[HPFGU-Catalogue] Coding speed/photos/review allocations/DD/MWPPetc/quidditch

Ginger quigonginger at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 15 22:00:04 UTC 2005

C - I don't do them in one sitting. 100 at a time, takes me about an 
hour. The standard is so low at the moment that I am only keeping 
maybe 4-5 in a 100, if that. Exactly reminiscent of the main list as 
of today - total crap with the rare reasonable point. Especially the 
covers issue - I must have rejected about 2-300 posts on what people 
imagined the OOP covers might mean when they were released.

G:  You get drivel; I get Anatomy of a Rift, which I read back when it was written and found it to be worthy of a FP rating.


C: On the subject of MWPP I recently came across a thread mainly driven 
by GulPlum [53390 started it] with about 40 posts solely about the 
use of the apostrophe on Marauder's Map. Amanda quite justifiably 
made him a LOON for it, commenting [53410]:

G:  I remember that post and I found it rather upsetting that JKR said in an interview that the boys called themselves the Marauders.  I'm going to cut her a break and assume that the punctuation error was not that of a best selling author, but of 4 schoolboys who couldn't be bothered to move the dratted thing one letter over.

Ginger, looking forward to coding the "spoilers" posts from before OoP and seeing what she missed in her anal attempt to avoid all info about the new book.

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