Never again

quigonginger quigonginger at
Sun Dec 5 18:00:20 UTC 2004

The inimitable Kneasy wrote:
I made a terrible mistake a couple of weeks ago.
I watched the PoA DVD.

Ginger sympathizes:

I didn't.  I bought the first one (I don't go into those youth-
infested theatres except for Star Wars movies) and couldn't get past 
the part where Hagrid says he bought Fluffy from an Irishman without 
yelling at the screen.

I didn't see CoS as I have a dreadful fear of snakes and the CoS book 
still gives me nightmares.

I had no intention of seeing PoA, but I got a first hand review.  I 
was working my usual weekend gig as a convenience store clerk on the 
graveyard shift (a job I recomend to cure anyone of any feelings of 
hope they may have for the human race.  Last night I settled a bet on 
whether Europe was a country or a continent.)  A middleaged woman who 
didn't know me from Adam blew in the door and announced that she had 
just seen PoA and ranted for about 5 minutes about everything they 
had changed and left out.  She then asked me if I had ever read the 
books.  I told her I was a member of HP4GU and she gave me one of 
those looks usually reserved for those who announce they got a new 
piercing, but can't show you unless you accompany them to the 

I must admit to being a purist.  It confuses the theorist in me to 
have conflicting sources.  I envy those who can watch it as a 
seperate entity and enjoy it.  More power to y'all.

Neil, I hope you'll be ok.  That must have been terrible.

Congrats to all the parents to be.  Joanna, I'll be watching the 
Forum for the announcement!


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