[the_old_crowd] Re: There Be Giants Ahead was Redeeming Hagrid
Randy Estes
estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Tue Sep 23 01:12:09 UTC 2003
Regarding Giants....
If you look at the end of Sorcerer's Stone at the
different challenges that Harry faced to get to the
stone, there are several interesting things.
Someone else brought this up about parallels with the
ending of Book One and the seven books in the series.
If you look at the next to the last task, you see
Snape's potion challenge. It describes the different
bottles of potions. It also says:
"Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their
I think the next book has dwarf and giant stories to
Since both are considered inferiors to wizards,
Padfoot's remark about how one treats his inferiors
seems important to this too. Harry will obviously
befriend the giants and dwarves and they will help him
I also wonder about the line that reads:
"Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line."
I think Book One has lots of clues for the series.
> Heidi:
> > Oh, I just think she put him there because she'll
> need him,
> somehow, in a later book -
> ---
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