Hello! Wake up call! All hands on Deck!!!

Randy Estes estesrandy at estesrandy.yahoo.invalid
Sun Mar 14 21:45:07 UTC 2004

Thank you Catlady!!!!

I looked up Christian Rosenkreutz on the internet!!

This is an interesting excerpt from what I found...
Does this sound kind of like "Mad Eye Moody" or what?

"He was accompanied by a one-eyed layman called Jean,
who claimed that his single eye had been given the
divine faculty of distinguishing at first glance a
heretic from a good Christian. Almost all who came
within the field of view of this terrible eye were
marked with the sign of heresy. "

I think that Snow White is a German Fairy Tale...

"From the Albigenses, there sprang in the middle of
the thirteenth century, the wise man known today under
the symbolic name of Christian Rosenkreutz, who was
the last descendant of the German family of

So intense was the desire to suppress the heresy that
grew up around this peaceful man that not only were
the bodies of his followers destroyed but also the
stones of the houses that had sheltered them, and the
documents that might have enshrined their thought.
Besides, these Hermeticists very soon realized that
their only chance of survival lay in wrapping
themselves in obscurity, hiding under false names,
corresponding in cipher. Today, their history can no
longer be traced except under the disguise of legend.
But a man who has left so deep a mark after a life so
obscure and so lacking in wonders and miracles cannot
have been created by legend. Discretion, modesty,
unostentatious goodness, knowledge without parade --
these are not the attributes of a legend. Christian
Rosenkreutz is as real a figure as Jesus or Buddha;
their attributes may be considered more glorious, but
their historical foundation is scarcely more secure.

The original Albigensian doctrines had spread
fragmentarily to the north of France, the Low
Countries and Germany. Families of refugees had found
their way there. Solitary men had escaped, begging
their way, from the sunny land in which they were
thenceforward outlaws and accursed. Many of them died.
But some reached the distant countries where the vine
does not grow, where the rivers are more rapid and the
sun less hot. And some of them gave an account of what
they had heard in their low houses under the shelter
of the ramparts of Toulouse or in the shadow of
Montsegur; they imparted to others what was still a
flaming truth in their hearts. A few of them were
understood. Little nuclei of Albigenses formed round a
preacher, a spare, brown-faced man, who looked like a
Saracen. The seed carried by the wind was thus to
germinate in the country to which chance had brought

Under the influence of wandering Albigensians, the
doctrine crossed the fir-grown mountains and flowered
in the Rheon district, on the border of Hesse and
Thuringia. In the middle of the Thuringian forest
stood the castle of Germelshausen. The men who
inhabited it were a grim, sullen family,
half-brigands, whose Christianity was mixed with pagan
superstitions. They spent their time fighting their
neighbors, and they did not disdain to ambush and rob
travelers. They venerated an idol of worn stone, the
origin of which was unknown to them. It was probably
the fruit of some long-past pillaging expedition. It
might have been a Greek statue of Athena. It stood in
the courtyard of the castle beside the chapel door.

The period was the middle of the thirteenth century.
Germany had just been devastated by a fanatical
Dominican, Conrad of Marburg, envoy of Pope Gregory
IX. Another Dominican, Tors, carried on his work. He
was accompanied by a one-eyed layman called Jean, who
claimed that his single eye had been given the divine
faculty of distinguishing at first glance a heretic
from a good Christian. Almost all who came within the
field of view of this terrible eye were marked with
the sign of heresy. It was no doubt enough for him to
catch a glimpse, through the rocks and firs, of the
towers of the castle of Germelshausen to discover from
the color of its stone that it sheltered a brood of
heretics. Perhaps something of the power of the
eternal spirit was given off from the ancient statue
that stood in the courtyard. Count Conrad of
Thuringia, who had razed to the ground the little town
of Willinsdorf, decided on the destruction of the
castle. He besieged it several times, at intervals of
some years. The castle fell at last, and the whole
family of Germelshausen (which now adhered to the
mystical doctrine of the Albigenses, practiced its
austerities, and believed in reincarnation and in the
Coagulated Body that delivers from reincarnation) was
put to death at the final assault

--- "Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)"
<catlady at ...> wrote:
>> You missed the posts on the main list connecting HP
> to 'The Alchymical
> Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz", which I think
> would interest you.
> This one lists the similarities between each of the
> seven days of the
> Alchymical Wedding to each of the seven years of HP,
> including the end
> of the first day:
> << CRC is presented with seven `challenges'; six
> inside the dungeon,
> and one at the entrance above it, and during the
> final challenge
> inside the dungeon receives a wound to the head from
> the stone, but
> is rescued by his mentor, a wise old man >>
> << The seven HP challenges: Fluffy (entrance above
> the dungeon); the
> Devil's Snare; the Keys; the Chess Game; the Troll;
> the Potions; the
> Mirror (inside the dungeon) >>
> << In post 56254 I compared HP to the "Alchemical
> Wedding of Christian
> Rosencreutz", published in 1616. William Truderung
> was kind enough to
> reply in great detail and he gave a website where
> the AW can be read
> in modern English.
> That was before OOP. I've only just begun to recover
> from the impact
> of OOP and so it's very early to dig deeply into the
> symbolism of it
> all. However I've just woken up to an extremely
> striking parallel
> between HP and the AW which gave me quite a shock
> which was at the
> same time a thrill of breathtaking possibilities.
> In year 5 Harry comes across a room that is always
> locked. He is told
> that this room contains "a force that is at once
> more wonderful and
> more terrible than death, than human intelligence,
> than the forces of
> nature." This force is never named, but it is
> obvious to us that this
> is love.
> On day 5 Christian Rosencreutz comes across a room
> that is always
> locked. He is told that this room contains the
> sleeping "Lady Venus".
> Sound familiar? You don't have to have an IQ of 200
> to work out what
> Venus symbolizes. >>
> Another post from "Mongo"
> Ivan Vablatsky (Hans in Holland): "see my previous
> posts, incl. 55907,
> 56071, 56254, 56477, 67775, 68623, 69086, 70287,
> 70318, 70963, 71831,
> 72782, 73252, etc." 

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