January 2003 Archives by thread
Starting: Wed Jan 1 01:07:31 UTC 2003
Ending: Fri Jan 31 19:47:07 UTC 2003
Messages: 678
- "Rickman" sighting
lord1912 <Lord1912 at juno.com>
- a friend's astute analysis ;)
chanteuse thalia chaunacy
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Happy New Year from Canada
Caleb Williamson
- a friend's astute analysis
susannahlm <susannahlm at yahoo.com>
- Shipping the Trio and the Twins
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- Kids' house aspirations
Tim Regan <timregan at microsoft.com>
- Shipping the Trio and Dissing the Slyths
lucky_kari <lucky_kari at yahoo.ca>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] HP scarves
Kristi Smith
- The Sorting Hat as a teaching method
Kristjan Arnason
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Kids' house aspirations; BBBeans
bloubet at incanmonkey.com
- Heavy Analyses
chanteuse thalia chaunacy
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Kids' house aspirations
Wendy St. John
- TOYS!!
dradamsapple <dradamsapple at yahoo.com>
- Shipping the Trio...Twins, Percy, Draco
- Which house would you be in?
Diana Lucas
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Which house would you be in?
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- Fanfiction (Need a favor)
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- A sort of Gryffindor sword
Richelle Votaw
- Strange SHIPS
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- Fanfics with slash & sex...I don't get it
Diana Lucas
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Fanfics with slash & sex...I don't get it
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Strange SHIPS/OC SHIPS
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- ADMIN: Sunday Chat
Catherine Coleman <catherine at cator-manor.demon.co.uk>
- Sorting Hat
- Sorting, Shipping, Ceiling Wax
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- Birthday Greetings!
Mary Ann <macloudt at yahoo.co.uk>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] re: Sorting, Ceiling Wax
Wendy St. John
- Happy Birthday to Carole Estes
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Happy Birthday to Carole Estes
- HP Merchandising claims another victim
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- Snape's Harem
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- OoP release date -- don't read if you're easily depressed ;)
chanteuse thalia chaunacy
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] OoP release date -- don't read if you're easily depressed ;)
Heidi Tandy
- release date again
chanteuse thalia chaunacy
- slash fiction - responses
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- slash fiction - responses part 2
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] slash fiction - responses
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- A goal.....
Rachel Bray
- More on Strange SHIPS
linda_mccabe <lmccabe at sonic.net>
- Show Me The Money! Rupert's House.
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- Harry Potter Class
Liz <cureluv88 at hotmail.com>
- Witchcraft and Wizadry/"Charmed"
dradamsapple <dradamsapple at yahoo.com>
- Pardon my French
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- slash
\lila phillips
- ISO ST:TNG support group
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- OOP: No news is no news
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Maybe July??? (was OOP: No news is no news
rvotaw at i-55.com
- I'm done. I can't believe it.This was reallyreallyreally hard
anise_leinen <anise_leinen at yahoo.com>
- I thought this was cute
Rachel Bray
- Decoupling
- Nimbus - 2003 Quiz
- CBBC poll
Richelle Votaw
- The four loves
- Where in the World is HOGWARTS?
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Couplethinking
the.gremlin at verizon.net
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Decoupling
the.gremlin at verizon.net
- Of love and LOLLIPOPS
- Writing, Right and responsibilities
A. Vulgarweed
- Ceiling wax / Madam(e) / fanfilm / couplethink
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- Fics with slash, children's books, the purpose of my schpiel on warnings (in other words, multiple responses)
- Lucky me!
- Devaluing friendship & my ranting
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- Fanfics, ratings & heated responses
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- Recommend - A Confederacy of Dunces by Toole
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- "Mudblood"
Wendy St. John
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Offensive items WAS : Re: Fanfics with slash & sex...I don't get it
Heidi Tandy
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] "Mudblood"
Audra1976 at aol.com
- Fan Fiction & Slash: Typical Story Header
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Slytherins; "loaded" language
bloubet at incanmonkey.com
- stuff
Tyler Hewitt
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Of love and LOLLIPOPS
the.gremlin at verizon.net
- CoS Trivia Game
Wendy St. John
- Jane Eyre
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Jane Eyre & Pride and Prejudice
Wendy St. John
- Responses to assaults on my parenting
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- New York Times article which has pertinence to the recent discussion about slash
- The last word on slash
Haggridd <jkusalavagemd at yahoo.com>
- Responses to [perceived] assaults... (it's long, sorry ... or maybe not *g*)
Meira B
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Responses to [perceived] assaults... (it's long, sorry ... or maybe not *g*)
Laura Ingalls Huntley
- chaperones, sex in films, parental responsibilities, and the trio
Tim Regan <timregan at microsoft.com>
- chaperones, sex in films, parental responsibilities, and the trio
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- chaperones, sex in films, parental responsibilities, and the trio
Tim Regan <timregan at microsoft.com>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: chaperones, sex in films, parental responsibilities, and the trio
Richelle Votaw
- chaperones, sex in films, parental responsibilities, and the trio
Anne <urbana at charter.net>
- Feeling Pretty and Witty but not Homosexual (was: response to, etc.)
Queer as John
- Responses to [perceived] assaults... (hope it's a bit shorter this time *g*)
meira_q <mb2910 at hotmail.com>
- "Mudblood" vs. "Muggle"
Audra1976 at aol.com
- Life After Hogwarts
infiniT <corsa808 at yahoo.com>
- Response to fanfic/slash/sex debate
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Digest Number 893
Tyler Hewitt
- Mary sueism and other fandoms question
scifispice80 <scifispice80 at yahoo.com>
- my late rant on slash and parenting, etc.
Ebony <selah_1977 at yahoo.com>
- Couplethink (late response to Tabouli, Amy, Judy)
Ebony <selah_1977 at yahoo.com>
- Has anyone read.....
Rachel Bray
- 1)an apology, which I think is in order; 2)sex ed; 3)slash and 4)homosexuality
Meira B
- News from Bloomsbury - finally!
- Glory be! The ratio! (OoP)
- Potter Slash: Rowling speaks...through her lawyers.
Milz <absinthe at mad.scientist.com>
- New poll for HPFGU-OTChatter
HPFGU-OTChatter at yahoogroups.com
- A suggestion re OoP
marephraim <htfulcher at comcast.net>
- What's Di's husbands first name?
Tim Regan <timregan at microsoft.com>
- Pre-Ordering From Amazon
shinesse <dehavensangel at hotmail.com>
- Pre-Order - Strange Thought
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re:Glory be! The ratio! (OoP)
Heidi Tandy
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Pre-Order - Strange Thought
Heidi Tandy
- Homo Sapiens and Homosexual.
Meira B
- Official release date of HP Book V!!!!!
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Pre-Ordering OotP
bloubet at incanmonkey.com
- OoP - Cover art, UK edition
Catherine Coleman <catherine at cator-manor.demon.co.uk>
- Fanfics, slash, etc. - final word
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- Flowerbeds?
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Flowerbeds?
rvotaw at i-55.com
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Age suitability of canon
rvotaw at i-55.com
- Fw from the main list: [HPforGrownups] The Book: Maybe it's a good thing.
Heidi Tandy
- OOP question
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- The prefect flowerbed solution. (at least I think so)
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- The Books in "Magic Edition"? What's up with that?
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Redeemable Draco
Beth Loubet
- The Book: Maybe it's a good thing
Meg Demeranville
- Audio books question
Darlene <Dar20 at aol.com>
- Recommendations on -Guides to HP- books?
slomudskipper <slomudskipper at hotmail.com>
- is it me or....
Rachel Bray
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: The Book: Maybe it's a good thing
rvotaw at i-55.com
- Um...Ok, my bad....(was Is it me or....)
Rachel Bray
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Audio books question
rvotaw at i-55.com
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Gay genetics, slash and the right to hate
walkthewalk999 at aol.com
- the (not quite) 6 months wait
Tyler Hewitt
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Recommendations on -Guides to HP- books?
rvotaw at i-55.com
- Amazon/BN Pre Order Question
craigf4656 <craigf4656 at hotmail.com>
- Britpickers, help! (concerning cabbage, sprouts and the occult)
Haggridd <jkusalavagemd at yahoo.com>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] the (not quite) 6 months wait
the.gremlin at verizon.net
- Comparisons of UK and US editions
joanne0012 <Joanne0012 at aol.com>
- supervised reading/dog & pizza/pro Fanfic/name Prosper/end up badly
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- Laurie documentary (v old news)
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- OoP Insanity
Gail Bohacek
- Protecting
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- Brit-Speak Help Again: "Knees up" >??
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- Reminder - Weekly Chat
HPFGU-OTChatter at yahoogroups.com
- Casting news for Sirius Black & Dumbledore
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Digest Number 902
Tyler Hewitt
- I'm at the golden globes right now
Heidi Tandy
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Serious!Question
Heidi Tandy
- Does anyone else remember this article?
aurigae_prime <ZaraLyon at aol.com>
- Serious!Question
Caius Marcius <coriolan at worldnet.att.net>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] OOP release Borders Bookstore
Robin Van Dusen
- Not-evil!Lupin/Slytherin Hermione/ Wizarding JObs/ Fanficmess
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- Just back from LOTR (finally!)
Anne <urbana at charter.net>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Just back from LOTR (finally!)
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Pre-Ordering From Amazon
Heidi Tandy
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] I'm at the golden globes right now
Audra1976 at aol.com
- Shaun - Viggo -- Wizarding Businesses - alphaquilt
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- Mrs Nicole Coulter? and Australia through US eyes
- Abbreviation question
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- Magic class
dradamsapple <dradamsapple at yahoo.com>
- Magic class
Kenneth M. Kuller <ken.kuller at veritas.com>
Brian Cordova <blessedbrian at yahoo.com>
- "The Count" (was Alphaquilt)
- Outrage! New Character Planned for LOTR III
Caius Marcius <coriolan at worldnet.att.net>
- Fawkes & Rookwood
Brian <bkb042 at yahoo.com>
- Seeking HP Fanfic Readers for Survey
Kate Tanski
- Anyone out there a HP fan from Australia/Sydney?
farmcatnow <farmgirlnow at hotmail.com>
- Cover questions...
Jennifer R. Wilson
- livejournal and deadjournal
scifispice80 <scifispice80 at yahoo.com>
- German covers
Kristjan Arnason
- [HPforGrownups] LOON correction Re: Banter and other SHIP subjects
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] livejournal and deadjournal
chrisitne m breen
- Global virus thingy - (i.e. why FictionAlley and HPfGU.org are down)
heiditandy <heidit at netbox.com>
- Happy Birthdays!/Book Covers/Rookwood (with digression on Malfoys)
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- FictionAlley and HPfGU.org.uk
Heidi Tandy
- Lots of Notts
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- House Colors
ats_fhc3 <the.gremlin at verizon.net>
- Dragon Reserch Center - Romania - MAPS
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- HP fans from Sydney, Australia
Lisa Armstrong <renitentraven at hotmail.com>
- Monty Python Influences
sallygrist <sally at gristiegraphics.co.uk>
- Favourite Quotes
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- Fwd: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Obsessed Readers
Anne <urbana at charter.net>
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Fwd: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Obsessed Readers
the.gremlin at verizon.net
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: Favourite Quotes
the.gremlin at verizon.net
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] Re: SnapeSnapeSnape (was: HP and the Obsessed Readers)
the.gremlin at verizon.net
- Bad Vladimir! Bad Bad Vladimir!
Caius Marcius <coriolan at worldnet.att.net>
- HP audio versions
Gary Sapp & Karen J.S. <KAREN-GARY at worldnet.att.net>
- fanfic quotes! wheee!
chanteuse thalia chaunacy
- [HPFGU-OTChatter] fanfic quotes! wheee!
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- Help ???
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- FF: Hermione's thoughts after the Yule Ball (formerly deleted post #13651)
Devika <devika at sas.upenn.edu>
- Bad Vladamir! Bad, Bad Vladamir!
derannimer <susannahlm at yahoo.com>
- Favorite Quotes
derannimer <susannahlm at yahoo.com>
- eep! two more fanfic quotes!
chanteuse thalia chaunacy
- Poll results for HPFGU-OTChatter
HPFGU-OTChatter at yahoogroups.com
- Dumbledore/Nicholas Flamel?
Last message date:
Fri Jan 31 19:47:07 UTC 2003
Archived on: Wed Dec 11 07:25:30 UTC 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).