Rewriting OotP

Caius Marcius coriolan_cmc at
Tue Sep 9 14:52:43 UTC 2003

--- In the_old_crowd at, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> 
> Randy said: 
> > > Therefore, I suggest we rewrite Book 5 our way!
> and Jim began:
> > OOH Cool!  Dibs on page 1:
> > 
> > "It was a dark and stormy night..."
> > 
> Hmmm...maybe we should *all* re-write page 1 in the style of 
> another author...

Stately, plump Vernon Dursely came from the stairway, bearing a 
newspaper in which a baggage-handler and a budgie were described. His 
wide purple face, ungallant, was sustained genocidally before him by 
the sultry summer air. He held the remote aloft and intoned: "Glad to 
see the boy's stopped trying to butt in. Where is he, anyway?"

   - CMC

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