Intro Profile
kelleythompson at
Mon Jun 16 01:20:47 UTC 2003
Hi, everyone!
Great to see you all here! And I'm already behind...
Kelley Thompson
Mother, with whom I'm living (father deceased June '01), 3 1/2 years
younger sister, married with two sons (my darling nephews -- Zach, 3,
and Alex, 17 mos.), and a 9 years younger brother, unmarried, but
living with his girlfriend. As for me, single, with not even a pet
right now, aside from the family of stray cats that have taken up
residence in our shrubs.
San Antonio, Texas. Go, Spurs, Go! '03 World Champs, it's going to
happen, our beloved Dave's last year...
***Birthday, Place of Birth:
October 31, 1968, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; I'm an adoptee also, having
lived in SA ever since being brought here by my parents within a
couple weeks of my birth.
***Education/Job/Role in Life etc:
BA in Psychology, which has done me a fat lot of good. Worked as a
trainer, mainly, in grocery stores through high school and college,
then as a merchandiser for seven years. Most recently have been
involved in at-home child care, but my real occupation is job-
hunting. Sigh.
***Other things we might want to know about you:
Straight (but not narrow; tired joke, I know), Catholic-raised
(spiritual but questioning), omnivore, liberal. INTP (The
Conceiver), a Rational (NT) according to Keirsey; an Earth Monkey;
Scorpio (the "Inner" real me, according to a natal chart) with Leo
ascendant (how others see me) and moon in Pisces (emotions, moods,
feelings, romance). I learned most of these things since becoming
involved in this fandom; fancy that...
***First contact with Harry Potter:
The nearest I can pinpoint it is Oct - Nov '99. Just after SS came
out in paperback in the US; I'd been aware of all the media attention
the books were getting, happened to see the SS paperback when out
shopping, and wanted to see what it was all about. Started reading
that night and couldn't put it down ... I was hooked.
***Favourite Potter things (books, characters, ships, fics, objets
d'Art, general enthusing):
PoA is still my favorite, followed closely by GoF. Love all the
characters (love to hate Rita Skeeter and was annoyed by Dobby who's
since grown on me), but after the Trio, Lupin, Sirius, Snape, and
Hagrid are my faves. Still an R/H-er (for canon), haven't read a
tremendous amount of fic (I decided to "save" it for the day when
there is no more new canon; I'm a delayed-gratification type, who's
quite strong-willed about *some* things), but I quite enjoyed
Cassie's DD (and the pairings therein) and really like Remus/Sirius
fics. Favorite lines -- still tend to prefer the humorous
ones: "midget in glasses being born", "Potter, you can skin Malfoy's
shrivelfig," etc.
***Extent of Potter obsession:
Hm, moderate, I suppose. Have the books in both hardcover and
paperback in US versions, paperback in UK, with an intent to purchase
the full set of UK deluxe editions, plus the schoolbooks. Have the
first version of HP Trivial Pursuit, a Snitch keychain, and the
coffee mug with the crest, which is used daily and looks it; have
videos of the first movies (thanks to Sheryll for CoS!!). I'm not
tremendously big on the merchandise, though I would love to have the
CDs (not sure which version) and would love a Gryffindor Quidditch
shirt with "Weasley, Beater" on the back.
***Other interests/activities:
*Wide* range of musical interest (listening, not performing), though
not big on country/western or hip-hop (do like various songs in those
genres, though). Lots of songs DLed and in desperate need of a CD
burner. I also have an interest in the paranormal (never knew that
about you, Neil), art, history, languages, science, films,
Still in the Eddie Izzard fan groups, though haven't been keeping up
much lately; I miss my "Covered In Bees" friends, and am anxiously
awaiting Circle. Was thinking of selling a kidney to get to NYC
for "A Day in The Death of Joe Egg", but will have to settle for a
Still in the Sports Night fan groups, though haven't kept up there,
either; still reading "Can't Believe It's Not Sports Night"
and "Sports Night on CSC" fics and watching my series DVDs ad
nauseum. Hope my friend Paul McLaughlin excels in his new career as
television writer (last I heard, he'd written an ep for "Casualty",
though this was some time ago) ...
***Current/recent reading:
Just finished Galadriel's "Ultimate Unofficial Guide to the Mysteries
of Harry Potter" -- okay; a lot I disagree with, though she pointed
out a number of things I hadn't really paid much mind to. Am now
reading "Pride and Prejudice" for the *first* time, believe it or
not, and enjoying it greatly. Have a never-ending list of future
reads though, which include Philip Pullman, Terry Pratchett, Neil
Gaiman, Diana Wynne Jones, Watase Yu, Douglas Adams, Diana Gabaldon,
Orson Scott Card, Susan Cooper, Anne McCaffrey, Lemony Snicket ... ad
infinitum. This list makes me wonder exactly what have I been
reading all these years. Also have a 'thing' for reference books,
dictionaries, etc.
Side comment: I grew up on Bradbury, too; Randy, I think you're the
only other Bradbury fan I've ever met! Still have a great fondness
for his stuff, as well, and reread much of it every now and then
(same thing with Vonnegut)...
***Current/recent listening:
Don't listen to much on a regular basis, but when I do, it usually
tends to be something I've DLed. Varies from Loreena McKennitt, Sarah
McLachlan, Elvis Costello, The Cure, Moby, Coldplay, Fatboy Slim, The
Doors, the Beatles, The White Stripes, Fleetwood Mac, Bee Gees,
Sinatra, Diana Krall, Nat King Cole, MM Bosstones, REM, Sting,
Cracker, Depeche Mode, The Proclaimers, The Verve, and on and on;
this is probably not even 5% of it all. Ebony, I love Earth, Wind
and Fire, too, one of my old faves (current favorite from them
is "September") and love standards, as well...
***Current/recent viewing:
Movies -- wide and varied also; mainly, anything well-done with a good
story. Can recite embarrassing amounts of dialogue from a number of
films, but lately most of those films are Disney or Pixar. Could list
titles of favourite films until my fingers fell off. Can't remember
the last film I saw in a theater, due to lack of funds. Recently saw
"Raise the Red Lantern" on IFC; *quite* good.
Television: FX (this is what led to my becoming a Buffy fan; shame on
me, Catherine, I'm a dilettante, though I did watch the last two
seasons in their orginal airings).
HBO -- movies, Six Feet Under. (Really miss having Showtime for QAF,
but that's the only reason I miss Showtime.)
Discovery, A&E, History -- European history, biblical, biographical,
early man, ocean life, human sexuality, FBI Files, City Confidential,
BBCAmerica (though not as much lately; I'm not very into Changing
Rooms and other DIY-type programs. I do like Extreme Homes on HGTV,
though. I really miss Red Dwarf, Dr. Who, and Men Behaving Badly.
Still get to watch Jonathan Creek when I catch it, though.)
No commercial tv, aside from the last of Buffy, and Friends,
sporadically; I did see Joe Millionaire, but ... eh. Not a fan
of "Reality" shows, soap operas, or Jerry Springer-type stuff.
--Kelley, long-winded with a tendency for list-making...
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