'chained these 12 years..'

Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) catlady at catlady_de_los_angeles.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jun 23 20:26:08 UTC 2007

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Talisman" <talisman22457 at ...>
> Talisman staggers in at ~3:550am:

>From somewhere in the US Eastern time zone. My Pacific Daylight Time
computer logged you at 12:56am.

> This is old ground for my inflamed brain. 


<< << It really has never been explained why Peter did spend 12 years
as a rat, as far as we know not transforming back to a man at any
point. >> >>

<< We are shown that, had Wormtail allowed anyone to know he was still
alive, loyal DEs would have popped a cap in him for his perceived role
in LV's downfall. >>

How many DEs knew about Wormtail? I accept that utterly loyal Bella
and her acolytes knew, thus able to shout about it in their nightmares
in Azkaban for Sirius to hear. Anyone else? 

Not Lucius, according to the later part of your post in which Snape
tells Lucius about Peter and Sirius in the summer before book 3. (If
you explained Malfoy's role before this post, I must have forgotten. I
appreciate hearing about it now.)

<< Alternatively, had the law-abiding side of the WW noticed that he
was still around, it would have raised a lot of sticky questions. >> 

A more plausible reason, altho' he could have claimed that he was
heroically pursuing guilty Sirius, turned into a rat to save himself
from the blast, came down with amnesia until something cured him and
he remembered that he wasn't really a rat ... It would be his word
against Black's who was the faithless SK, and wizarding Justice
wouldn't like to admit it had been wrong. 

<< What he really needed was LV, back, powerful and on his side. >>

What he really needed was Crookshanks to go away, Sirius dead or back
in prison, and Ron to buy a female rat to be his companion. Being a
Weasley pet is a nicer job than being LV's servant.

<< The events of the SS were a total, professional, Order SpecOp
mission. (snip)  From DD's pov, it's time for Sirius to be out
(setting up the next phase/Volde-proofing results in OoP, etc.),
(snip) Lupin is Order, and no more evil that the next guy, likely less. >>

I like DDM!Snape theories in which Snape did not try to get Sirius
soul-sucked even tho' Snape knew that Peter was the real criminal. 

I like DDM!Lupin theories, but not those in which DDM!Lupin obediently
shot Sirius in the chest and killed him while he was duelling with Bella. 

It's not the same as theories in which DDM!Snape obediently killed DD,
because Sirius didn't agree to it.

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