[the_old_crowd] Re: Some questions

Rebecca Bowen dontask2much at dontask2much.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jan 19 03:50:35 UTC 2006


>(1)   Lupin was bitten by a werewolf (who we know now was Fenrir)

>(2)   Lupin attended school ONLY by the grace of Dumbledore...

>(3)   Lupin was afraid, because of his affliction, that no one would
befriend him

>(4)   Lupin finds friends who he never thought would except him

>(5)   Lupin has friends that go the extra distance and transform for him
(breaking every rule that exits, not to mention Ministry rules [Animagus])

>(6)   Lupin then finds he has an enemy who is attempting to expose him in
his Shangri-La (obvious apprehension comes to mind); what if.

>(7)   What to do? (of course I could fill in the blanks, but I think we 
what they are)
>(8)   Friends have deserted him (?) via no picture (next to) with his
bestest buds in the Order pic and he isn't called upon for Harry's
baptismal, and one of his bestest buds (that broke all school rules for him)
thinks he is the Spy on the Order; therefore making Pettigrew the secret
keeper instead of himself.
>(9)  Big Blank

>(10)    Lupin has no past but a suitcase with peeling letters pronouncing
that he is a Professor. WHAT.and no one doubts him because he is
.well.Lupin.the good guy! And we don't want him to be bad cause JKR likes
him and well SO DO I...but that isn't enough reason not to suspect him, or
is it?


(11) Who were Lupin's parents (particularly his father) such that Fenrir 
Greyback should bite Remus in retaliation for some offense the father did to 
him? Who was dear old Dad that he was able to get a furry young Remus into 
Hogwarts and have DD agree it to be so?

I ask this because Remus himself says that Fenrir's modus operandi was "Bite 
them young" and "raise them away from their parents, raise them to hate 
normal wizards."  Makes you wonder where he went on holiday...


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