The Geist predicts again, mostly about Snape
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at
Sat Jun 2 11:12:31 UTC 2007
--- In the_old_crowd at, "Amanda Geist" <editor at ...> wrote:
> Amanda replies:
> No, you misunderstand. The whole point is that she's finding plot devices
> that increase their knowledge of each other, *without* any concomitant
> respect, increased benefit of the doubt, or lessening of dislike. I think
> the characters, for plot reasons, are required to know a fair amount about
> each other, but given their interaction, Rowling has had to find ways to
> inform them without them growing any closer. I think she'll find a third way
> (the first two were the Occlumency lessons, and the potions book). And my
> thought was that the new way could involve some Lily backstory/association.
Hm. Possible, but how much further does it need to go?
On one side the cup of knowledge is probably brimming over already.
Doubt that there's much that Snapey doesn't know about Harry.
Possession Theory addicts are always on the look-out for little snippets,
hints, even the merest breath of a possiblity of supporting or can-be-read
-that-way canon. And with the benefit of later canon to modify or
supplement previous ideas, it's possible to wile away the hours
constructing all sorts of tempting scenarios. Quite often such mental
ramblings can throw up 'what-ifs' about those inter-acting with Harry, too.
That Sevvy is now known as a skilled Legilimens ought to give one pause
when re-visiting the earlier tomes - as an example, back to PS/SS, the
Sorting Hat scene.
If, and admittedly it is still an if, the Hat saw Voldy/Sally intrusions in
Harry's head, wouldn't Sevvy have been likely to see them too - and at
the same time? Legilimens can't pick and choose the memories/thoughts
accessed, the tendency is to see random stuff or what the target is thinking
at that moment. And what was Harry thinking about under the Hat?
And after the sorting Snape is giving Harry a very old-fashioned look,
Harry's scar jolts - just the once, co-inciding with the one stare he gets
from Snape. The general consensus is that it was a reaction to Voldy,
sqatting under Quirrell's turban that triggered that. Dunno. Maybe.
Probably. But since Voldy couldn't be seen, you'd think he'd be
concentrating more or less full-time on the sprog that brought about
his downfall.
Again, if (another one) Sevvy left Voldy for compelling personal motives
rather than because of high-minded principles (best bet, IMO) then DD's
belief that Sevvy can be trusted has weight. Sevvy is a proud man who
would never forgive a serious personal affront (say, an outrage against
his family, as a working hypothesis) and he'd lust for revenge until the
cows come home. And since his one fervent wish is to see Voldy smashed,
he'd be a bit miffed to find a sort of enemy Trojan horse getting the
glad-hand from all and sundry. In such circumstances what are the
odds that Snape would ever like or trust young Potter?
And for sure, he'd be keeping a very close eye (both the physical and the
mental probe kind) on him ever after.
As for Harry learning about Sevvy - school-boy crushes on mum are one
thing, but what would be his reaction if he learned that Sevvy had a wife
and child who died? Confusion, I'd imagine - likely as not the same reaction
from the committed Snape-ophobes on the boards. Imagine their probings
into Sevvy's psychological motivations re: Harry that would engender.
Mmmm! Tasty!
>> Kneasy:
>> What if, just for the sake of argument, ole Snapey really is a baddun.
> Amanda replies:
> His character will still be compelling. The "whys" will still be good
> questions. Personally, I had found his character intriguing well before the
> movie came out. I had "cast" that guy who played the Sheriff of Nottingham
> (I didn't know Alan Rickman's name at the time) as the perfect Snape, so I
> don't think my perceptions of the literary Snape were colored by the movie.
> I think the movies did a good job of creating what I'd picked up from the
> books. But if someone came to the movies first? Good question.
Must admit, I was hoping for a much nastier portrayal of the Potions-Meister,
possibly Malcolm McDowell in near-psychotic mode. Can't have been easy
to cast.
> My other way-before-the-movie-was-contemplated casting choice was Maggie
> Smith for McGonagall, but I will forever condemn the movie makers for
> casting anyone, anyone at all, other than Peter O'Toole for Dumbledore. He
> would have been ideal. Maybe Michael Gambon will get tired, and we will see
> the last of AgingHippie!Dumbledore, and Mr. O'Toole can make Dumbledore as
> he should be.
Trouble is, I keep expecting Maggie to launch into "My gurrls..".
Couldn't agree more about Peter O'Toole.
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