February 2003 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Feb 1 00:34:12 UTC 2003
Ending: Fri Feb 28 23:39:36 UTC 2003
Messages: 1634
- The Train Stomp vs. Dissin' The Slyths WAS Re: [HPforGrownups] Re: House points
- Symbols and reality (was Not Slytherin, not Slytherin)
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- Not Slytherin, not Slytherin
derannimer <susannahlm at yahoo.com>
- The rise of the Mudbloods
jodel at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Quirrel dead?
srsiriusblack at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Hermione's parents
- Passwords (was Re: Does Snape hate muggleborns?)
gingersnape1966 <gingersnape1966 at yahoo.com>
- Who told James about the Prank?
Melody <Malady579 at hotmail.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Characters you hate
Maria Kirilenko
- Blame the Sorting Hat, not Slytherin
- Characters you Love/was:Re: [HPforGrownups] Re: Characters you hate
Sunnylove0 at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Favorite Lines; Defining Lines
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Slytherin's winning streak (was; House Points and Dumbledore)
the.gremlin at verizon.net
- Who told James about the Prank? WAS: Re: Harry HAS Two Parents
arcum42 <Arcum_Dagsson at celticwind.zzn.com>
- The Imperio Curse
vojoca <vojoca at yahoo.com>
- The Evil Trio deserved hexes [was The Train Stomp vs. Dumbledore, etc.]
Diana Lucas
- Re Dishing the Slytherins
Ali <Ali at zymurgy.org>
- the race thread/Weasley names/Mundungus Fletcher/WWII and Wizards
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- Does Snape hate muggleborns?
Crunchy Frog
- Too Many Acronyms
lizgiz1980 <lizgiz1980 at yahoo.com>
- File - HPfGU.announcement-Nimbus.htm
HPforGrownups at yahoogroups.com
- Dumbledore and Favoritism in CoS
Tom Wall <thomasmwall at yahoo.com>
- Characters you Love/was:Re: Re: Characters you hate
Crunchy Frog
- [HPforGrownups] In Defence of Harry (Was: Characters You Hate)
Catherine Coleman
- [HPforGrownups] Does Snape hate muggleborns?
Star Opal
- Snape/Lily and respect, was Snape and Respect
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- What's annoying about Harry
sophia mclaughlin
- Who has the map?
gkjpo <kristen at sanderson-web.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Slytherins and the MoM
- [HPforGrownups] Re: What's annoying about Harry /Characters you love
rvotaw at i-55.com
- [HPforGrownups] Wizards in wartime
- Reason versus Emotion
aquariajade <toberead at excite.com>
- Who told James?
derannimer <susannahlm at yahoo.com>
- Neo-racism in the WW (was; Not Slytherin, Not Slytherin)
jodel at aol.com
- Accio-proof Items (WAS:Re: House points and Dumbledore)
annemehr <annemehr at yahoo.com>
- "innocence" of Sirius Black and Voldemort and Slytherin and Squib vs Muggle
innermurk <innermurk at catlover.com>
- Moaning Myrtle
Janet Anderson
- [HPforGrownups] Moaning Myrtle
srsiriusblack at aol.com
- SHIP - Ginny and Neville at Yule Ball (what scene would you like to see)
innermurk <innermurk at catlover.com>
- House points and Dumbledore - in context of school stories
ssk7882 <skelkins at attbi.com>
- The Train Stomp vs. Dissin' The Slyths WAS Re: [HPforGrownups] Re: House points and Dumbledore, Authorial Intent, and A Question
ssk7882 <skelkins at attbi.com>
- Harry's wand and priori incantatum
innermurk <innermurk at catlover.com>
- On the nature of canon
Tom Wall <thomasmwall at yahoo.com>
- Characters you Love
- WhoToldJames?/Moonrise/InjuredSeeker/MGoshawk/SS&HG'sTeeth/Points/SortSlyths
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Moaning Myrtle
srsiriusblack at aol.com
- Myrtle/genealogy-What is Pureblood?
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- What I Love About the HP Book Series
SnapesSlytherin at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] re: WhoToldJames?/Moonrise/InjuredSeeker/MGoshawk/SS&HG's...
alicit at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Who told James?
Sunnylove0 at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Dissin' the Gryffs - Slytherin and the Reader
- TBAY (Mild): Slytherin and the Reader -- Sympathy for the Devil vs SYCOPHANTS
ssk7882 <skelkins at attbi.com>
- Injured seekers...a logical problems
Kristjan Arnason
- [HPforGrownups] Characters You Hate
- [HPforGrownups] A midget in glasses
- Ship-Fanon-Cho/Character-Person/Rhetoric/'trash' (1 of 5)
Petra Pan
- Ship-Fanon-Cho/Character-Person/Rhetoric/'trash' (2 of 5)
Petra Pan
- Ship-Fanon-Cho/Character-Person/Rhetoric/'trash' (3 of 5)
Petra Pan
- Ship-Fanon-Cho/Character-Person/Rhetoric/'trash' (4 of 5)
Petra Pan
- Ship-Fanon-Cho/Character-Person/Rhetoric/'trash' (5 of 5)
Petra Pan
- [HPforGrownups] Who told James about the Prank? WAS: Re: Harry HAS Two Pa...
Lynx412 at aol.com
- Evidence for Fear
Melody <Malady579 at hotmail.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Digest Number 2492
Darrell Harris
- [HPforGrownups] Generations
- Dangerous Rivalries WAS Re: The Train Stomp vs. Dissin' The Slyths
SnapesSlytherin at aol.com
- The Basilisk's voice
- The Bloody Baron's identity
innermurk <innermurk at catlover.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Digest Number 2494 - Who Told James?
midgiecat at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Injured seekers...a logical problems
Heidi Tandy
- House Ghosts (was The Bloody Baron's identity)
baringer2k at aol.com
- Master Class Schedule -- Possible?
three_sickles_short <three_sickles_short at hotmail.com>
- [HPforGrownups] The Bloody Baron's identity
alicit at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Blond Ambition WAS Dissin' the Gryffs
- Why did Hermione lie?
errolowl <nithya_rachel at hotmail.com>
- FILK: "The Weasleys of 'The Burrow'"
Haggridd <jkusalavagemd at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Master Class Schedule -- Possible?
Heidi Tandy
- The Boy Who Will Be You-Know-Who
Crunchy Frog
- [HPforGrownups] The Hat, the sword and the chamber, and Dumbledore
alicit at aol.com
- Mister Spellotape (filk)
Caius Marcius <coriolan_cmc at hotmail.com>
- McGonagall at the Dursleys
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- Hogwarts' Ghosts
Jimmy and Tamee Livingston
- (FILK) The Bug On The Sill
Gail Bohacek
- Train Stomp - personal initial reading
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- [HPforGrownups] Mister Spellotape (filk)
the.gremlin at verizon.net
- Wand Cores
Teri <garnet_tm at yahoo.com>
- SHIP: The Problem with Reading R/H in GOF
derannimer <susannahlm at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Draco's Crimes & Misdemeanors
- Petrification
jodel at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Characters YOu love
srsiriusblack at aol.com
- Evil Trio/Draco is evil/Train Stomp responses
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- Teachers using Timeturners?
Carolyn <summer2999 at aol.com>
- Draco's Evil/meanness..
finwitch <finwitch at yahoo.com>
- Draco vs Lucius (was evil should not be taken lightly)
Marie Gwin
- [HPforGrownups] Re: The Bloody Baron's identity
Megalynn S.
- Evil is not something you can deal with lightly. (was: Draco's Crimes & Misdeme
eloiseherisson at aol.com
- Fetching Harry
Cindy C. <cindysphynx at comcast.net>
- What happens to dead wizards' wands?
Kayla <kdoucette at gt.rr.com>
- names and clues
ingachristsuperstar <ingachristsuperstar at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Evil Is As Evil Does (WAS Evil is not something you c...
SnapesSlytherin at aol.com
- The Dullest Redemption Subplot Ever (WAS: Evil Is...)
ssk7882 <skelkins at attbi.com>
- [HPforGrownups] What happened too.......
Megalynn S.
- [HPforGrownups] Fetching Harry
HebrideanBlack66 at aol.com
- (FILK) Two FILKs for the Price of One
Gail Bohacek
- [HPforGrownups] Re: The Dullest Redemption Subplot Ever (WAS: Evil Is...)
Megalynn S.
- [HPforGrownups] The Dullest Redemption Subplot Ever (WAS: Evil Is...)
HebrideanBlack66 at aol.com
- fave character/why I keep reading
chanteuse thalia chaunacy
- Redemption
Eric Oppen
- Quick Siruis Black /Spells questions
rona_patterson <rona_patterson at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Evil Is As Evil Does
- (FILK) Honeydukes
Gail Bohacek
- [HPforGrownups] Favorite Character
- Random ideas
mysmacek <mysmacek at yahoo.com>
- Why Petrification?
eloiseherisson at aol.com
- Secret Keeper (was Quick Siruis Black /Spells questions)
- Snape Fetching Harry (WAS simply: Fetching Harry)
Steve Binch
- Unplottability (was Quick Siruis Black /Spells questions)
ameliagoldfeesh <ameliagoldfeesh at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Draco and Empathy ( Was, Re: The Dullest Redemption Subplot Ever)
Megalynn S.
- [HPforGrownups] Telling Harry Everything (was)Re: Sirius Won't Whisk /
Megalynn S.
- [HPforGrownups] Re: The Dullest Redemption Subplot Ever
Janet Anderson
- An idea about the Board of Governors
Janet Anderson
- Objections to Magic Dishwasher - Shrieking Shack
Tom Wall <thomasmwall at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Coddling
Janet Anderson
- Cedric Diggory's ancestry
jodel at aol.com
- Draco evil? was: Re: The Dullest Redemption Subplot Ever
marla m.
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Cedric Diggory's ancestry
Janet Anderson
- Number of students at Hogwarts
Steve Binch
- FF: Evil!Cho: Cho Chang and Reader Response
ssk7882 <skelkins at attbi.com>
- TBAY: All In A Day's Work
Cindy C. <cindysphynx at comcast.net>
- FILK: Moving The Thread Here (was OT-Chatter: Assassins and Squeaky!Barty)
- A question about Butterbeer
sagelyone <sagelyone at yahoo.com>
- Will Hagrid die at the hands of his own mother?
Kayla <kdoucette at gt.rr.com>
- New Dumbledore information from PS/SS
Risti <pretty_feet51 at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Secret Keepers & Sirius Black
- [HPforGrownups] Will Hagrid die at the hands of his own mother?
srsiriusblack at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Number of students
- Hagrid's life or death
Janet Anderson
- Lily and Voldemort - a very bizarre theory
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Random ideas
Trond Michelsen
- [HPforGrownups] Re: The REAL reason Snape's hair is greasy!
Jesta Hijinx
- Snape's trips away from Hogwarts
Janet Anderson
- On the nature of evidence (WAS objections to Magic Dishwasher
bluesqueak <pipdowns at etchells0.demon.co.uk>
- JKR influenced by Frankenstein? Stone and Elixir
bookworm417 <bookworm-417 at cox.net>
- [HPforGrownups] The Ongoing Mystery of "Zabini, Blaise" Was:missing students from Harry's year?
Heidi Tandy
- Professor Moody in book 4
samnjodie <englishatjodie at hotmail.com>
- Quidditch/House Cup points
Scott Northrup
- Draco and Harry
Brian andrewLawrence <floyd165 at yahoo.com>
- TBAY - Crouch - (8 of 9) Sympathy for the Devil
- Harry will not train to be an animague
smitster1 <paul-groups at wibbles.org>
- A Bizarre Thought from Wa-a-a-ay out in Left Field
dittanymorgan <lake4fam at earthlink.net>
- Occam's Razor
deadstop2001 <deadstop at wombatzone.com>
- Long Fingers (was: Wand Cores / Wandless magic)
sharana.geo <sharana.geo at yahoo.com>
- My List of Hogwart's Students
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Is Harry Potter the saviour of the wizard world?
Megalynn S.
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Is Harry Potter the saviour of the wizard world? (Was...
Lynx412 at aol.com
- Is gillyweed in gillywater?
Fred Waldrop <fredwaldrop at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Hogwarts numbers
- Harry as Christ-figure
chanteuse thalia chaunacy
- Class of '98
jodel at aol.com
- TBAY, Sympath for the Devil
jodel at aol.com
- A Twist on Stoned!Harry
annemehr <annemehr at yahoo.com>
- What If . . . What If It's A *Dud?*
Cindy C. <cindysphynx at comcast.net>
- Spymaster without Dishwasher
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- Another Barty Crouch, Jr. theory
Eric Oppen
- TBAY: Who gives an Inv. cloak to a kid anyway?
Melody <Malady579 at hotmail.com>
- What if. . .What if it's a dud?
Greg Johnson
- Old Rumors
keithj112 <humanpuppy at hotmail.com>
- The Blaise Zabini mystery
Eva <pinkfoxranger at yahoo.com>
- FILK: He's a Werewolf
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- Possibilities (was; What if it's a *Dud*?)
jodel at aol.com
- CedricTaskI/Myrtle/Oct31/CoS-Gryff/MeaningOfNames/WizardUniversity/DM'sInjury
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- Snape and Lilly Potter
samnjodie <englishatjodie at hotmail.com>
- What If . . . What If It's A *Dud?
Tyler Hewitt
- Thoughts on the Marauder's Map
Tom Wall <thomasmwall at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Thoughts on the Marauder's Map
Edward Post
- TBAY: Minerva McGonagall Is Ever So Evil!
Tom Wall <thomasmwall at yahoo.com>
- Can A Life Debt Be Engineered? (some MD)
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- TBAY: Weasley Economics: POOR BABY NAPTIME
Meg Demeranville
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Snape and Lilly Potter
Audra1976 at aol.com
- TBAY: Washing dishes and powders
Melody <Malady579 at hotmail.com>
- (FILK) Act Clumsily
Gail Bohacek
- Drinking Unicorn Blood
SnapesSlytherin at aol.com
- Marauder's Map / Weasley Finances / Charlie Weasley / Wizard University
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- Professor Moody in Book Four
samnjodie <englishatjodie at hotmail.com>
- Literary Symbolism in PoA
samnjodie <englishatjodie at hotmail.com>
- What if it's a *Dud*...plus conspiracy theories
seventhsqueal <seventhsqueal at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Weasleys, Malfoys, and Tathal the betrayer
- Fudge is a Death Eater
rctower_lv <roger.tower at worldnet.att.net>
- [HPforGrownups] Dumbledore animagus.../something of Aberworth
Edward Post
- Thoughts on the Marauders Map
waveman2010 <waveman2010 at yahoo.co.uk>
- Fetching Harry - A New Theory
- Voldemort will kill the twins!
Carolyn <summer2999 at aol.com>
- What Will 5th Year Be Like?
Audra1976 at aol.com
- FILK: "Cruel, Cruel Incredulous Men"
Haggridd <jkusalavagemd at yahoo.com>
- Dumbledore bumblebee, Quirrel and the Weasley twins.
The Sparrow
- The Fudge Factor
jodel at aol.com
- Quirrel, Weasleys, and Fudge
Janet Anderson
- They Have Drove This Wizard Crazy (filk)
Caius Marcius <coriolan_cmc at hotmail.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Cornelius Fudge
- [HPforGrownups] What did they see at the TriWT?(Was: What will happen in ...
Audra1976 at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Re: What did they see at the TriWT?
Janet Anderson
- {FILK} Lifestyles of Redheaded Weasleys
Nicole L.
- Hermione's Wand
- FILK: "She Reads the Crystal Ball"
Haggridd <jkusalavagemd at yahoo.com>
Crunchy Frog
eloiseherisson at aol.com
- Anatomy of a Rift (Part 1 of 2) LONG
dicentra63 <dicentra at xmission.com>
- One thing that bothers me that I cannot find anyone talking about
todd_nmn <todd_nmn at yahoo.com>
- (FILK) Ollie And The Gryff Team
Gail Bohacek
- Turning Items to Portkeys
- [HPforGrownups] Those left standing (Was Re: SHIP: JKR Interview)...
Meliss9900 at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups]Evil!Ginny (was Ginny SHIP: was JKR Interview )
- [HPforGrownups]Ron (was; Those left standing)
Megalynn S.
- Washing dishes and powders/ Snape's and Lupin's roles (was re MAGIC DISHWAS
eloiseherisson at aol.com
- What makes you think Harry lives?
todd_nmn <todd_nmn at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: SHIP: JKR Interview (what she said and what she didn'...
Meliss9900 at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Re: SHIP: JKR Interview (what she said and what she didn'...
- SHIP: JKR Interview (what she said and what she didn'...
Penny Linsenmayer <pennylin at swbell.net>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: SHIP: JKR Interview (what she said and what she didn'...
- SHIP: JKR Interview (what she said and what she didn'...
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- H/G (SHIP)
Penny Linsenmayer
- H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternatives
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternatives
Penny Linsenmayer
- H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternatives
anguaorc <fausts at attglobal.net>
- Ginny ,what we don't know for sure(Was:H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternatives
Judy <penumbra10 at yahoo.com>
- Ginny ,what we don't know for sure(Was:H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternat
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- Ginny ,what we don't know for sure(Was:H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternat
Jim Ferer <jferer at yahoo.com>
- Ginny ,what we don't know for sure(Was:H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternat
Judy <penumbra10 at yahoo.com>
- Ginny ,what we don't know for sure(Was:H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternat
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- Mortified Harry (was Ginny ,what we don't know for sure)
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- Mortified Harry (was Ginny ,what we don't know for sure)
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- Mortified Harry (was Ginny ,what we don't know for sure)
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- It's time to defend Ginny!
jenny_ravenclaw <meboriqua at aol.com>
- Darned right It's time to defend Ginny!
Jim Ferer <jferer at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Darned right It's time to defend Ginny!
Maria Kirilenko
- Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
Penny Linsenmayer
- [HPforGrownups] It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
- Acting their age (Was It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
serenadust <jmmears at comcast.net>
- Ginny, Hermione and being just a girl in the Potterverse( Was: Acting their age)
Julie (a.k.a. Viola) <viola_1895 at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Ginny, Hermione and being just a girl in the Potterverse( Was: Acting their age)
- Ginny, Hermione and being just a girl in the Potterverse( Was: Acting their age)
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- Ginny, Hermione and being just a girl in the Potterverse( Was: Acting their
Jim Ferer <jferer at yahoo.com>
- Hidden meanings was Re: Ginny, Hermione and being
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- Acting their age (Was It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- Acting their age (Was It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
serenadust <jmmears at comcast.net>
- Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
naamagatus <naama_gat at hotmail.com>
- Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
Shauna <wind3213 at hotmail.com>
- Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
naamagatus <naama_gat at hotmail.com>
- Harry's Pride (Was: Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
jenny_ravenclaw <meboriqua at aol.com>
- Harry's Pride (Was: Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
Shauna <wind3213 at hotmail.com>
- Trio's Pride(was: Harry's pride)
finwitch <finwitch at yahoo.com>
- Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- It's time to defend Ginny! (sans SHIP)
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- Ginny's invisibility (was :time to defend Ginny! )
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- Dancing Dudley?
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- Dancing Dudley? Addendum on themes
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- Weight watching (was Dancing Dudley?)
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- Weight watching (was Dancing Dudley?)
Crunchy Frog
- Weight watching (was Dancing Dudley?)
jenny_ravenclaw <meboriqua at aol.com>
- Weight watching (was Dancing Dudley?)
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- Weight watching (was Dancing Dudley?)
morgan_d_yyh <morgan_d_yyh at yahoo.com>
- 'Handsome' Maxime (was Weight watching)
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- 'Handsome' Maxime (was Weight watching)
anguaorc <fausts at attglobal.net>
- Ginny's invisibility (was :time to defend Ginny! )
ssk7882 <skelkins at attbi.com>
- It's time to defend Ginny!
- Ginny ,what we don't know for sure(Was:H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternat
Judy <penumbra10 at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Ginny ,what we don't know for sure(Was:H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternat
Richelle Votaw
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Ginny ,what we don't know for sure(Was:H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternat
Maria Kirilenko
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Ginny ,what we don't know for sure(Was:H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternat
- Ginny ,what we don't know for sure(Was:H/G and other unobvious SHIP alternat
karywick <karenwickersham at ameritech.net>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: SHIP: JKR Interview (what she said and what she didn'...
Taryn Kimel
- [HPforGrownups] Re: SHIP: JKR Interview (what she said and what she didn'...
Megalynn S.
- Polyjuice possibilities?
- [HPforGrownups] Fudge and Mudge
- Is Harry really in trouble?
todd_nmn <todd_nmn at yahoo.com>
- Pre-judgements Entering OotP
Tom Wall <thomasmwall at yahoo.com>
- Well-backed up death prediction, not necessarily for book 5 though
brassgryphon <madaxe at starspath.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Time-Turner
SnapesSlytherin at aol.com
- Time-Turner
karywick <karenwickersham at ameritech.net>
- (FILK) His Stupid Valentines
Gail Bohacek
- Mostly dead (was: What makes you think Harry lives? )
- [HPforGrownups] Pre-judgements Entering OotP
Janet Anderson
- trust (re:pre-judgements entering Oop)
The Sparrow
- trust death and Ginny
The Sparrow
- Order of Merlin Question?
rona_patterson <rona_patterson at yahoo.com>
- Filk: I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write That Guy a Letter
Amy Z
- Padfoot (was: Naming Wormtail (was Scabbers at Hagrid's))
Claire <ophelia12uk at yahoo.co.uk>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Anatomy of a Rift/Misdirection
Meliss9900 at aol.com
- re trust (re:pre-judgements entering Oop)
Darrell Harris
- What makes you think Voldemort will live?
- [HPforGrownups] what makes you think Harry will live?
Elizabeth Riley
- Response Agency in Shrieking Shack and life bond theory
- Harry Potter the Frog Princess
David <dfrankiswork at netscape.net>
- [HPforGrownups] Merlin
- Elixer of Life (was: RE:What makes you think Harry lives
Tyler Hewitt
- Harry's Purpose
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- Snape and Hagrid
kateydidnt2002 <kateydidnt2002 at yahoo.com>
- Another SHIPping possibility
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- Hermione, heroines and love interests
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- Book 5 death could be Mr. or Mrs. Weasley
natacha pankratz
- Not back FROM Death, but back TO death.
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: SUNLIGHT ULTRA (Was TBAY: Washing dishes and powders
Meliss9900 at aol.com
- anagrams of names in HP
lilymaid_9 <baby_bluebear_angel at hotmail.com>
- [filk] Love Potion in Book Five
- Sirius' High - Security Vault? (Vaults 711 and 713)
sixhoursahead <sixhoursahead at yahoo.com>
- Time Turner
sharana.geo <sharana.geo at yahoo.com>
- Time-turner: the immutable past
qaztroc <gliese229b at aol.com>
- Potters in the Mirror of Erised
btk6y <btk6y at virginia.edu>
- All We Care About Is Five (filk)
Caius Marcius <coriolan_cmc at hotmail.com>
- SHIP Snape/Lily (some FF)
jotwo2003 <jsummerill at summerillj.freeserve.co.uk>
- After reading the FAQ on the missing 24 hours -- a thought
marephraim <htfulcher at comcast.net>
- Dying and age-appropriate fiction
Tyler Hewitt
- [HPforGrownups] anagrams of names in HP
ksnidget at aol.com
- Was Harry specifically conceived to destroy Voldemort?
hedge2staxy <hodgins at ssi.net>
- [HPforGrownups] Was Harry specifically conceived to destroy Voldemort?
IAmLordCassandra at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Snape and Hagrid
srsiriusblack at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Harry is no Animagus WAS: Re: anagrams of names in HP
ksnidget at aol.com
- Harry's true purpose
Tyler Hewitt
- Moaning Myrtle's ghost (was:Not back FROM Death, but back TO death.)
The Sparrow
- Anatomy of a Rift/H vs. R&Hr
Debbie <debmclain at yahoo.com>
- Rift/sunlightultra/MerlinAgenda/DDAgenda/Grindelwald/VoldemortTMR/TT/Erised
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- A victory song for the Ravenclaws (FILK)
Eric Oppen
- [HPforGrownups] Digest Number 2533
- [HPforGrownups] missing 24 hours
- [HPforGrownups] Merlin/Grindelwald
- [HPforGrownups] Re: After reading the FAQ on the missing 24 hours -- a th...
srsiriusblack at aol.com
- Bad valentines
Janet Anderson
- Another Dursley Question
Fred Waldrop <fredwaldrop at yahoo.com>
- Slavery (filk)
Caius Marcius <coriolan_cmc at hotmail.com>
- How can they tell who's a Muggle?
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- How do you end the effect of veritaserum?
prachee13 <prachee at goatelecom.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Grindelwald, Voldemort, and other dark folks
- [HPforGrownups] Grindelwald and evil
- [HPforGrownups] Re: How do you end the effect of veritaserum?
Star Opal
- Serious, I mean Sirius, Evil
mhoffer70 <MHoffer70 at aol.com>
- Ginny vs Hermione (was) Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
Star Opal
- gillyweed in gillywater?
jodel at aol.com
- Re; (FILK) Three Names From The Goblet
Gail Bohacek
- Austen, R/H and H/G (was RE: Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
- Madcap Freddie and Prankster George (FILK)
Star Opal
- Crouch the Mole?
Eric Oppen
- FILK: Those Eyes
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- Austen and Why Parallels DO Exist for R/H and/or H/G (was Re: Austen and why parallels do not exist for R/H and/or H/G)
Nicole L.
- [HPforGrownups] It's time to defend Ginny!
ArtsyLynda at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] darned right it's time to defend Ginny!
ArtsyLynda at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Cho; It's time to defend Ginny! (some SHIP)
ArtsyLynda at aol.com
- Harry's attitude to Ginny (was: It's time to defend Ginny!)
ArtsyLynda at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Bad guys again
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Weight watching (was Dancing Dudley?)
Star Opal
- "Professor Lockhart" (filk)
Haggridd <jkusalavagemd at yahoo.com>
- SHIP-less Austen-Harry Potter Parallels
erisedstraeh2002 <erisedstraeh2002 at yahoo.com>
- Acronyms (filk)
Caius Marcius <coriolan_cmc at hotmail.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Anatomy of a Rift (Part 2 of 2) LONG
Meliss9900 at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Serious, I mean Sirius, Evil
Becky Walkden
- Self-Confident Hermione? (Was Re: Cho; It's time to defend Ginny!)
Nicole L.
- Question about Death Eaters
Greg Johnson
- Austen and Why tiny, tiny Parallels DO Exist for R/H and H/G
Nicole L.
- ambitious wizards / ambitious girls / Death Eaters
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- Veritaserum and Truth Potions (was 'How do you end the effect of veritaserum?')
Aimee Stapler
- Dumbledore and Dementors
Barclay, Maggie
- [HPforGrownups] Dumbledore and Dementors
Janet Anderson
- Theories and Questions...
crookshanks731 at sbcglobal.net <crookshanks731 at sbcglobal.net>
- Draco's reaction to Voldie (was:Draco's Warning)
- [HPforGrownups] Veritaserum and Truth Potions (was 'How do you end the effect of veritaserum?')
Star Opal
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Anatomy of a Rift (Part 1 of 2) LONG
Megalynn S.
- Gillywater vs. Gillyweed
Kathryn Wolber
- Rubeus Theory
Sheena <JuliusSalt at hotmail.com>
- Did Rita see Sirius transform?
Kate the Great <pup1986 at yahoo.com>
- Pronunciation
- neville's raw power (previously "how can they tell who's a muggle?") AND filk
Jonathan Pessin
- [HPforGrownups] Straying onto your manor/Dumbledore
- Concerning Portkeys
Maria Kirilenko
- Neville Now and Later
alexpie at aol.com
- Yes or Kno?
alexpie at aol.com
- Programmed Portkeys and Pudgy Neville
erisedstraeh2002 <erisedstraeh2002 at yahoo.com>
- Rubeus Theory of flying
- All We Have To Do Is Wait (filk)
Haggridd <jkusalavagemd at yahoo.com>
- "I am going to tell you everything"
sophiamcl <sophiamcl at hotmail.com>
- The wording of the Valentine
gingersnape1966 <gingersnape1966 at yahoo.com>
- The anatomy of fat and skinny(was: weight watching)
The Sparrow
- [HPforGrownups] Digest Number 2550 Rubeus Theory
Brenda Wendelken
- Blackmail Revisited -Fred, George, & Hermione
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Vernon's character
- Harry's watch
morgan_d_yyh <morgan_d_yyh at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Lords of the manor and dark siders
- teaching staff marital status & only children
Claire <ophelia12uk at yahoo.co.uk>
- Did Rita see Sirius transform? and re: pronunciation
Jonathan Pessin
- Vernon's character
maria_kirilenko <maria_kirilenko at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Blackmail Revisited -Fred, George, & Hermione
Lynx412 at aol.com
- FILK: Harry's in the Castle (Cats in the Cradle)
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- Weasleys with Arthurian Names
seventhsqueal <seventhsqueal at yahoo.com>
- Is it Ron?
susanbones2003 <rdas at facstaff.wisc.edu>
- Pronunciations
Honoria Granger <honoriagranger at yahoo.com>
- Digest 2552 -teaching staff marital status & only children
Brenda Wendelken
- [HPforGrownups] Teachers' and wizards' families
- Why I pronounce it nuts, Lupin (was Pronunciation)
Audra1976 at aol.com
- Vernon a squib??
acciopotter <crookshanks731 at sbcglobal.net>
- Rowling's favorite room??
Jonathan Pessin
- [HPforGrownups] Vernon a squib??
Audra1976 at aol.com
- I Looked It Up (filk)
Caius Marcius <coriolan_cmc at hotmail.com>
- Arthurian names / Married Professors / Weasleys / Malfoys / LupinE
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- [HPforGrownups] Rowling's favorite room??
Pat Mahony
- [HPforGrownups] Percy or Perce
Brenda Wendelken
- Reminder - Weekly Chat
HPforGrownups at yahoogroups.com
- IOf Lupin(e)s and Guineveres...
Honoria Granger <honoriagranger at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Minding your Manors
Maria Gromova
- Castle - How big is big. I say VERY BIG.
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- Lupine / Muggle Parents / BIG Castle
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) <catlady at wicca.net>
- Godric Hollow/Heartless Dursleys
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- What is Godric's Hollow? (was: Godric Hollow/Heartless Dursleys)
Emily F
- Question regarding Harry's watch
- [HPforGrownups]Hogwarts dimensions
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Godric's Hollow is a Town (WAS: What is Godric's Hollow?)
Megalynn S.
- (FILK) They Say That I'm In Love With Her
Gail Bohacek
- [HPforGrownups] Who's dying? (was: "Is it Ron?"
artsylynda at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] Who's dying? (was: "Is it Ron?"
Trond Michelsen
- OK, this rumor is going to die right here
Amy Z <lupinesque at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] OK, this rumor is going to die right here
Trond Michelsen
- [HPforGrownups] OK, this rumor is going to die right here
Meliss9900 at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] OK, this rumor is going to die right here
Audra1976 at aol.com
- JKR and Jealous!Ron
dicentra63 <dicentra at xmission.com>
- Ron & Jealousy(was:Re: OK, this rumor is going to die right here)
serenadust <jmmears at comcast.net>
- Ron & Jealousy(was:Re: OK, this rumor is going to die right here)
gily_ann <gily_ann at yahoo.com>
- Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
- Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- Distant Hermione? (Was Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
Leah Jamison <ecprincess78 at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
- Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
serenadust <jmmears at comcast.net>
- Hermione's ShipMates (Was Ron & Jealousy)
GRACE701 <grace701 at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
Erika Lachapelle
- [HPforGrownups] Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
- Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
corinthum <kkearney at students.miami.edu>
- Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
serenadust <jmmears at comcast.net>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Hermione's Jealousy (Was Ron & Jealousy)
Taryn Kimel
- OK, this rumor is going to die right here
Anne <urbana at charter.net>
- [HPforGrownups] OK, this rumor is going to die right here
Trond Michelsen
- LATimes article (was) OK, this rumor is going to die right here
Petra Pan
- OK, this rumor is going to die right here
pippin_999 <foxmoth at qnet.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: OK, this rumor is going to die right here
Trond Michelsen
- OK, this rumor is going to die right here
etyksm <etyksm at yahoo.co.uk>
- OK, this rumor is going to die right here
erisedstraeh2002 <erisedstraeh2002 at yahoo.com>
- this rumor is going to die - new Reference
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- Is This Quote Legit?
- Is This Quote Legit?
Penny Linsenmayer
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Is This Quote Legit?
- Another Quote to be Nitpicked
- [HPforGrownups] Another Quote to be Nitpicked
Trond Michelsen
- [HPforGrownups] Another Quote to be Nitpicked
- [HPforGrownups] Another Quote to be Nitpicked
Trond Michelsen
- [HPforGrownups] Another Quote to be Nitpicked
- The Cbc quote (was : Is This Quote Legit?)
errolowl <nithya_rachel at hotmail.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Is This Quote Legit?
Richelle Votaw
- Is This Quote Legit?
bluesqueak <pipdowns at etchells0.demon.co.uk>
- Is This Quote Legit?
Erica <cymru1ca at yahoo.ca>
- [HPforGrownups] Re:this rumor is going to die - new Reference
Carrie S
- A Third Evans Sister?
a_rude_mechanical <a_rude_mechanical at yahoo.com>
- You Can Always Count On Me (filk)
Haggridd <jkusalavagemd at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Godric's Hollow is a Town (WAS: What is Godric's Holl...
Audra1976 at aol.com
- How Will I Ever Get Through/Stride by Stride by Stride (filk)
Caius Marcius <coriolan_cmc at hotmail.com>
- TBAY/SHIP: _She_
derannimer <susannahlm at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Ron's Alleged Jealousy
Meliss9900 at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] A Third Evans Sister?
Audra1976 at aol.com
- [HPforGrownups] What is Godric's Hollow? (was: Godric Hollow/Heartless Du...
Meliss9900 at aol.com
- Was Lily a Muggle-born - Definitively YES
Steve <bboy_mn at yahoo.com>
- (FILK) Please Let Me Find Something
Gail Bohacek
- TBAY - A Conspiracy Unmasked (CHOP)
- Three Missing Death Eaters (WAS: don't know if this has been discussed...)
Tom Wall <thomasmwall at yahoo.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Scream Wand/Priori Incantatem
Meliss9900 at aol.com
- Foreshadowing Clues in CoS
Peter Shea
- Snape and the Turban
greatlit2003 <hieya at hotmail.com>
- [HPforGrownups] Re: Foreshadowing Clues in CoS
Pat Mahony
- Redeeming the Dursleys
Eric Oppen
- FILK: The Granger (to the tune of The Gambler)
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- FILK: "I'm On Fire!" (to the tune of "Wildfire")
Diana <dianasdolls at yahoo.com>
- Significance of names...... again.
megalynn44 <megalynn44 at hotmail.com>
- Trelawny's Prediction
jodel at aol.com
- TBAY jaunt AND filk
Jonathan Pessin
- Snape's secret
greatlit2003 <hieya at hotmail.com>
- The Sorting Hat and Houses
Morgan D.
- The Sorting Hat's Song (WAS sorting hat death?)
Morgan D.
- The Persistence of Memory
jodel at aol.com
- FILK: Smooth Criminal - HP style
Jeanne Blade
- Clues in GoF (WAS: Clues in CoS)
Margaret Thomas
- Sorting hat and houses
Jonathan Pessin
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 23:39:36 UTC 2003
Archived on: Fri Dec 13 05:45:34 UTC 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).