hermitchick leaves
  the_voicelady waves at everyone.
  the_voicelady says, Yup.
siriusgeologist says, jeez we can't keep up!
al_ffn says, Al starts waving ... hello!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Maybe Carole
cassandraclaire73 says, al?
al_ffn says, yup
yael_pou says, dope. I'm horrible with names.
slytherin_daughter says, Al?
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, hello
cassandraclaire73 says, like, al al?
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, al?
siriusgeologist says, I was wondering if it was *the* al
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, hi Al
  Minzzer hello everyone 
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hi Al, Dinah, Cass, Kim and the otehrs
cassandraclaire73 says, if you know what I mean?
yael_pou says, Al!
al_ffn says, well, um, I don't know.  Yes, I think so.
slytherin_daughter says, the one *Al*
cassandraclaire73 says, ha! screams, runs at al and hugs him.
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, yeah!
owlfriend_of_hedwig  Schnoogles cassandraclaire73.
bludger_witch says, Huh, glad I came - lol, wouldn't have liked to 
miss this premiere!
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, kisses Al
the_voicelady chortles demonically.
al_ffn says, I've never done this before cos I'm never around 
Sundays ... accepts Cassie's hug gratefully!
cassandraclaire73 says, yay!!!!!
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, awwwwwwwwww...........
slytherin_daughter says, you sauntered over our way
cassandraclaire73 says, im so happy!
bludger_witch says, Al, you'll get your hair tousled from us 'til you 
really look like Harry *eg*
cassandraclaire73 says, is that weird?
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, you should be
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Al -- you are in uni? whic onw?
siriusgeologist says, I just started snitch this week...when's the 
next part out?
slytherin_daughter says, *echos Carole's question*
discords_child14456 enters
bludger_witch says, HI!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, hi erich
discords_child14456 says, hello
Your buddy hermitchick leaves chat
al_ffn says, i'm not wearing my glasses right now, so I don't look 
much like Harry today.  In other news, Sussex University, and Snitch 
IV is at the betas now (Rhysenn and Viola)  blimey, this takes some 
doing.  Hello whoever just came in!
yael_pou says, Snitch! is good. weird, but good.
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, ooooooooo
al_ffn says, why thank you, Yael
bludger_witch says, weird *is* good
cassandraclaire73 says, rhysenn said she was in the middle of snitch4.
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, hm..............................
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, damn snow!!!!!!!!
siriusgeologist says, did you pump her for details, cass?
al_ffn says, she's probably right then ... hope she hasn't been 
giving out plot hints
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, *rips her hair out*
  the_voicelady says, Ouch!
siriusgeologist says, we're due to get the snow tonight
  the_voicelady says, It's already started here.
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, 48 hours non-stop
yael_pou says, stop showing off your snow!
bludger_witch says, It's a mees out side  
  the_voicelady says, Snow Day!
siriusgeologist says, is it bad?
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, and my ex is outside in the snow-stalking me
  Minzzer and the snow has come back everywhere but where Min is
  the_voicelady says, Not yet...
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, 'i'm going insane!!!
cassandraclaire73 says, snitch details? no she nevr spills anything.
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, the collage i go to is offically 
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, *cheers*
al_ffn says, phew ... that's my prerogative, you know.  what does 
blue text mean?
yael_pou says, ex outside is bad. All we have outside hete is 30C 
discords_child14456 says, people are out in droves, shopping 
preparring for the snow
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, no snow where cat and cass are. no 
snoe where is
al_ffn says, no snow in London either
  the_voicelady says, The supermarket was absolutely nuts yesterday!
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, my ex sux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\
slytherin_daughter says, Oregon doesn't get snow. Just rain.
  Minzzer no snow by Min either
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, oh al, I'm Kim B. by the way
bludger_witch says, yael, do you mind if I come over and bring my 
sunglasses? I'm slowly starting to wilt and get depressed here.
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, my blue becsause i set a color 
yael_pou says, no rain either.
  the_voicelady says, It's supposed to be the worst storm in 50 years.
siriusgeologist says, same here and this morning still!  you'd think 
we were going to be buried for a week...not just a couple of days
  the_voicelady says, I'm actually looking forward to it!
yael_pou says, dinah - you're welcome to crush in the spare bedroom.
bludger_witch says, sounds great  
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, yeah.................................
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, *sighs*
al_ffn is away (be right back)
  the_voicelady says, Hubby is baking bread, and it smells sooo good!
bludger_witch says, Did I mention I can be a real pain in the a**?
Minzzer is away (be right back)
siriusgeologist says, oooo that sounds like a good idea...maybe I'll 
do that tomorrow
discords_child14456 says, thats sounds awesome fresh baked bread
yael_pou says, *breaks down crying* I've only seen snow once in my 
life and it's been over ten years ago.
  the_voicelady says, Yeah, he's been very domestic lately.
slytherin_daughter says, You aren't missing much, Yael
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I would ask for some, but have had three 
cooked meals today am so am a little full up
discords_child14456 says, I used to hang out in a bakery and loved to 
smell all the good things they were baking
al_ffn is back.
siriusgeologist says, come over here...we've had so much snow I'm 
about to gag on it!
cassandraclaire73 says, is off at
bludger_witch says, I can send you some - in a isolated box, maybe? 
That could work <g>
Doreen_Iowa is away (Auto-Away)
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, lol
siriusgeologist says, to post cass?
  the_voicelady says, There *has* been a lot this year, huh, Carole...
yael_pou says,  
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, cass, when is the next chapter of DS going 
to be out?
siriusgeologist says, YES!!! we were just starting to see grass for 
the first time since christmas!
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, lol
discords_child14456 says, here too, wished only for snow on christmas 
then I don't care if it snows again
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, calm down
yael_pou says, we asked Cass earlier. She said when AuthorAlert is up.
  the_voicelady says,   
al_ffn says, is review alert still down, talking of alerts???
cassandraclaire73 says, waiting for could take forever.
cassandraclaire73 says, yep, all down.
cassandraclaire73 says, can't even get into my account.
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, ooo
  the_voicelady says, I don't think I've gotten an authorAlert in 
yael_pou says, last review i got was a few hours ago, and i didn't 
get anything in the mail
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, so Cass, will it be up sometime this week?
cassandraclaire73 says, can;t even get onto for that 
matter...heidi is reading to me off the pages...
al_ffn says, i had a right go at it on Friday, which I kinda regret.  
I couldn't get into my account Friday, which is why i threw a wobbly!
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I haven't got the e-mail to confirm my 
change of e-mail address
siriusgeologist says, Penny's password wasn't working either...but 
that happens to me sometimes...she canb get in when I can't
slytherin_daughter says, If could go for one week without 
issues, I'd be pleased
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, works for me
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, oh well,
discords_child14456 says,
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, one day and I would be pleased!
al_ffn says, but today it was working fine ... hmm.  tho the 
messageboards seem to be down, it was working fine ... I even got to 
review Irresistable Poison 3.
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, yup!
  the_voicelady says, About 2 weeks ago, I kept gettin a completel 
different website everytime I tried to get in!
yael_pou says, Cass - if works for some, there might be a more 
serious problem, like the one Simon has for several months!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, 
discords_child14456 says, oh okay
al_ffn says, i found out how to change colour ... yay!
Minzzer is back.
  Minzzer has been not letting me review 
the_voicelady smooches siriusgeologist.
Minzzer is away (be right back)
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, same here, i can't review a thing!
siriusgeologist says, why am I getting smooched?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, its harry potter section contains 
areiund 18,000 fics. i mean stories, some of whivs are good
  the_voicelady says, "just cause!
siriusgeologist says, ok!  I don't mind...
cassandraclaire73 says, well i can always send ds to someone else to 
upload if i have to
al_ffn says, the official number of HP fics is somewhere around 11-12 
K right now, isn't it?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, such as Harry Potter and the Paradigm 
of Uncertainty by lori and Draco Dormiens by cassandra claire
yael_pou says, yes! yes! may i offer myself?
slytherin_daughter says, smashing idea, Cassie..the sooner the 
bludger_witch says, Ack. You just want tot get to read it before us
  the_voicelady says, Yael, that sounds kinky...
bludger_witch says,   j/k
yael_pou says, blah!
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, great idea cassie
bludger_witch says, lol @ jeralyn
  the_voicelady chuckles.
al_ffn says, i got a disturbing email about that.  someone's already 
threatened to hobble me a la 'Misery' by Stephen King
cassandraclaire73 says, giggles at rita.
  the_voicelady says, Ouch!
slytherin_daughter says, *snerk* thats horrible, Al
siriusgeologist says, oh my...because of snitch?
siriusgeologist says, BRB..gotta get baby up
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, Cassie?
bludger_witch says, But waqsn't the *lady* in "Misery" a big, 
big "FAN"???
al_ffn says, i know, it was kinda disturbing.  someone else wants me 
to send parts of ToT ahead of time, which I can't do, obviously.  
Snitch has got nothing but positive feedback, which is v cool IMHO.
yael_pou says, Carole - me have husband backup!
discords_child14456 says, lol
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, very distrubing
al_ffn says, bludger_witch, yes she was, that's the point!
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, are you sure tyou're not tramatized?
slytherin_daughter says, Maybe it was all the anti-flame warnings, Al
pengolodh_sc enters
al_ffn says, hope so
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
owlfriend_of_hedwig This chat will be saved and posted on theYahoo 
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hello
bludger_witch says, Hi!!
Your buddy flying_ford_anglia is in chat
cassandraclaire73 says, no it's cos snitch is really good, even if 
simon skips the sex bits.
slytherin_daughter says, Anyway, as slash goes, it's very, very good, 
so it's not too surpirsing
€  pengolodh_sc says, Greetings
slytherin_daughter says, yeah, what Cass said
  catlady_de_los_angeles says,  hey neil! 
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, yeah
al_ffn says, i really need to get the alias list. sorry missing 
snitch discussion here
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, Cassie?
yael_pou says, Neil! what happened to flying ford anglia?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Cassie is cassandraclaire73
  the_voicelady says, Neil's here?
cassandraclaire73 says, i think al figured that out.
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, Cassie answer your PMs!
flying_ford_anglia has been invited to join this room.
bludger_witch says, Had an accident?  
flying_ford_anglia enters
  the_voicelady says, Hey!
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, what?
bludger_witch says, aha, hre we go
al_ffn says, PM???
  flying_ford_anglia says, Am I in the right room?
bludger_witch says, PMS
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, private message
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Hello Neil
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, PMPM = private message
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, no, not PMS
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, yep right room
al_ffn says, oh, okay
siriusgeologist says, neil is that you?
yael_pou says, Neil? werent you here a moment ago? or was Cassie 
foreseeing your entry?
discords_child14456 leaves
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Neil, isn't this obviously the wrong 
bludger_witch says, PMS = Private Message Service
  the_voicelady confirms that Neil's in the right room.
bludger_witch says, What fdid you think???  
Doreen_Iowa is back.
  Doreen_Iowa says, Hey Neil!
hermitchick enters
hermitchick leaves
  flying_ford_anglia says, Okay... I was trying to work out how to 
change rooms...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, they changed the room's name without 
telling anyone
  flying_ford_anglia says, duh!
al_ffn says, there r different rooms now ... i just can't cope
cassandraclaire73 says, eep...brb...
cassandraclaire73 leaves
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, Cas, answer your pms!
siriusgeologist says, randy wants to know if you are wearing your 
bunny slippers?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Annoyingly it is only changed on the new 
slytherin_daughter says, eep...such a fun word
Doreen_Iowa leaves
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, using  the old beta servers it is still 
as it was
kiss_me_gorgeous01 says, damn, where'd she go?
  flying_ford_anglia says, Doreen, my dear partner in crime!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, I found that I had to go to menu bar, 
rooms, manage favorrites, add this rooom, then select it off the 
favorites menu
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, hence why, when I checked the beta 
servers, I found no problwm
kiss_me_gorgeous01 leaves
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, the chat group has instructions
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, i think people are being kicked off
Doreen_Iowa enters
  flying_ford_anglia says, Okay - owlfriend is Dee...  
bludger_witch says, Typical
Your buddy hermitchick leaves chat
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, nope
Your buddy hermitchick is in chat
  Doreen_Iowa says, there are still two people in the old room
  flying_ford_anglia says, Okay - who?
bludger_witch says, No, don't think so
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Harry/Hedwig?
owlfriend_of_hedwig bonks flying_ford_anglia on the head.
yael_pou says, i thought owlfriend was Dr. Branford?
siriusgeologist says, so did I?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Yep
bludger_witch says, Fake Medical degree??
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, invite them here. menu bar, chat, 
  flying_ford_anglia says, Okay - Simon, you're confusing me ...
slytherin_daughter says, *is lost*
  flying_ford_anglia says, ...taking on owlet personalities
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Simon has 1000 Yahoo handles
bludger_witch says, That's because you've been hit on the head - the 
confusion will go away... eventually
hermitchick enters
al_ffn says, *is v confused now*
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, neil is a mechanimagus
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, got bored and created this profile
yael_pou says, he's confusing you? tell that to Ginny 
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I have been using it on teh OT chatter 
  hermitchick says, Where the hell are all of there chat comming from!
bludger_witch says, Crustum lol
siriusgeologist says, Neil...randy wants to know if you are wearing 
your bunny slippers
slytherin_daughter says, LOL, yael
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, other name Pigwidgeon
  flying_ford_anglia says, Ignore the rusty old heap... he's deranged
al_ffn says, at least i have one name ... morsus is dervish???
Doreen_Iowa leaves
slytherin_daughter says, Yes, didn't you know that, Al?
al_ffn says, no
  flying_ford_anglia says, I'm wearing ... not much at all (mass 
chorus of "ewwww!")
slytherin_daughter says, Oh.
slytherin_daughter says, Yes, that's me.
  hermitchick says, Where are all of these chat rooms comming from!
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, slythering_daughter = shades_of_black
bludger_witch busts a move
slytherin_daughter says, *slinks under desk* too many aliases
siriusgeologist says, LOL..did you see his post of a fic featuring 
you and your slippers?
  flying_ford_anglia says, Sorry - who is Slytherin Daughter...
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Randy's post: ROTFL
  flying_ford_anglia says, ?
al_ffn says, one alias ... one thingie, one author account, never let 
it be said i am confusing!
  flying_ford_anglia says, I recognise the other names
siriusgeologist says, I could not stop laughing over lunch
  hermitchick says, So what are we talking about here?
siriusgeologist says, have you not  read it neil?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Slytherin Daughter is MC Crusty
slytherin_daughter says, Honestly. I'm Morsus Crustum/Ginny 
  flying_ford_anglia says, I couldn't tell Randy off for mentioning 
slytherin_daughter says, Morsle Crusty?
  hermitchick says, There are people in the other chat rooms you know?
bludger_witch leaves
  flying_ford_anglia says, he was too funny
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Persephone, if you know their 'names' 
send them Invite
siriusgeologist says, I know he threw that in...he hasn't been 
following the rule changes
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, menu bar, chat, invite
  flying_ford_anglia says, Carole - I have read it...
Doreen_Iowa enters
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, wb Doreen
  the_voicelady says, Hey, slytherin_daughter, what's your real name?
  Doreen_Iowa says, thanks Simon
slytherin_daughter says, *real* name?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, what is real?
al_ffn says, who can say?
  the_voicelady says, What did your parents name you?
  Doreen_Iowa says,  
  hermitchick says, brb, have to fix something
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, sam
hermitchick leaves
  flying_ford_anglia says, I started a response to Randy, but it was 
too weird...
slytherin_daughter says, Emily-Elizabeth Cappizio-Montgomery
pengolodh_sc is away (Auto-Away)
owlfriend_of_hedwig The list of chatter aliases is to be found at:
yael_pou says, Al - I only use one alias as well, but  that's because 
i lack the creativity...
slytherin_daughter says, hyphens.....too many hyphens....
  the_voicelady says, I bet *that* was a mouthful when you were 
hermitchick enters
  flying_ford_anglia says, I'll reserve if for the new 
HPforGrownUps_Weird club
slytherin_daughter says, LOL, yes, indeed
siriusgeologist says, nooo continue it...send it off list..
siriusgeologist says, ok to the weiurd club then
al_ffn says, one alias makes so much sense, and my name is Alex 
anyway, so I'm nice and sensible *grins*
  hermitchick says, wierd club?
  the_voicelady groans "too-many-clubs..."
  flying_ford_anglia says, Actually, all the clubs come under "weird" 
siriusgeologist says, randy can be a charter member
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, I only have 4 alias' and 5 e-mails that I 
use with yahoo
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, not at all excesive
al_ffn says, but in a way, aren't we all weird?
ravenrat enters
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, and I sign most things with my proper name
  flying_ford_anglia says, I made that up... don't panic - no more 
triner2001 enters
yael_pou says, of course, Dr. Branford...
siriusgeologist says, us?  weird?
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Hi, ravenrat, Hi, Trina
slytherin_daughter says, We're HP obsesses....we left normal behind a 
long time ago
  the_voicelady says, I'm not weird.  I'm the most normal person I 
siriusgeologist says, Randy says he wants to start an abstract rhino 
  hermitchick says, what's normal?
  the_voicelady says,   
  flying_ford_anglia says, I have only one alias in HP-dom.  Unless 
you count "Horny"...
al_ffn says, i'm depressingly normal, except when HP is involved
  flying_ford_anglia says, the fifth Marauder.
  Doreen_Iowa says, How would you like to be a first grader learning 
how to write Herbrechtsmeyer?
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
  the_voicelady says, Oh my...
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Cat - are you going to save. I am set on 
500 lines max at  the moment
siriusgeologist says, oh my...what a name!
  flying_ford_anglia says, BRB
  catlady_de_los_angeles says, Okay, I will save now. Change your 
yael_pou says, what is 'brb'?
  Doreen_Iowa says, and I think all of them have long first names 
too ... can you picture camp clothes?
siriusgeologist says, be right back
  the_voicelady says, Be right Back.
  hermitchick says, be right back
yael_pou says, thanks!
slytherin_daughter says, or some muffled noise
slytherin_daughter says, me...brb
hermitchick smirks at Minzzer.
slytherin_daughter says, sorry
triner2001 says, Hi y'all
  flying_ford_anglia says, I'm right back!
  the_voicelady says, Hello!
  hermitchick says, hello
al_ffn says, hello
Doreen_Iowa leaves
Doreen_Iowa enters
slytherin_daughter says, hello
  flying_ford_anglia says, I thought you'd all gone too... but you 
were explaining BRB (LOL)
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, Neil - I will e-mail re London soon
siriusgeologist says, LOL!
  flying_ford_anglia says, Okay... it's all happening, eh?
  the_voicelady shrugs non-committally.
hermitchick smacks Minzzer.
siriusgeologist says, i'm not dead yet
  hermitchick says, she gone?
  owlfriend_of_hedwig says, wwll I seem to have a flood of e-mail

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