[HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Weasley Age Gaps

Kathy Willson willsonkmom at msn.com
Mon Apr 25 22:22:00 UTC 2005

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: carolynwhite2<mailto:carolynwhite2 at aol.com> 
  To: HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com<mailto:HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com> 
  Sent: Monday, April 25, 2005 5:58 PM
  Subject: [HPFGU-Catalogue] Re: Weasley Age Gaps

  --- In HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com<mailto:HPFGU-Catalogue at yahoogroups.com>, "potioncat" 
  <willsonkmom at m<mailto:willsonkmom at m>...> wrote:
  > I'm working on the Weasley age gaps which sometimes includes the 
  > possible Missing Weasley and/or the Ron is a 7th son Weasley. Most 
  > these seem to fit better in the Group Dynamics/Weasley family than 
  > the "how old is______?" catagory. In some cases that would mean 
  > adding the code for dynamics.
  > Thoughts, anyone? Kathy K., what do you think?
  > I'm leaning toward the age gap heading to be about the ages of the 
  > characters rather than possible scenarios of what might have been.
  > More thoughts?

  Erm, isn't this what I said a few days ago:

  >>In my view, 1.2.12 (calculating character's ages) should maybe be a
  subset of 1.2.10, characterisation, whereas (Weasley age
  gaps) should maybe be a subset of (Weasleys), except that
  would make it a level 5 head. Maybe all of should just be
  folded into and left for KathyK to sort out <g>...<<

  Kathy W.
  Oops, sorry, I was only talking about Weasley age gaps. within it are how old are Charlie and Bill? And how big is the gap? And why don't Molly and Arthur have more kids between Bill&Charlie and Percy. Is is family planning (or lack thereof) or a dastardly DE attack? With posts about birth control, infertility, depression...etc., etc.

  I actually thought you were kidding about giving it all to Kathy K.

  I've marked ones for elimination. Some that are worth keeping might fit just as well in the dynamics. So, should I cull the list ( and let Kathy K consider how the keepers fit with the Weasley code of

  In re-reading this, I think yes, my review confirms your view that it would be a subset of Weasleys or possibly even just within Weasleys.

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